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Forgiveness and Reconciliation

Role of Forgiveness in Conflict Management

Forgiveness plays a critical role in conflict management as it creates a platform for bringing forth the opportunity in conflict. When people have sympathy and compassion forgiveness for the harm they have been caused, the management of conflict becomes feasible. Forgiveness has typically been defined as dealing with transgressions instead of being regarded as a way of conflict management (Renz et al., 2020). In contrast, conflicts are social interactions where people hold differing opinions, expectations, wishes, or incompatible goals. Conflict in social contexts can range from mild divergences to severe verbal or physical confrontations. According to Ran et al. (2021), conflict can play a significant role in conflict management, and scientist often states that it plays a vital role in effectively managing interpersonal conflicts. For example, Ran et al. (2021) affirm that forgiveness helps people in a conflict understand how to view and cope with interpersonal conflicts. This assertion is supported by recent empirical evidence showing that couples’ forgiveness promotes a conflict resolution environment. Forgiveness helps people engaging in interpersonal conflicts recognize that offenses and conflicts are bound to occur at a given stage in life (Ran et al., 2021). Forgiveness helps people identify and forgive initial crimes that gave rise to conflicts hence addressing the root cause of disagreement.

Difference between Forgiveness and Reconciliations

Forgiveness is a decision made personally by an individual to let go of offenses others have done and avoid resentment, anger, and revenge for a person that has wronged them. It is about unleashing anger and negative emotions and moving forward without a grudge. In contrast, reconciliation is the process that helps in restoring a broken relationship caused by a conflict (Renz et al., 2020). It is a process that helps build trust among people or parties in a conflict as it creates a platform to address underlying issues that led to the conflict. Reconciliation becomes successful when the parties are willing to forgive others and communicate openly and honestly (Ran et al., 2021).. In both reconciliation and forgiveness, communication plays a significant role. Communication helps facilitate and clarify misunderstandings in the process of forgiveness (Renz et al., 2020). In reconciliation, communication provides a platform where parties in a conflict can communicate their feelings, expectations, and needs honestly and openly.

Difference between the two concepts

People often confuse forgiveness and reconciliation as one thing. Forgiveness comes first, and reconciliation is a step that comes last in forgiveness. The reconciliation process occurs when an individual accepts to forgive and opens a platform for discussion to understand the offenses and acknowledge accountability for harm (Renz et al., 2020). As a result, they open an environment for making amends. In other words, forgiveness is vital to peacemaking as reconciliation depends on it to enable people who caused harm to acknowledge they were wrong. Forgiveness can occur, and reconciliation fails to appear as it requires one individual to forgive and two to reconcile. Forgiveness is a process that can be private, as an individual might work silently on forgiveness through prayer, meditation, and talks (Ran et al., 2021). However, reconciliation is not personal because it must include at least one person. It may consist of religious leaders, counselors, and mediators. Although forgiveness forms a foundation for reconciliation to take place, both depend on how people can acknowledge the truth and various forms of justice (Renz et al., 2020). Forgiveness in social interactions is vital in ensuring that restorative justice seeks to address the harm people suffer in wider communities.

Applying forgiveness and reconciliation can significantly improve interpersonal relationships by fostering trust, reducing conflict, and promoting a more positive and supportive environment. Forgiveness allows individuals to release negative emotions such as anger, resentment, and bitterness toward others. By forgiving others, individuals can reduce the emotional stress and burden caused by negative emotions, contributing to better mental health and well-being (Renz et al., 2020). This also creates an opportunity for rebuilding trust and repairing damaged relationships. Additionally, reconciliation is a powerful tool for resolving conflicts and promoting understanding between individuals. By working through the issues that led to a relationship breakdown, individuals can better understand each other’s perspectives and needs, which can lead to greater empathy and compassion (Renz et al., 2020). This can help create a more positive and supportive environment where individuals feel valued and heard.


Ran, Y., Liu, Q., Cheng, Q., & Zhang, Y. (2021). Implicit-explicit power motives congruence and forgiveness in the workplace conflict: The mediating role of empathy. International Journal of Conflict Management.

Renz, M., Bueche, D., Reichmuth, O., Schuett Mao, M., Renz, U., Siebenrock, R., & Strasser, F. (2020). Forgiveness and reconciliation processes in dying patients with cancer. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine®37(3), 222-234.


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