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Role of Management on Psychological Flexibility


A crucial component of the complex mechanisms underlying team culture and organizational behavior is the function of management. However, it is about the fine art of comprehending and directing the human factor as well as hierarchy and decision-making. This essay explores the significance of management, emphasizing psychological flexibility and emotional intelligence in particular. Effective management can have a significant impact, particularly on psychological flexibility and emotional intelligence. This increased consciousness promotes improved teamwork, communication, and an empathic corporate culture (Atkins & Parker, 2012).

A further essential element is psychological adaptability. It is the ability to face challenges head-on, adjust to change, and keep a growth mentality. Psychologically flexible managers foster an atmosphere where team members feel comfortable taking chances and welcoming innovation.

What Needs to Be Done

Let us have a look at how these findings can be put to use. Imagine that you are a manager at the middle level working for a software company. You are in charge of a team with trouble meeting deadlines since the project is troublesome. To lead this situation effectively:

Accept Emotional Intelligence:

Managers must be attentive to team members’ sentiments. Recognizing a team member’s stress and providing assistance can be very beneficial when experiencing overwhelming feelings (McCracken & Morley, 2014). The team gains emotional ties and trust as a result.

Show Psychological Flexibility:

The manager should address unforeseen challenges flexibly. Rather than blaming or getting angry, they ought to guide the group in overcoming problems and see obstacles as chances for development.

Encourage Open Communication:

Motivate team members to express their thoughts, worries, and suggestions freely. Competent managers foster a culture where each team member feels acknowledged and appreciated.

Establish Clear Expectations:

Clearly define the roles, duties, and goals of the project. Setting clear expectations reduces miscommunication and gives the team direction and purpose.

Acknowledgment and gratitude:

Give the team credit for its efforts and accomplishments. An easy “thank you,” or acknowledgment for a well-done job might make people more motivated and upbeat.

Take Action for a Better Future

Taking into account the study on the importance of psychological flexibility, emotional intelligence, and management, you may modify your future by doing the following:

Self-Reflection: Assess your own psychological adaptability and emotional intelligence. Determine your areas of weakness and commit to overcoming them.

Leadership Development: If you are in a management role or hope to be one in the future, think about receiving official coaching or training in emotional intelligence and leadership techniques. These courses can assist you in gaining the required skills (Deval et al., 2017).

Team Development: As a team leader, you should create an environment that values psychological safety, open communication, and trust. Motivate the people on your team to adopt psychological flexibility and emotional intelligence (Vowles & McCracken, 2010).

Frequent Feedback: To better understand your team members’ wants and problems, establish regular feedback methods with them. Utilize this information to modify your approach and style of management.

Constant Learning: Keep up with the most recent findings and recommended procedures in emotional intelligence, psychological flexibility, and management. Having this understanding will enable you to adjust to changing dynamics at work.


The function of management, particularly in the context of emotional intelligence and psychological flexibility, is an essential component of both the success of a company and the culture of a team. You can create a workplace that is more adaptable, harmonic, and productive by following the guidelines presented in this article and putting them into practice. Keep in mind that transition is a continual process and that your consistent efforts in these areas will form a better future not only for you but also for those you lead.


Atkins, P. W., & Parker, S. K. (2012). Understanding individual compassion in organizations: The role of appraisals and psychological flexibility. Academy of Management Review37(4), 524-546.

Deval, C., Bernard-Curie, S., & Monestès, J. L. (2017). Effects of an acceptance and commitment therapy intervention on leaders’ and managers’ psychological flexibility. Journal de therapie comportementale et Cognitive27(1), 34-42.

McCracken, L. M., & Morley, S. (2014). The psychological flexibility model: a basis for integration and progress in psychological approaches to chronic pain management. The Journal of Pain15(3), 221-234.

Vowles, K. E., & McCracken, L. M. (2010). Comparing the role of psychological flexibility and traditional pain management coping strategies in chronic pain treatment outcomes. Behaviour research and therapy48(2), 141-146.


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