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Exploring HRD Systems and Diversity in HRM

The systems approach to HRD considers organizations as interconnected systems where different parts and processes work together to achieve corporate goals (Torraco & Lundgren, 2020). This approach acknowledges that organizational structure, culture, and dynamics should inform learning and development programs. Besides, the systems approach to HRD considers the interconnection of company functions, departments, and personnel. A manufacturing organization installing a new quality control system must evaluate how it affects production, procurement, and logistics. HRD initiatives would prepare staff for the new system and examine organizational ramifications (Torraco & Lundgren, 2020).

The systems approach also aligns HRD with corporate strategy. A worldwide retail company must train its employees to work in different cultures. HRD programs would teach staff linguistic skills, cross-cultural abilities, and a global mentality (Torraco & Lundgren, 2020). The systems approach values feedback loops and continuous development. HRD initiatives can be evaluated and adjusted using data and feedback. After adopting a new training program, a technology corporation may ask employees for feedback on skill development and job performance. This data can guide HRD activities for continual learning and growth.

Throughout the semester, HRM instructors have implemented the five criteria of a systems approach to HRD, providing students with a thorough and effective learning experience. At the start of the semester, HRD needs analysis identified student learning gaps and needs. This analysis examined their HRM knowledge, skills, and comprehension. Pre-assessments, polls, and individual discussions let teachers adjust the program to students’ requirements (McCartney et al., 2021).

The teaching staff created explicit HRM module objectives based on the requirements analysis. Students were required to learn these skills, knowledge, and competencies by the end of each module. Learning was focused and structured since the objectives matched the subject’s learning outcomes. Lectures, case studies, group discussions, and simulations helped students learn. These strategies gave students multiple ways to learn about HRM, apply theoretical knowledge to real-world situations, and build critical thinking and problem-solving abilities (Kaydos, 2020).

Performance criteria assessed students’ comprehension of educational objectives. The teaching team created tasks, group projects, and exams to assess students’ HRM knowledge and skills (Varma et al., 2023). Students were informed of these requirements at the start of each module. Finally, many feedback channels gave teachers evaluations. They promoted student comments on teaching methods, course materials, and examinations. The teaching staff also self-reflected on their educational approach and made improvements based on feedback.

The teaching staff ensured that the HRM subject provided a comprehensive and well-structured learning experience for students by incorporating the five criteria of a systems approach to HRD, catering to their needs, aligning with instructional objectives, using varied learning experiences, establishing performance criteria, and incorporating ongoing evaluation for continuous improvement (Armstrong, 2021).

HRM’s system approach to HRD has shaped my career. I now understand how organizations should create and implement learning and development projects. HRD needs analysis, clear instructional objectives, and different learning experiences have given me a more strategic and systematic approach to HRD. Performance criteria and evaluation data have improved my skills in measuring learning outcomes and developing HRD interventions. This event helped me bring a systems perspective to workplace learning and development as an HR professional.

The Performance Management system aligns employee performance with strategic goals and drives company success. First, Performance Management helps companies create employee expectations and goals (Gallardo-Gallardo et al., 2020). Organizations may help employees understand performance expectations and KPIs by defining them. Clarity boosts employee focus, motivation, and productivity, helping achieve strategic goals.

Second, Performance Management helps identify great performers and areas for development. Organizations may promote excellence and retain top personnel by regularly evaluating and rewarding top performers. Conversely, it helps businesses identify underperforming regions and individuals, enabling focused actions like training and development to improve performance and fill skill gaps. The Performance Management system also aids employee career advancement (Gallardo-Gallardo et al., 2020). Organizations can improve employee skills, knowledge, and competencies by offering ongoing feedback, coaching, and development opportunities. Employees feel valued and supported in their professional advancement, which boosts engagement, satisfaction, and retention.

Performance Management also informs remuneration, promotion, and succession decisions. The system’s objective performance data helps firms make fair rewards and recognition decisions. It also helps identify high-potential executives and succession planners to ensure future organizational performance. Finally, Performance Management promotes ongoing progress. Organizations may optimize processes, innovate, and learn by routinely assessing performance. Managers and employees can discuss performance, identify strengths and weaknesses, and build performance improvement goals.

During the HRM semester, a performance management cycle was used to evaluate and improve student performance. Module-specific performance expectations and objectives started the cycle. Students had to create a detailed project plan in a project management subject. Individual and group projects assessed performance throughout the semester. In these tests, students demonstrated their knowledge, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Students received timely feedback on their strengths and weaknesses. After each module, students’ overall performance and module objectives were evaluated. This evaluation identified great performance and areas that needed more attention. HRM’s performance management approach fostered self-reflection and assessment. Students were encouraged to self-assess and identify areas for improvement (Boon et al., 2019).

I saw performance management system strengths and flaws throughout the semester. Clear performance goals and objectives helped students. Monitoring and timely feedback were additional strengths. Self-assessment and reflection were limited, which may have encouraged students to take responsibility for their learning. The evaluation process was unclear and lacked criteria, making it hard for pupils to grasp their achievements despite certain strengths; self-assessment and evaluation transparency needed work.

HRM principles, and businesses cannot exaggerate their importance. These ideas are essential for several reasons. First, diversity and inclusion encourage creativity and innovation (Scheepers & Ellemers, 2019). Diverse perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds enable businesses to access various ideas and insights. Diverse perspectives promote critical thinking, upend the current quo, and spur innovation (Varma et al., 2023). Companies may unleash the full potential of their workforce and find innovative solutions to challenging issues by creating an inclusive atmosphere where all employees feel respected and involved.

Second, diversity and inclusion raise productivity and employee engagement. Employee engagement and motivation are more likely when they experience respect, support, and inclusion at work. Employees who feel at ease sharing their thoughts and opinions are likelier to collaborate, operate as a team, and be more productive (Corrington et al., 2020). Additionally, diverse teams can provide a wider range of perspectives and talents, resulting in more well-rounded and successful decision-making. Thirdly, acquiring and keeping outstanding talent requires diversity and inclusion. Many job hopefuls prioritize working for companies that value diversity and inclusion in the competitive employment market. An organization that actively promotes and upholds these values emerges as a desirable employer to many applicants (Jonsen et al., 2021). Additionally, employees who feel included and at home at work are more likely to stick around, which lowers turnover rates and related expenses.

Finally, diversity and inclusion are essential for forging lasting bonds with clients and customers. Companies today operate in numerous areas with clients from a variety of demographics. Customer service is enhanced, cultural competence is increased, and client connections are strengthened by a varied workforce that mirrors the clientele. Customers are more satisfied and loyal when they feel that they are being represented and understood. For instance, businesses like Google have implemented programs to enhance the presence of underrepresented groups in their workforce, recognizing the value of diversity and inclusion. They have also established employee resource groups and diversity training programs to promote inclusivity and cultivate a sense of belonging for all employees.

Companies need to understand diversity and inclusion since they have so many advantages. Starbucks, for instance, has prioritized diversity and inclusion by putting training programs into place and establishing partnerships to advance racial equality. The business is aware that variety fosters innovation and improves its capacity to comprehend and cater to the different needs of its clientele. Similarly, Salesforce has implemented inclusive recruiting procedures and conducted pay equity analyses as key steps toward diversity and inclusion (Jonsen et al., 2021). They are aware that diverse teams produce better decisions and more effective businesses. In addition, organizations like Procter & Gamble have made diversity and inclusion a part of their core values. They understand that varied teams encourage creativity and stimulate innovation, helping them create goods that appeal to various customers.

In conclusion, diversity and inclusion are crucial ideas for businesses because they promote creativity, better decision-making, increase customer happiness, and foster an inclusive and equitable workplace. It is morally correct and commercially profitable for organizations to embrace diversity and promote inclusion. Organizations can strengthen diversity and inclusion thinking by using a few key theories. The social identity theory emphasizes the significance of fostering an inclusive workplace culture and the influence of group identities on individual behavior (Scheepers & Ellemers, 2019). According to the contact theory, friendly interactions between members of different groups can lessen prejudice and promote inclusion (Cassell & Kele, 2021). According to the implicit bias theory, efforts to promote diversity and inclusion may be hampered by unconscious biases. The equity theory emphasizes the value of equity and equal opportunity in fostering inclusiveness (Cassell & Kele, 2021). The intersectionality thesis highlights the interconnectedness of social identities and acknowledges the distinctive experiences of those who identify as many marginalized identities. Applying these theories can help businesses create policies and procedures that support inclusion, equity, and diversity at work.

The HRM teaching team used a variety of theories throughout the semester to support diversity and inclusion ideas. They included social identity theory by establishing a learning atmosphere where different viewpoints were recognized and appreciated. The contact idea was implemented through group projects and interactive activities that promoted friendly interactions among students from various backgrounds. The teaching staff dealt with implicit prejudices by fostering dialogues and increasing knowledge of the effects of unconscious bias. The equity principle was highlighted by encouraging justice in grading and offering equal participation chances. By understanding and addressing the particular experiences and difficulties faced by people with multiple marginalized identities, the teaching staff also included the intersectionality theory. These practical applications of ideas aided in creating a welcoming and diverse learning environment.


Armstrong, M. (2021). Performance management.

Boon, C., Den Hartog, D. N., & Lepak, D. P. (2019). A systematic review of human resource management systems and their measurement. Journal of management45(6), 2498-2537.

Cassell, C., & Kele, J. (2021). Managing diversity and inclusion. Contemporary Human Resource Management: Text and Cases, 278.

Corrington, A., Hebl, M., Stewart, D., Madera, J., Ng, L., & Williams, J. (2020). Diversity and inclusion of understudied populations: A call to practitioners and researchers. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research72(4), 303.

Gallardo-Gallardo, E., Thunnissen, M., & Scullion, H. (2020). Talent management: context matters. The International Journal of Human Resource Management31(4), 457-473.

Jonsen, K., Point, S., Kelan, E. K., & Grieble, A. (2021). Diversity and inclusion branding: a five- country comparison of corporate websites. The International Journal of Human Resource Management32(3), 616-649.

Kaydos, W. (2020). Operational performance measurement: increasing total productivity. CRC press.

Torraco, R. J., & Lundgren, H. (2020). What HRD is doing—What HRD should be doing: The case for transforming HRD. Human Resource Development Review19(1), 39-65.

McCartney, S., Murphy, C., & Mccarthy, J. (2021). 21st century HR: a competency model for the emerging role of HR Analysts. Personnel review50(6), 1495-1513.

Scheepers, D., & Ellemers, N. (2019). Social identity theory. Social psychology in action: Evidence-based interventions from theory to practice, 129-143.

Varma, A., Budhwar, P. S., & DeNisi, A. (Eds.). (2023). Performance management systems: A global perspective. Taylor & Francis.


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