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Free Will Essays

Addiction and the Debate on Free Will

D’Holbach, as a strict determinist, would argue that addiction eliminates free will and is caused solely by physical forces outside of conscious control. In his view, human behaviour is determined by a causal chain of physiological events, so any changes in brain chemistry or functioning directly determine a person’s actions. The physical dependence and cravings ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 924

Free Will and Determinism: Navigating the Controversy

The philosophy of free will and determinism has sustained its time-honored existence, pertaining to human agency alongside the degree to which external causes guide our actions. In formulating a response on determinism, it becomes crucial to discuss which side poses the greater threat: prediction or unpredictability in free will. In this paper, determinism will be ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 662
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The Problem of Free Will

Arguing for Compatibilism. The problem of free will is perceived as a long-standing philosophical question that has immensely puzzled most scholars and philosophers for many years. However, the problem of free will revolves around the issue of whether people have the potential to articulate their own choices and decisions. The notion of free will posits ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1668

Does Thomas Aquinas Believe That God Has Free Will?

Thomas Aquinas believed that God possesses the ability to exercise free will. Aquinas claims that God is free from any outside influence and can act according to His will. The fact is supported by Aquinas’ argument regarding God’s autonomy, which is presented in the Summa Contra Gentiles (Franzini & Büchler, 2018). Aquinas claimed that God ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1201

Metaphysics: Free Will

Humans are unique from other creatures in the world in that they can make decisions about their life. That means they can decide on the actions to take based on their situations. Various theories try to explain the interaction of humans and how they make decisions. For instance, the concept of free will is dominant ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 611

Predestination and Free Will

Theological doctrines have always raised debates within their boundaries. The majority of believers often assimilate applied doctrines in various religions. However, there are alternative doctrines that are within a similar context. Predestination is a form of religious d Predestination teaches that God had one plan for eternity: bringing perfection through the world order of events. ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3261

Position on the Nature of Free Will and Whether We Possess It

Over more than two millennia, the concept of free will” has become the definitive expression indicating a large degree of autonomy over someone’s decisions. To comprehend the essence and presence of this form of authority in humankind, significant philosophers over the generations, including Plato, Aristotle, and Augustine, all investigated the notion of free will. They ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1190

Free Will Does Not Exist

In philosophy, free will refers to the ability of humans to do actions independent of any universe condition or make decisions. As such, it entails the capacity of humans to decide on their actions and determine the outcome. The existence and nature of free will and its importance have arisen in Western philosophy, and many ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1213
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