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Gender Equality Essays

The Argument for Women’s Suffrage

Efforts towards enfranchisement for American women involved a lengthy struggle characterized by the intense pushback against those seeking progress on this front during the post-Civil War era. After experiencing multiple barriers erected against achieving such equality (headwinds posed by politics whose members opposed such advance), suffragists persevered through tireless campaigning, catalyzing an important cultural shift ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 800

Comparative Topics Within the United States

Bell Hooks, in one of her most famous feminist theories, argues that social classifications, which include; gender, race, etc., are interlinked in a way. Disregarding their connection creates oppression of the feminine gender, which can negatively impact the experience of living as a woman in society. On the other hand, Angela Davies, through her abolitionist ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 617
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Managing Gender Inclusion and Diversity

Gender equality activism has been one of the century’s striking fights pushing for workplace gender diversity. Although the advocacy has yielded some positive results, there is still an opening to the assurance that all employees deserve equal and fair treatment (Gomez and Bernet, 2019). Several studies have tried to explore those factors that slow down ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 3862

How Herland Challenges Gender Ideology

Charlotte Perkins envisions a world in which there are only women in “Herland,” her 1915 novel. Van, the main character, discovers during his explorations that Herland is a society that values women and gives them access to education and the freedom to make their own decisions. She grew up when attitudes toward and status for ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 905

Gender Equality in Tourism

The visitor economy is a place-based concept that considers the entire setting in which visitors, residents, and tourists interact. It focuses on the characteristics that draw tourists and the facilities and services that facilitate their stay in the country (Grimmer and Vorobjovas-Pinta, 2020). Due to the visitor economy’s benefits, it is evident that several nations’ ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2745

Gender Equality in South Korea

Gender equality is when both sexes receive equal chances and are respected by one another. Although this concept has been researched on and debated for numerous years, it is just recently that countries and governments have commenced to take it seriously. Despite South Korea’s strong economic progress and social advancement, gender disparity has remained a ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1295

Business Ethics and Sustainability Issues

Introduction Businesses have become very cautious about their operations in the current competitive business environment. Numerous firms yearn to remain sustainable in all their processes to gain a greater reputation, which builds favorable business working conditions. As firms continue being sustainable, they avoid necessary issues or pressures both internally and externally. This essay will evaluate ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2236

Gender Violence in the US

According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, about 4.8 million women are victims of physical assault and rape, a form of Gender-based Violence in the United States. Gender violence is a pervasive problem that disproportionately affects women and girls and includes physical, emotional, and psychological abuse. Gender-based violence is rooted in power ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1036

The Aristocracy and the Peasantry

The eighteenth century saw a dramatic change in the traditional social class structure. This was evident in the lives of the aristocracy and the peasantry, as the former held the highest status in society while the latter was of a much lower standing. Despite their disparities in wealth and power, both classes had commonalities in ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 745

Women’s Rights in the United States in the 1970s

In 1970s America, women faced restrictions across the board, from the home to the job. It was assumed that a woman’s life would consist solely of getting married in her early twenties, having children rapidly, and staying home to raise them. When asked how she felt, one woman of the era said, “The female has ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 925

Wage Inequality in the US

Gender wage inequality is a reality that has seen women earn significantly lesser than their male counterparts despite having the same skill set and experience. The perspective that news articles take is mostly sentimental, while scholarly articles favour scientific evidence and extensive research. In most cases, news articles are framed in ways that create a ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1603

How the UK Laws Have Encouraged the Removal of the Glass Ceiling Effect for Women in the Workplace

Introduction Background The phrase glass ceiling is considered a metaphor that has been extensively used to refer to invisible barriers that have been established against a particular demographic, mainly female employees, within the work environment to prevent them from occupying certain positions in the organisation or advancing beyond a specified level in the organisational hierarchy. ... Read More
Pages: 30       Words: 8190

Gender Equality Sustainability

Introduction Sustainability is the process of living within the boundary limits of the readily available social, physical and natural resources in ways that allow human beings to be satisfied in their lives. Therefore, the sustainability concept can guide individuals through individual, national, and global decision-making processes. Thus, our discussion will tackle gender equality, and how ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1847
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