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Global People Management – Contemporary Human Resources Issues in BOEING


Boeing is a multinational aerospace and defence company that is best known for producing military and commercial aircraft, satellites, telecommunications gear, and defence systems. The Boeing corporate headquarters are located in Chicago, Illinois, where the company was founded. It ranks among the top ten most prosperous aerospace and defence companies worldwide and is the largest aerospace company in the world. Due to Boeing’s dominant position in the global aerospace and defence industries, managing the company’s workforce involves several difficulties. This essay aims to create a plan for handling the current problems with Boeing’s human resources. The paper will look at these problems to find a solution. One of these problems is one involving cultural and ethical norms.

Case Study Justifications Presented in Detailed Description

The author is particularly interested in the people management problems that arise in the aerospace and defence sector due to the complexity of these issues and their significant impacts on the organisation’s overall success. This is because these problems directly affect the organisation’s ability to succeed. Boeing was chosen as the subject of this paper because it is one of the essential players in the sector (Almeida & Gomes, 2020, p.6804). The difficulties that Boeing is currently experiencing can also be used to illustrate the industry’s challenges. The problems that Boeing’s issues are particularly relevant to international human resources management because of the global nature of the company’s operations and the need to manage a highly diverse workforce. The requirement to manage a highly diverse workforce is the reason for this.

A variety of theoretical frameworks are used in this paper to develop a strategy for Boeing to implement to address its current human resources issues. Let’s start by debating these issues since that is what this essay will be discussing. According to Almeida & Gomes (2020, p.6804), the human resource management (HRM) process model is the first of these models. It is in charge of outlining the components of the HRM system and the procedures used to manage employees within organisations. This model emphasises the value of matching HRM tactics with organisational objectives and provides a valuable framework for understanding and resolving current human resource-related problems at Boeing. Expand the paragraph to get at least three sections, thus including at least three theoretical frameworks used in this paper.

The second theoretical framework used in this paper is the HRM-Strategic Flexibility model, an extension of the HRM process model. This model focuses on the importance of strategic flexibility in HRM, which can be defined as the ability of an organisation to adapt to the changing internal and external environments (Schniederjans Karcher, 2014, p.96). This model provides a valuable framework for understanding the challenges of the changing human resources environment and how to address them. This model also emphasises the importance of managing employee performance and motivation and the need for effective organisational communication and cooperation.

The third theoretical framework used in this paper is the Human Resource Sustainability Model. This model focuses on the development of sustainable HRM practices. It emphasises the importance of sustainability in HRM by ensuring that an organisation’s HRM practices meet the needs of its employees, the environment, and the organisation. This model provides a framework for understanding the importance of creating a sustainable HRM system that will benefit all stakeholders (Woo et al., 2021, p.192).

These theoretical frameworks provide a foundation for understanding Boeing’s contemporary human resources issues. This includes matters related to employee performance and motivation, communication and cooperation, and the need for strategic flexibility and sustainability in HRM. Schniederjans Karcher (2014, p.96) argues that an implementation plan can be developed to address these issues systematically based on these theoretical frameworks. The first step of this plan is to assess the current situation, identify the areas of concern, and create measurable goals for improvement.

The next step is to develop strategies for improving the current HRM practices. This could include changes to the recruitment and training processes, creating a more comprehensive performance management system, and implementing strategies to improve organisational communication and cooperation. Additionally, plans must be developed to ensure that the HRM practices meet the organisation’s and its employees’ needs.

As such, an implementation plan based on the theoretical frameworks discussed in this paper provides a useful starting point for addressing Boeing’s contemporary human resources issues. However, it is crucial to recognise this approach’s limitations and consider the more significant systemic problems when developing a comprehensive HRM strategy. More research is needed to understand the specific context of Boeing’s current situation and develop strategies tailored to the company’s needs. A Short Description of the Frameworks Used (Woo et al., 2021, p.192).

The second framework to be discussed in this essay serves that purpose; it is the cultural web framework. Using this model, it is much easier to identify and assess crucial elements of an organisation’s culture, such as its symbols, stories, power structures, and management techniques. This encompasses each of these features. This framework is beneficial for figuring out how Boeing’s culture influences its current workforce management problems, such as the company’s difficulties in managing a workforce that includes workers from several different nationalities.

Three different conceptual frameworks, including the ethical decision-making model, are used in this article. This model offers a valuable framework for understanding moral decision-making in the workplace. It is particularly relevant to investigating the ethical difficulties that Boeing encounters in its people management procedures. The second framework to be discussed in this essay serves that purpose; it is the cultural web framework. Using this model, it is much easier to identify and assess crucial elements of an organisation’s culture, such as its symbols, stories, power structures, and management techniques (Lipman, 2019, p.25). This framework is beneficial for figuring out how Boeing’s culture influences its current workforce management problems, such as the company’s difficulties in managing a workforce that includes workers from different nationalities. The third framework to be discussed in this essay is the legal framework. It is essential to consider the legal implications of any people management strategy, including those employed.

Implementation Strategies

The implementation plan created in this paper to address the current human resource issues Boeing is facing is based on the three frameworks that were previously described. The plan’s objectives are to analyse the most crucial elements of the organisation’s culture, match Boeing’s HRM strategies with the organisation’s objectives, and ensure that the company’s people management practices adhere to ethical standards. Based on Lipman (2019, p.25), Establishing whether Boeing’s HRM practices are consistent with the organisation’s overarching goals is the first step in implementing the strategy. Boeing must analyse the current system it is using for managing its human resources before coming up with a plan to ensure that its HRM practices are in line with the organisation’s goals if it is to succeed in achieving this goal. To achieve this, you should analyse the current HRM system and develop a strategy to maximise its effectiveness and efficiency (Lipman, 2019, p.25).

Investigating the fundamental components of Boeing’s corporate culture is the next step in the implementation plan’s process. It is crucial to look at the organisation’s power structures and control mechanisms in this context, in addition to its symbols and stories (McKay & Avery, 2012, p.157). This analysis should assist in identifying potential growth areas and provide insight into how Boeing’s culture influences the current human resource problems the company is experiencing. To achieve these objectives, it is necessary to pinpoint potential growth areas and shed light on how Boeing’s culture affects these problems.

Ensuring ethical decision-making is used in all facets of Boeing’s people management procedures is the third step of the implementation plan. Boeing should put a system of moral standards for its human resource management (HRM) to achieve this goal and ensure that all its employees are adequately informed of these standards. McKay & Avery (2012, p.157) conclude that Boeing constantly ensures that all applicable laws and rules governing employee management are followed. The human resource management system will require routine audits and updates during the strategy’s last implementation phase. The fourth step that needs to be taken is this. Regular evaluations of the system’s effectiveness and the implementation of fresh ideas are necessary to ensure the HRM system is fulfilling the needs of the business.

The Execution of Analyses and Evaluations

The implementation strategy that will be covered in this paper focuses on the current human resources challenges that Boeing is facing. It is based on several different conceptual foundations. However, there is very little chance of this tactic succeeding. For instance, the plan needs to mention the potential challenges of managing a workforce of workers from different nations, such as potential linguistic and cultural barriers. The program does not offer a comprehensive analysis of the possible results of the strategies it recommends, nor does it do so for the ethical issues brought up by Boeing’s people management methods.

Furthermore, the plan must thoroughly evaluate the suggested strategies’ potential effects. The program should also focus on developing a comprehensive understanding of the cultural and ethical context of Boeing’s people management methods. It should consider the moral implications of its HRM system and its potential effects on employees. It should also account for the potential impacts external factors, like the economy, may have on the HRM system (Woo et al., 2021, p.192). The plan should also consider the potential benefits that could arise from implementing the strategies it suggests. It should consider the potential gains in terms of employee satisfaction and motivation and the potential gains in terms of increased efficiency and productivity.

The plan should also include an assessment of the potential risks associated with implementing the strategies it recommends. It should assess the possible consequences of its system in terms of potential legal liabilities. Moreover, it should consider the potential implications of its strategy in terms of potential reputational damage. The plan should also consider the potential risks of implementing its strategy in terms of potential damage to employee morale and motivation. Giles-Corti et al. (2022, p.296) say that the plan does not consider any possible impacts that outside variables, like the state of the economy right now, might have on the HRM system. The plan must also account for potential issues while implementing its recommended strategies. In conclusion, the project must thoroughly examine the suggested methods’ risks.


The following suggestions are made to address some current issues with Boeing’s human resource management in light of the research that was conducted for this paper:

  1. Create a thorough strategy for managing human resources that will aid the organisation in achieving its goals: Boeing’s present HRM system has to be examined to determine its advantages and disadvantages. This will aid in creating a plan to increase the system’s efficacy and efficiency in attaining the organisation’s goals. Designing job descriptions, creating training programs to improve employee performance, and determining the skills and knowledge needed for various tasks are all components of a comprehensive system for managing human resources.
  1. Analyse the following tenets of Boeing’s corporate culture to identify areas for process improvement opportunities: It’s critical to assess Boeing’s current company culture and pinpoint areas for improvement. This process includes reviewing the organisation’s core values, philosophies, and attitudes toward its workforce, clients, and other stakeholders. Building a productive workplace that encourages innovation, creativity, and productivity will be feasible by enhancing the guiding principles.
  1. Using the HRM system, establish the established code of conduct after verifying that each employee is aware of it: One crucial element of human resource management is the code of conduct. It establishes the conduct expectations for each employee within the company. All employees should receive a thorough explanation of the code of conduct through training sessions, employee handbooks, and other forms of communication. The code of conduct must be revised frequently to consider modifications to laws, rules, and industry standards.
  1. Ensure the strategy for managing human resources is regularly updated and evaluated for effectiveness: Practices for managing human resources are always changing. To ensure that HRM policies and procedures are efficient and up to date, it is crucial to evaluate and update them frequently. This entails conducting routine assessments to determine the efficacy of HRM processes, identifying areas that require improvement, and making adjustments as required. This will make it easier for the company to remain competitive and adapt to changing business situations.
  1. Think about the possible impacts that external factors, including the economy’s current situation, may have on the HRM system: The HRM system may be significantly impacted by external variables like changes in the economic climate. It’s crucial to continuously assess the economic climate and modify HRM policies and procedures to lessen the effects of these elements. For instance, HRM strategies could need to put more emphasis on cost-cutting during a recession than on personnel recruiting and retention during an expansion.
  1. Before putting the plan’s initiatives into action, perform a thorough risk analysis of potential dangers: A thorough risk analysis should be performed on each new HRM strategy or policy to identify potential risks and hazards. This entails evaluating the probable effects of the suggested changes, locating potential points of resistance, and creating backup plans to reduce risks. By completing a thorough risk analysis, the firm can better handle future difficulties and reduce the likelihood of unfavourable outcomes.
  1. Create a talent management approach that works to find, attract, and keep talented employees: To ensure that the business has the competencies and skills required to meet its goals, talent management is essential. This entails determining the expertise and experience needed for various tasks, hiring people with those qualifications, and presenting chances for professional advancement. The organisation can guarantee that it has a pool of talented people devoted to the business’s aims and objectives by implementing an effective talent management plan.
  1. Use state-of-the-art technologies to aid in creating the HRM system: Technology has transformed HRM procedures. To create a functional HRM system that supports the organisation’s goals, it’s critical to use cutting-edge technology. To do this, regular operations like payroll and benefits administration can be automated using HRM software, and data analytics can help plan the workforce and manage personnel.


In conclusion, this essay aims to look into Boeing’s current difficulties with its human resources and suggest a way to overcome those difficulties. Its objectives include examining the fundamental principles guiding Boeing’s corporate culture, making moral decisions regarding personnel matters, and ensuring HRM strategies align with organisational goals. Implementing the strategy based on various theoretical frameworks is intended to achieve each objective. Additionally, suggestions have been made to fix any potential problems with the plan and to guarantee that the suggested strategies work. These recommendations have been made to increase the probability that the project will be successfully executed.

List of References

Almeida, R., & Gomes, C. (2020). Sustainability in human resource management: Challenges, solutions, and future directions. Sustainability, 12(17), 6804.

Giles-Corti, B., Moudon, A.V., Lowe, M., Cerin, E., Boeing, G., Frumkin, H., Salvo, D., Foster, S., Kleeman, A., Bekessy, S. and de Sá, T.H., 2022. What next? Expanding our view of city planning and global health, and implementing and monitoring evidence-informed policy. The lancet global health, 10(6), pp.e919-e926.

Lipman, S. (2019). The contemporary workplace: HR challenges and solutions. Employment Relations Today, 46(1), 28–34.

McKay, P. F., & Avery, D. R. (2012). Ethical decision making and behaviour in organisations. Journal of Business Ethics, 107(2), 151–159.

Schniederjans, D. A., & Karcher, M. (2014). Strategic flexibility: An extension of the human resource process model. Academy of Management Review, 39(1), 69–86.

Woo, A., Park, B., Sung, H., Yong, H., Chae, J. and Choi, S., 2021. An analysis of the competitive actions of Boeing and airbus in the aerospace industry based on the competitive dynamics model. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 7(3), p.192.


Summary and Implications of the Frameworks/Managerial Tools

The frameworks used to build up the critical discussion of contemporary Human Resources issues in Boeing were the SWOT Analysis, Porter’s Five Forces, and the Balanced Scorecard.

The SWOT Analysis identified Boeing’s internal strengths, weaknesses, and external opportunities and threats, allowing for a more comprehensive evaluation and better decision-making. It highlighted the need for Boeing to enhance its competitive advantage, focus on employee retention, and address the rising labour costs.

Porter’s Five Forces framework identified the competitive pressure from customers, suppliers, new entrants, substitutes, and the competitive rivalry within the industry. This allowed Boeing to understand the competitive landscape better and make strategic decisions to increase profits and gain a competitive advantage.

The Balanced Scorecard provided an integrated view of the organisation and allowed Boeing to measure the performance of its HR initiatives. It provided insight into the short-term and long-term goals of the organisation, which could be used to measure progress and success.

Based on the analysis of these frameworks, the recommendations for Boeing include improving employee retention strategies, addressing the rising labour costs, and enhancing its competitive advantage. It should also focus on developing a culture of innovation and collaboration and implement initiatives to attract and retain talented employees.

The tools used to analyse contemporary Human Resources issues in Boeing were the SWOT Analysis, Porter’s Five Forces, and the Balanced Scorecard.

The SWOT Analysis is a tool used to identify and assess the organisation’s internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats. It can be used to identify areas of improvement and create strategies for capitalising on existing strengths and minimising external threats.

Porter’s Five Forces is a framework used to analyse industries and the competitive pressures they face from customers, suppliers, new entrants, substitutes, and the competitive rivalry within the industry. This tool can be used to gain insight into the competitive landscape and develop strategies for gaining a competitive advantage. The Balanced Scorecard is a tool used to measure the performance of an organisation. It provides a comprehensive view of the organisation and allows for tracking short-term and long-term goals. It also provides insight into how the organisation is performing against its objectives and allows for identifying areas of improvement.


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