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Global Supply Chains Essays

Effective Strategies for Organizational Decision-Making in Sustainability, Global Supply Chains, and Humanitarian Aid Considering Multiple Factors

Efficient organizations require multilevel strategic decisions covering the financial, environmental, logistic, and social domains. In determining sustainability numerously, leaders need to weigh shifts in return periods and net present value against nonfinancial considerations, including reduced eco-impact benefits and generating goodwill among people. The supplier needs, internal business goals, and beneficiary outcomes must be meticulously balanced ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2193

Brandwatch – Local Food

Creating awareness about a topic and advancing it requires prior knowledge about that interesting topic. Social media platforms play a crucial role in providing this information, and one such platform is Brandwatch, a consumer intelligence and social media management tool that gives information about the mentioned volume from Twitter, forums, news, and reviews about a ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1768
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