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Existentialism Essays

Sigmund Freud and Robert C Solomon

Introduction Exploration of the mind and the essence of being have been perennial interests in the complex human experience, captivating bright minds for millennia. Sigmund Freud and Robert C. Solomon stand out among these intellectual giants, their views influencing the conversation on the intricacies of the human mind and emotions. The pioneering Austrian neurologist Freud ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1120

Exploring Perspectives on the Meaning of Life

Introduction According to Susan Sontag, “Life is not significant details, illuminated by a flash, fixed forever. Photographs are”(12). Philosophers have explored the profound question of life’s purpose through various lenses. Albert Camus, for instance, asserted that life itself was purposeless and meaningless; others, such as Sartre, have taken different approaches to answering this question. He ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1237
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Discussion Topic 3: Affirmative; As Human Beings, We Are Fundamentally Free vs. Negative: As Human Beings, We Are Fundamentally Unfree.

Today, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to address an essential philosophical topic that has been at the centre of human thought for centuries: Are we, as human beings, inherently free or essentially unfree? This subject has inspired heated arguments and has been investigated by several philosophers across history. I might contend for the positive, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1078

Meaningfulness of Life Among Children

Life is more than just the fact that one exists and draws breath. Human is an extraordinary being whose existence can intentionally affect everything around them. Various philosophers have established that one needs to lead a meaningful life. If a person lives without meaning, then their existence is not worth it. Reasonable people try to ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2513

Existentialism and Religion: Buddhism and Judaism

Humans can ask questions about the meaning of life, their accountability, the validity of their decisions, and their understanding of nature and reality. The answers to these questions influence how individuals perceive various realities—existential questions aid in determining one’s decisions based on free will and active participation. Being genuine requires making sincere and accountable decisions. ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1832
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