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Essay on American Democracy

Argument: America is in danger of becoming a “failed Democracy.”


The United States has a long history of democracy, beginning with the adoption of the Constitution in 1787. Since then, the country has experienced significant political and social changes, including the Civil War, the Civil Rights Movement, and the rise of social media. Throughout its history, the US has been regarded as a model of democracy and a beacon of hope for other nations seeking to establish democratic governments (Dewey, 2021). However, in recent years, concerns have been raised about the state of American democracy. The 2016 presidential election, in which Russian interference was alleged, highlighted vulnerabilities in the US electoral system. The subsequent election of Donald Trump, who frequently attacked democratic norms and institutions, further raised concerns about the health of American democracy. The COVID-19 pandemic has also impacted US democracy, with some states restricting voting rights and poll access (Mounk, 2018). The 2020 presidential election was marked by controversy and allegations of fraud, leading to a violent insurrection at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. These developments have led some to question whether American democracy is in danger of failing. The International IDEA’s Global State of Democracy 2021 report added to these concerns by including the US on a list of “backsliding democracies.”

Whether the United States is in danger of becoming a “failed democracy” is a contentious issue with arguments on both sides. Some point to recent democratic backsliding, while others argue that the country’s robust democratic institutions and systems of checks and balances make such a scenario unlikely.

The erosion of democratic norms and institutions The US remains a functioning democracy
The rise of authoritarianism and polarization The US has a strong system of checks and balances
The suppression of voting rights and gerrymandering The US has a history of overcoming challenges to democracy
The influence of money on politics The US has a free press that exposes abuses of power


The erosion of democratic institutions threatens the democratic foundation of the country: The United States democratic institutions, such as the rule of law, media freedom, and an independent judiciary, are essential for maintaining a democratic system. However, these institutions have been attacked recently, with some politicians and media outlets seeking to undermine their legitimacy (Achen & Bartels, 2017). This erosion of democratic institutions has the potential to threaten the democratic foundation of the country.

The rise of polarization and political extremism could lead to a failure of democratic governance: The increasing polarization of American politics, along with the breakdown of political norms and traditions, could lead to a failure of democratic governance (Manski, 2015). When political leaders and parties are more interested in winning elections than governing, reaching a compromise and building consensus becomes challenging. This can lead to political gridlock and an inability to address the country’s pressing issues.

The growing influence of money and corporate power in politics undermines the will of the people: The increasing influence of money and corporate power in American politics undermines the people’s will and limits ordinary citizens’ ability to participate in the democratic process (Graham & Syolik, 2020). When wealthy donors and corporations can use their financial resources to sway elections and influence policy, it becomes challenging to ensure that the interests of ordinary citizens are represented.

The suppression of voting rights and gerrymandering are key factors contributing to the perceived democratic backsliding in the US. In recent years, several states have enacted laws that make it more difficult for certain groups, such as people of color and low-income voters, to cast their ballots. These laws include voter ID requirements, purging of voter rolls, and limits on early voting and mail-in ballots. These measures have been criticized as voter suppression tactics, as they disproportionately affect marginalized communities and undermine the principles of a fair and equitable democracy (Dewey, 2021). Gerrymandering, the practice of manipulating district boundaries to benefit a particular political party, is another factor contributing to the erosion of democratic norms in the US. Gerrymandering can lead to disproportionate representation in Congress and state legislatures, giving one party an unfair advantage and distorting the will of the voters.


The United States has a strong democratic tradition and resilient, democratic institutions that have survived previous challenges. The country has been through periods of political crisis, including the Civil War and the Watergate scandal, and has come out on the other side with a stronger democracy. While there are concerns about the current state of democracy in the United States, it is premature to declare that it is in danger of failing.

The United States holds regular free, fair elections with high levels of voter participation. Despite voter suppression and foreign interference concerns, the country has a strong democratic tradition of ensuring that all citizens have a voice in the political process. Independent bodies oversee elections, and a robust system of checks and balances prevents any one branch of government from becoming too powerful.

While there are challenges to democracy in the United States, it is not accurate to say that the country is in danger of becoming a failed democracy. The country’s vibrant civil society, free press, and active citizenry engaged in political debate and activism prove that the democratic system is still functioning (Manski, 2015)). In many other countries that have experienced democratic backsliding, these institutions have been weakened or eliminated.

While concerns have been raised about American democracy, the US still has a strong system of checks and balances. The US Constitution outlines a system of government with three branches – executive, legislative, and judicial – each with the power to check and balance the others. This system is designed to prevent any one branch of government from becoming too powerful and to ensure that the government operates in the people’s best interests. In addition, the US has regular federal, state, and local elections, allowing citizens to participate in the democratic process and hold their elected officials accountable (Markoff, 2015). The country also has a free and independent press, which is important in informing the public and holding those in power accountable for their actions. Furthermore, the US has an independent judiciary that serves as a check on the other branches of government. The judicial branch has the power to interpret the Constitution and declare laws or executive actions unconstitutional, preventing the abuse of power and protecting individual rights.

Position Statement

Based on the evidence and analysis, while the United States faces significant challenges to its democratic system, it is not in danger of becoming a “failed democracy.” While there are legitimate concerns about the erosion of democratic institutions, the country still has robust checks and balances, active civil society organizations, and a strong tradition of democratic governance. However, it is crucial to address the underlying issues and strengthen democratic governance, protect human rights, and ensure that all citizens have an equal say in the political process.


While the United States is facing significant challenges to its democracy, it is not in danger of becoming a failed democracy. The country has a strong democratic tradition and institutions that have survived previous crises, and it still holds regular free and fair elections is evidence that democracy is still functioning. While there are concerns about the erosion of democratic norms and institutions, it is important to maintain perspective and recognize that the situation is not yet dire.

Critical Analysis

While there are valid concerns about American democracy, the idea that the country is in danger of becoming a “failed democracy” may overstate the situation. It is important to note that the United States has a robust system of checks and balances in place, with three co-equal branches of government that limit the power of any one group or individual. While recent years have seen an erosion of norms and challenges to democratic institutions, there is still a strong foundation in place that can prevent a complete collapse of the system (Mounk, 2018). Additionally, the country has a long history of overcoming challenges and adapting to new circumstances, such as during the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s and the aftermath of the September 11 attacks.

Secondly, while there are concerns about money’s influence on politics and the rise of political polarization, there are also strong countervailing forces at work. The country has a vibrant civil society, with numerous non-governmental organizations and advocacy groups that work to hold those in power accountable (Graham & Syolik, 2020). Additionally, while facing challenges of its own, the media continues to play a critical role in informing the public and exposing corruption and wrongdoing.

Finally, it is worth noting that despite the challenges facing American democracy, the country still holds regular free and fair elections, with a peaceful transfer of power between political parties. This is a hallmark of democratic governance and is absent in many other countries worldwide. It is, therefore, also important to acknowledge the significant challenges facing American democracy. The erosion of democratic norms and institutions, the rise of political polarization, and the influence of money in politics are all factors that threaten the health of the country’s democratic system (Markoff, 2015). If left unchecked, these trends could further break down democratic governance and ultimately undermine the country’s democratic foundations. Furthermore, the International IDEA report notes that the United States has fallen a significant number of steps on the democratic scale, indicating that there is cause for concern. While the country may not be in danger of becoming a failed democracy just yet, it is clear that urgent action is needed to address the underlying issues and prevent further backsliding.

Evaluation and Summary

In summary, while the United States is not yet in danger of becoming a failed democracy, there are significant challenges facing the country’s democratic system that cannot be ignored. It is important to recognize the resilience of American democracy and the strong institutions in place that can serve as a bulwark against authoritarianism. However, it is also critical to address the underlying issues that threaten the health of the democratic system and work to strengthen democratic governance, protect human rights, and ensure that all citizens have an equal say in the political process. Ultimately, the future of American democracy rests in the hands of its citizens, and it is up to them to rise to the challenge and protect the democratic foundations of their country.


Achen, C. H., & Bartels, L. M. (2017). Democracy for realists. In Democracy for Realists. Princeton University Press.

Dewey, J. (2021). 9. Creative Democracy—The Task Before Us. In America’s Public Philosopher (pp. 59–66). Columbia University Press.

Graham, M. H., & Svolik, M. W. (2020). Democracy in America? Partisanship, polarization, and the robustness of support for democracy in the United States. American Political Science Review114(2), 392-409.

Manski, B. (2015). The Democratic Turn of the Century: Learning from the US Democracy Movement. Socialism and Democracy29(1), 2–16.

Markoff, J. (2015). Waves of democracy: Social movements and political change. Routledge.

Mounk, Y. (2018). The people vs. democracy. In The People vs. Democracy. Harvard University Press.


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