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Global Trade Essays

The Invention of the Suez Canal in November 1869

Introduction Background of the Study Suez Canal is a waterway connector between the Red sea and the Mediterranean Sea. Napoleon Bonaparte initiated the idea to construct the artificial canal in 1789. Its sole idea of Napoleon was to enhance trade advantage for the French colonial system over other European colonial masters like Britain. The initial ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3247

Essay on International Economics

Transnational trade refers to the exchange of commodities and services between two different nation state. Taking part in the global trade offers customers and countries the chance to be visible to goods and services which are not produced or available in their states or more expensive domestically. The global economy attributes its rise and prosperity ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 621
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International Trade Discussion

The economy of a country can be improved through participation in global trade. Thus, it entails the exchange of goods and services at least between two nations (Meyer 2017). The voluntary exchange of goods and services among the involved countries is usually based on mutual benefit. Thus, International trade has allowed governments to establish economic ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 643

Crypto Currency on Global Trade

As a result of the advancement of technology over the few decades, digital money has repaced the globe as an alternative op on dealing with money and exchange. This newest form of digital money is known as Cryptocurrency. The introduction of these forms of financial exchange has benefited individuals and countries in several ways, such ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 816
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