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Balancing Intersectionality and Unity

As a critical framework for comprehending the complex effects of racial and gender-based violence on the lives of oppressed people, intersectionality has acquired much support in social justice advocacy. This strategy highlights the interdependence of different facets of an individual’s identity, highlighting the particular problems encountered by those who belong to numerous oppressed groups. The terrible death of Breonna Taylor, a young black lady, by police during a raid serves as a poignant example of the need to approach social justice work from an intersectional perspective. This essay addresses the profound significance of intersectionality through an in-depth analysis of Breonna Taylor’s life while simultaneously grappling with the criticism that a focus on the intersectionality that is too strong could potentially divert attention from broader social justice initiatives. This essay tries to present a fair viewpoint on the function of intersectionality in pursuing thorough and successful social change by exploring the many facets of her experience and the reactions to her terrible demise. Some contend that concentrating primarily on intersectionality might result in the dilution of more comprehensive social justice efforts, despite the need to acknowledge the urgency of intersectionality in tackling racism and gender-based violence.

Dilution of Focus

Real concerns raised by opponents of an entirely intersectional strategy include the possibility for social justice movements to split up and the potential for attention to be diverted from more critical causes. It is believed that emphasizing intersectionality too much could unintentionally fracture the collaborative effort by compartmentalizing the challenges of diverse oppressed groups. For instance, while acknowledging the significance of taking Breonna Taylor’s identification as a black woman into account, some argue that the central focus should be on problems of police accountability and reform (The Associated Press). The opponents assert that emphasizing racial and gender intersections risked overshadowing the need to address structural issues such as systemic racism and police violence that transcend individual identity facets—focusing on complex connections risks obscuring the bigger picture, highlighting the shared experience of structural injustice among oppressed people.

Additionally, the opponents claim that focusing on intersectionality could unintentionally ignore the shared struggle against racial discrimination and police brutality, which cuts beyond the boundaries of gender and race. Ignoring the common factor of systematic oppression that brings marginalized populations together is possible if the intersectional narrative is given a lot of attention (Office of Public Affairs). According to this perspective, adopting a primarily intersectional perspective could limit the possibilities for broader solidarity and collaboration, weakening the group power required to spark substantial societal change.

Exclusion of Other Marginalized Groups

An alternate response claims that focusing solely on black women’s experiences may unintentionally gloss over the hardships of other marginalized groups. Breonna Taylor’s case is a stark illustration of the widespread problem of police violence, which affects people of all racial origins and genders despite having its roots in the junction of race and gender (BBC). The proponents of this viewpoint contend that putting too much focus on the intersectional lens for black women risks undermining the larger conversation about systematic injustice and police brutality, which affects a broader range of oppressed communities.

There is a chance to push the more significant issues of racial discrimination and power abuse to the side by focusing the discussion on the experiences of a single group. Such a situation might mask the struggles of other disadvantaged identities, which interact with oppressive structures in various ways. While it is critical to highlight the particular difficulties black women confront, it’s also crucial to recognize that these difficulties do not exist in a vacuum but rather in conjunction with more significant systemic issues (Bowman). To ensure that the conversation remains inclusive and considers the complex dimensions of discrimination and inequality that persist across different social and demographic lines, a comprehensive approach that considers a broader range of marginalized experiences within the context of police violence and systemic injustice is necessary.

Division within Movements

Concern has been raised about the possibility of a split within the social justice movement if intersectionality needs to be more emphasized. Detractors claim that continual categorization of identities could unintentionally lead to disagreements about the perceived severity of peoples’ hardships and draw focus away from achieving universal justice and equality. Such internal strife may weaken the collective power of social justice activists and stymie the momentum needed for real change.

Critics assert that by consistently defining different facets of identity, there is a danger of encouraging a situation where conflicting oppression narratives overshadow the common objectives of eradicating structural injustices. Consequently, this can break up the group’s desire for change and lessen the effectiveness of advocacy activities (Waldrop T. et al.). The possibility of conflict about whose perspectives are more critical or whose problems should receive more attention could hinder the vital cooperation needed to address the underlying causes of societal disparities.

Additionally, this counterargument argues that the constant attention paid to analyzing identities may take attention away from the more general problems that affect oppressed people across the board. While it’s essential to recognize the importance of each person’s unique experiences, it’s also crucial to ensure that these realizations are included in a larger framework that aims to bring about systemic change (Office of Public Affairs). Proponents advise striking a balance between acknowledging the complex experiences of different identities and retaining a unified commitment to combating systematic oppression as a collaborative effort to keep a cohesive and effective movement.

Complexity and Accessibility

Although crucial, the idea of intersectionality poses a potential problem because of its intrinsic complexity and difficulty in understanding, which may restrict its applicability and capacity to resonate with a broader audience. For individuals who need to be made aware of the complex interplay of various dimensions of oppression and identity, social justice theories in particular, the complexity can be daunting (Waldrop T. et al.). The movement may accidentally alienate people unfamiliar with the discourse because of the dependence on complex intersectional analyses and specialized academic vocabulary, which ultimately hinders the movement’s ability to win universal support for crucial changes.

Critics claim that a sole focus on intersectionality can result in a gap between those familiar with the theory and those trying to participate but need help understanding its subtleties. This knowledge gap may unintentionally result in a hierarchical structure among social justice movements, as people with more expertise have disproportionate influence over those still figuring out the intricacies (Bowman). The whole goal of social justice initiatives, which should empower everyone, is inclusivity. Therefore, the possibility of exclusion runs counter to that.

The counterargument also emphasizes how focusing on complex intersectional frameworks may obscure the fundamental problems that call for reform. Finding a balance between highlighting the distinctive experiences of excluded groups and communicating the urgency of more comprehensive systemic transformation is crucial as the movement works to build a more just and equitable society. Social justice advocates may create a more welcoming environment for various voices and inspire a larger audience to take effective action by advocating a clear and understandable narrative that incorporates intersectional insights without losing sight of the main aims.


In light of the importance of intersectionality in addressing the unique experiences of black women, it is still critical to strike a balance between highlighting particular difficulties and maintaining a broader perspective on structural problems that affect marginalized communities generally. In the unrelenting quest for social justice, a holistic strategy that incorporates intersectional perspectives and broad structural issues may produce more successful and naturally inclusive results. Activists and advocates can strive to make a more thorough and long-lasting impact by recognizing the distinctive narratives of people who live at the intersections of many identities and the larger societal systems supporting prejudice. This balanced approach considers the wide range of difficulties while aiming to topple the long-standing oppressive structures that negatively impact marginalized groups regardless of unique identification categories.

Works Cited

The Associated Press. “Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend settles Louisville lawsuits over shooting.” NPR, 13 Dec. 2022,

BBC. “Breonna Taylor: U.S. police charged over shooting death.” BBC News, 5 Aug. 2022,

Bowman, E. “4 current and former officers federally charged in raid that killed Breonna Taylor.”, 4 Aug. 2022,

Office of Public Affairs. “Current and former Louisville, Kentucky police officers charged with federal crimes related to death of Breonna Taylor.” U.S. Department of Justice, 4 Aug. 2022,

Waldrop, T., et al. “Breonna Taylor killing: A timeline of the police raid and its aftermath.” CNN, 2022,


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