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Exploring Job Design, Staffing, and Christian Worldview

Job Design

Job design is the deliberate and strategic structuring of job roles. It pursues determining the most efficient way to allocate tasks across the workforce. As firms address the issues of ever-evolving job roles, the strategic significance of job design intensifies. It is via meticulous job design that firms can leverage the potential for specialization and capture synergies between varying tasks, resulting in a more effective workforce. The acceleration of job evolution essentializes a forward-looking approach to job design. The conventional view of jobs as static and narrowly defined roles is obsolete. Instead, modern job design must be adaptable, expecting changes in market demands, technological developments, and workforce dynamics. According to Hardy (1990), job design extends beyond the confines of job structure. It intersects deeply with the individual and spiritual considerations of vocational preference.

From Hardy’s divine economy viewpoint, job design is a fundamental aspect of how people engage with their work on a deeper level. This perspective underscores the need for job design to mirror the values, passions, and purposes of workers, aligning their roles with their sense of vocation and contributing to their well-being. In addition, the outcomes of Ahmed and Alqaarni (2023) emphasize the necessity of a sound job assessment framework in human resource management practices. An efficient framework offers human resource personnel crucial aspects to remain informed about workforce trends and adjustments. Such a framework empowers human resource personnel to make informed decisions based on multifaceted job data, improving their capacity to adapt job designs to the changing contours of the workforce landscape.

Worker Relations and Retention

Worker retention management is an essential strategy for firms pursuing to conserve a competitive edge in the marketplace. The need to keep workers engaged and fully dedicated to their work is an issue facing modern human resource departments. According to Valentine et al. (2020), there is a direct correlation between how linked workers feel about the performance of their firm and their levels of engagement and job satisfaction. These aspects have a role in establishing organizational dedication. The notion of worker retention is intricate and comprehensive. It encapsulates a broader spectrum of the worker experience, including the quality of employee relations, opportunities for individual and professional growth, recognition of worker contributions, and alignment between the job roles and the personal values and goals of workers.

Hardy’s (1990) view extends this discussion by underscoring the need for work to engage employees at a professional and personal level and, if so inclined, a spiritual level. He advocates for creating work environments where individuals can express and accomplish their God-given vocation, suggesting that jobs should be designed to engage the high-level capacities of thought and imagination and to satisfy deeper needs for purpose and calling. This ideology aligns with the human resource notion of job crafting, where workers are motivated to shape their roles to bring out their best work and align with their strengths and interests.

Choosing and Enrolling Workers

Talent acquisition is an essential entity in the sphere of human resources, attributed to the strategic process of attracting and securing skilled individuals to adhere to the needs of a firm. This critical endeavor encapsulates the diligent attempts of the talent acquisition team, whose role encompasses the discovery, attraction, analysis, and onboarding of talent to confront vacancies in a firm. Valentine et al. (2020) have underscored the importance of nurturing and conserving a solid employer brand as an integral dimension of attracting premier candidates. This branding, in tandem with HR practices, includes a multifaceted pre-employment analysis, and well-articulated interviews can become essential to talent acquisition.

Potočnik et al. (2021) emphasize the dynamic issues that human resource personnel experience in formulating innovative recruitment strategies, refining selection approaches, and establishing an inclusive workplace that mirrors the rich fabric of workforce diversity. Accomplishing these objectives essentializes a delicate equilibrium, harmonizing the nuance and sometimes opposing interests of stakeholders such as hiring managers, candidates, legal advisors, recruitment specialists, labor agencies, and different external entities.


Ahmad, S., & Alqaarni, S. (2023). Job Analysis in Organizations: Transition from Traditional to Strategic. International Journal of Professional Business Review: Int. J. Prof. Bus. Rev.8(5), 6.

Hardy, L. (1990). The Fabric of this World: Inquiries into Calling, Career Choice, and the Design of Human Work. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans. ISBN: 9780802802989.

Potočnik, K., Anderson, N. R., Born, M., Kleinmann, M., & Nikolaou, I. (2021). Paving the way for research in recruitment and selection: recent developments, challenges, and future opportunities. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology30(2), 159-174.

Valentine, S.R. et al. (2020). Human Resource Management (16th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage. ISBN: 9780357033852.


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