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Foreign Policy Essays

U.S. Shift to Imperialism Foreign Policy

The United States held a strong belief in neutrality and non-interventionist foreign policy, which was mainly based on the Monroe Doctrine that allowed them to remain neutral without interfering in other state affairs while warning other powers and encouraging them to stay out of U.S. affairs [1]. However, in the late 19th and early 20th century, the U.S. ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1841

A Critical Analysis of Obama’s Presidency

Leadership is synonymous with decision-making and dealing with unpopular opinions while facing the risk of backlash or resounding support from the citizens. Leaders bear the brunt of bad decisions and rewards for the popular decisions they pursue. Visionary leaders woe their supporters and the entire populace towards their programs, however unpopular they might seem. President ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1812
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To What Extent Is War a Justified Instrument of Foreign Policy

It has been debated for millennia whether or not conflict should be used as a foreign policy tool. Wars are tools; like any tool, they may be utilized for good or evil. Humanity agrees that some of these war aims are worthy and that conflict serves some necessary functions for any civilization. As such, it ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1867

United States Foreign Policy in the Middle East

For many decades, relations between the United States and the Middle East have been a significant preoccupation for US leaders. These relations have security and economic implications for the United States, as demonstrated by various foreign policy experts. A look at the presidencies across time periods is undertaken by Mossalanejad (1) to underscore the continuity ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1282

New Zealand Foreign Policy Towards China Since 2000

Introduction New Zealand is a small nation with a long democracy and open political process history. Thus there is significant potential for widespread influence over foreign policy and also for decision-makers to work to serve the interests of the populace. Numerous New Zealanders also have ties to countries like China, either as immigrants or as ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2979

Canada’s Feminist Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy is a plan by a country and its involvement with other nations while trying to solve international challenges. Feminist Foreign Policy seeks to better the status of girls and women by serving the interest of gender equality through eliminating poverty and investing in quality education to create a more prosperous world. The stake ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3356

Trade Policy as a Tool for Foreign Policy

Yes, the United States should require that other businesses do more to protect the rights of workers and the environment they operate. All of the countries that are members of their union are responsible for ensuring that all international labor and environmental standards and laws are adhered to, as well as that all international ecological ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 869

US Foreign Policy: The Two Gulf Wars

Introduction Over the past century, the USA foreign policy has experienced tremendous growth and essential changes. The continuities of the US foreign policy are evident from the country’s activities after the First World War, the Second World War; the events associated the rise and end of the cold war, the Vietnam wars and the two ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1967

Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy

Nuclear Revolution in Strategic Thought There is no argument the birth and subsequent development of nuclear weapons has impacted the conditions of human existence. Undeniably, these weapons have instigated new customs of conduct in international politics and foreign relations in addition to influencing national and individual ideologies pertinent to the realities of the nuclear age. ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1970
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