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Faith Essays

Sacred Doctrine: Incarnation and Redemption

The concept of incarnation in the Old and New Testaments has been a central theme in the Christian faith. It refers to the belief that God became a human being, in the person of Jesus Christ, to redeem humanity from sin and death. The idea of incarnation can be traced back to the earliest stories ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2072

Personal Culture and Worldview

Unique cultures and worldviews significantly shape the way we view the world. Our values, beliefs, and experiences form unique cultures. Our values and experiences also shape our attitudes, behaviors, and decision-making. Therefore, culture is integral to our identity, and understanding helps us understand our environment and various contemporary issues. Unique culture and worldview are essential ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1289
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Faith and Diplomacy – a Critical Analysis

Madeleine Albright, author of ‘Emerging’, considers not lightly, the potential of religious belief in the diplomatic process. She has dedicated one chapter, ‘Faith and Religion’ to this effect, “The challenge for policy makers is,” she says, “to harness the unifying potential of faith while containing its capacity to divide.” She deigns to believe that religion ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1147
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