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Enlightenment Essays

The Significance of Political Science

Political science studies the history of politics and provides knowledge about government systems. Politics encompasses ideologies and activities associated with improving one’s status or increasing organizational power. The primary reason political science is essential to governments is to create a fully functional system that includes everyone in a country(Stretton, 2013). Additionally, by studying other methods, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 687

The Aristocracy and the Peasantry

The eighteenth century saw a dramatic change in the traditional social class structure. This was evident in the lives of the aristocracy and the peasantry, as the former held the highest status in society while the latter was of a much lower standing. Despite their disparities in wealth and power, both classes had commonalities in ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 745
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The Effects of Enlightenment Ideals on American Literature

Introduction The Enlightenment period was regarded as a fascinating moment around the world following the entrance of new ideas and thinking into society, particularly the civic equality mindset. The lower classes were improving their abilities to participate in the environment around them. These were not merely days of fresh thinking; they were days of people ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1770

Women and Enlightenment

Jean-Baptiste Moliere’s play of 1664, Tartuffe, explores various topics although the role of men and women in society is the one that stands out the most. The play was written during the Enlightenment era when women were not perceived as significant figures, although the author presented women differently. The social structure considered women to be ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1308
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