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Geography Essays

Geography Project Plan

Introduction The service project identified is “Assisting Homeless Persons in Orleans, Louisiana (USA).” This project aims to provide the homeless populations in New Orleans, Louisiana (USA) with safe residential places free from substance and drug abuse. The construction of three rehabilitation centers in the area shall go a long way in preventing homelessness. The project ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1396

The Meteor Crater in Arizona

Introduction The Meteor Crater, situated close to Winslow, Arizona, is an influential land formation coming about because of a shooting star influence that happened roughly a long time back during the Pleistocene age. The crater, or Barringer crater, ranges almost 1,200 meters in width and 170 meters from top to bottom, making it one of ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 733
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Energy Transition in China

Introduction China’s rapid economic growth expanded the job market, leading to significant rural-to-city urbanization and an increased demand for transportation services and consumptions. Especially, China, which transformed into an e-commerce market during the COVID-19 lockdown period, has experienced a surge in industrial transportation activities. China has built millions of miles of roads, bridges, and railway ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2047

Understanding Spatial Disparities in Sydney: A Geographic Information System (GIS) Analysis

Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) offer valuable perspectives into the spatial dispersion of benefits and drawbacks across different locales, rendering them indispensable instruments for grasping the intricate composition of our present-day globe. This study employs geospatial information systems (GIS) to scrutinize the diverse topography of Sydney, Australia. Sydney, an international city, is distinguished by its varied ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1569

The Development of New Western States and Territories: A Tale of Expansion and Innovation

Introduction The growth of the United States in the western frontier was a crucial part of American history, characterized by the attainment of extensive regions after the Mexican-American War and the establishment of the alleged Midwest. This article explores both the parallels and disparities in the progress of these fresh western states and territories, emphasizing ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 949

The National Art Museum of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia): A Gateway to Yakutian Artistry

Introduction Art museums serve as sources of cultural and historical past, reflecting the creative expressions of diverse societies. The National Art Museum of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), located in Yakutsk, Russia, is an exciting organization that showcases the Yakut people’s unique artistry and cultural background (Pokatilova 3). This essay explores the National Art Museum ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 789

Sustainable Practices in Planning and Management Strategies: A Case Study of Copenhagen

Introduction: Regarding sustainability and environmentally friendly policies, Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, has taken the lead (Alkhani, 2020). Since it is a centre of culture, history, and tourism, the city understands its power to influence discussions on sustainable development (Liburd, Menke, & Tomej, 2023) due to its size and popularity. It recognizes that striking a ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3489

A Comparative Geography of Guildford and Cloverdale

A Comparative Geography of Guildford and Cloverdale Cities are residents of several individuals comprising the entire population of the world who are attracted by the infrastructural and economic resources that sustain the well-being of the people. Infrastructure and cities drive many people to have developed them for the future they mainly foresee due to the ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2445

History and Analysis of Pacific Islands

Origins of the People The timeline of the pacific islands’ prehistory relates to the period 33,000 years ago before writing records. Migration in the islands began more than 40,000 years ago, from the history of archaeology in the archipelago of Bismarck. All islands had been inhabited by the 2nd millennium. Europeans arrived in the 16th century. They ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3119
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Essays On Geography

If you live on planet Earth geography is relevant to you and it is the study of the earth and its features. This can include how humans interact with the features of the earth, ecological economics, and regional geography. Geography helps us map out the world and our place in it, from how different areas are connected to a new perspective on current events.

How to write an essay on geography

Geography essays are great because they most often fall under the classic five-paragraph essay structure (introduction, three body paragraphs, conclusion). This gives you a set format that you can fill with relevant information.

Geography is literally the study of where we are in the world, so it’s the perfect opportunity to show how geography connects to our daily lives. Use clear and concise language to tie your thesis and relevance to the world at large. Make sure you keep your essay well organized (after all, geography covers maps we use to navigate, so organization is important to the study) and to the point.

What can you talk about in an essay on geography?

Geography covers a variety of disciplines, and any one of them is a gold mine that you can use to find topics. When it comes to geography topics, don’t be afraid to choose one that might seem niche; these are the topics you can tie back into the overarching importance of geography.

Topics you can use for a geography essay include:

• History of hydrology
• The environmental impact of tourism
• Environmental management
• Types of river mouths and how they are formed
• The goals of landscape ecology
• How does geography impact culture?
• Diversification of energy resources in the US
• How Benno Werlen contributed to social geography
• Glacial processes and landforms
• Areas prone to erosion
• Food security
• What is the human impact on the coast?
• Different types of geodesies
• Geomorphology VS geology
• Earthquakes and their occurrence
• A comprehensive comparison of geology and geography, where they separate and overlap
• What geographic features impact biodiversity?
• Tropical fish harvesting and its effects on marine life
• Human influence on climate change

So, try looking through the samples on this page. They will help you see different people’s points of view on Geography and create your own masterpiece!

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