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Epidemiology Assignment on Diabetes, Adult Population, Brooklyn Location. Write About Medication and Support Systems.

Medication Management

In diabetic control, medication is vital: it helps keep blood sugar levels regular and prevents severe complications. Given that adults living in Brooklyn, similar to many cities, encounter specific medications for diabetes management in terms of access and adherence, Oral antidiabetic agents, which are a member of many drug families, are a core therapy that is used. Metformin, the most effective among its peers at improving insulin sensitivity and lowering liver glucose output, is the first-line medication that is often seen to be prescribed to Brooklyn residents who are initiating diabetes treatment (Herman et al.,2022). Sulfonylureas like glipizide and glyburide have insulinotropic action from the pancreatic beta cells, resulting in glycemic control. Comparable to both of these, DPP-4 inhibitors such as sitagliptin and saxagliptin are dual-acting as they help in insulin secretion and glucagon inhibition and so help in sugar control. Therein lie the medications and the core components of patient-centered drugs to serve the varied adult population of Brooklyn.

Injectable therapies, mostly insulin substitution, comprise the other key armamentarium of the diabetes armory that is particularly essential in the management of type 1 diabetes and in people with type 2 diabetes who require more glycemic control than oral medications. The action of fast-acting insulin analogs like insulin lispro and insulin aspart is rapid, and that of ones like NPH and glargine is slow, which provides postprandial blood sugar control and basal coverage (Eledrisi & Danjuma, 2023). This insulin regimen is tailored to meet the individualized preferences and situations of the Brooklyn adult community members. It thus allows for optimal glycemic control and reduction of risk of complications.

Beyond insulin, additional co-therapies are bringing about a different treatment paradigm for diabetes in New York, as discussed. GLP-1 receptor agonist drugs such as liraglutide and exenatide are multi-targeted drugs that regulate blood glucose by stimulating insulin secretion, suppressing glucagon release, and delaying gastric emptying. The other drug class SGLT-2 inhibitors like canagliflozin and dapagliflozin also attenuate hyperglycemia by improving glucose excretion in urine, and this glucose excretion lessens the blood sugar levels. These adjunctive therapies rebuild ways of personalized treatment, thus addressing different metabolic profiles and tastes of the Brooklynese population of adults.

Support systems 

Support systems are crucial parts of diabetes management, comprising various resources and services that enable individuals to holistically take charge of their health and happiness. Support systems constitute frontline healthcare providers, including primary care physicians, endocrinologists, and other specialized diabetes clinicians. These professionals are crucial for prescribing the right therapeutic drugs, monitoring blood glucose levels, and delivering complete diabetes education on diverse aspects of care, including medication dosage, dietary guidelines, exercise regime, and lifestyle changes, all customized to meet the specific patient’s needs.

Besides healthcare providers, diabetes education programs have also turned out to be extremely valuable from the point of view of providing the know-how and the skills for individuals to do self-management efficiently. These programs mostly take place in hospitals, clinics, and community centers. Their subjects comprise pragmatic instruction on monitoring blood sugar levels, adhering to medication doses, and adhering to the dietary plan. They also teach the mechanisms of psychosocial aspects of living with diabetes.

Community resources move the overall support level for patients with diabetes up a notch. The community health centers are the central buildings for healthcare services as they are the easy-to-reach hubs, bringing healthcare workers, nutritionists, and diabetes educators together. It is not uncommon for these centers to have support groups and workshops that may be used to grow a sense of community and provide practical guidance for people living with it and their families trying to overcome the problems that come with diabetes. Pharmacies form another pillar in the support network, providing medication counseling, blood glucose monitoring supplies, and access to medication refills. For some health food stores, diabetes education consultancy services are also available, bettering the continuum of care offered to patients living with diabetes.

Isaacs et al. 2020 highlight that information technology integration has developed diabetes management with advanced tools for self-monitoring and remote care a great deal. Using mobile applications or wearable devices, the user’s critical metrics, including blood glucose level, medication adherence, diet, and physical activity level, can be evaluated continuously in real-time. On the opposite note, these technologies have benefits like medication reminders, appointment reminders, and treatment adherence, thus promoting autonomous self-care and adherence to treatment. At the same time, telemedicine platforms serve as an alternative version of traditional one-to-one conversations with a healthcare provider. They can overcome mobility difficulties or other transportation expenses and receive prompt care. This system functions as a holistic framework of systems that focuses on developing people with diabetes to be healthy and have good health outcomes.

In summary, managing diabetes in the adult population in Brooklyn must be based on medication therapy and robust support systems. Medication management, which is integrated with education, community resources, and technology, will ensure that people with diabetes will have better control of their condition, and this will lead to improved health and well-being. Continued coordination between the health care providers, community organizations, and technology developers is mandatory to maximize diabetes care and thus decrease the burden of this chronic disease in Brooklyn.


Eledrisi, M. S., & Danjuma, M. I. M. U. (2023). Comparison of Insulin Analogs and Human Insulins: A Narrative Review. Journal of Diabetes and Endocrine Practice. DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-1771027

Herman, R., Kravos, N. A., Jensterle, M., Janež, A., & Dolžan, V. (2022). Metformin and insulin resistance: A review of the underlying mechanisms behind changes in GLUT4-mediated glucose transport. International journal of molecular sciences23(3), 1264.10.3390/ijms23031264

Isaacs, D., Cox, C., Schwab, K., Oser, T. K., Rinker, J., Mason, M. J., … & Albanese-O’Neill, A. (2020). Technology integration: the role of the diabetes care and education specialist in practice. The Diabetes Educator46(4), 323-334.


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