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Enhancing Communication in the Fire and EMS Community

Working as an attaché at the UAE embassy has been significant to me, especially in understanding the operations of the fire and EMS community. Within the short period I have been engaged in the organization, I have learned numerous issues and identified areas that require improvement. The Department of Fire and EMS community offers various services, including emergency management, firefighting, and delivering emergency medical services. The embassy has few employees trained in paramedics and emergency responses, which is vital in handling emerging fire problems. Factors including the availability of equipment, the accessibility of incident scenes, and the effectiveness of communication are crucial for the success of the department’s operations. The mobile intensive care units are also essential in handling health emergencies for employees and the organization. Additionally, EMS takes disasters such as heavy snowfall, wind, flood, wildfire, and hails. The department offers emergency services to victims experiencing such devastating occurrences. The department’s responsible for developing mitigation plans, preparedness, public information, recovery activities, and coordination of the emergency services. As a police attaché, my experience in this department has influenced my career development. Despite the enhanced service delivery, the communication challenge is one of the issues derailing the department’s operations.

The Issue

The issue that needs improvement is the enhanced communication strategies for the fire and EMS community. Although the department has such services, their progress is crucial. The budget restrictions mean that the department must meet internal and external communication needs using minimal resources, lowering the department’s response rates to emergency issues. The department’s communication strategy currently covers community safety campaigns, stakeholder communication, internet-based communication, and diverse external communication strategies. Despite having such communication strategies, incidents and emergency communications need to receive the department’s strategies. The organization has successfully communicated by undertaking safety interventions and campaigns, supporting public consultation, ensuring public access to crucial information, and developing new approaches to communication. Additionally, the department has enhanced internal communication through improved internal communication, open dialogue, and enhanced strategies that improve employee relationships. Diversification of communication channels has also improved timely communication with the targeted stakeholders.

Internal and external communication tactics have been critical in organizational operations. First, the organization uses internal communication tactics to engage employees outside and inside the office. They work during odd hours within and outside the office, handling sensitive issues and emergencies. Connecting teams around geographical locations is crucial in such circumstances. Therefore, the organization has put diverse strategies to ensure internal communication becomes a success, and every employee can raise matters of concern that would increase interactive discussions. The tactics include regular briefings by senior managers, the intranet for internal communication, e-newsletters, and consultations. Regular consultation is vital in handling emergency issues and finding new solutions. Apart from internal communication, the organization also emphasizes improving external communication. The basis of external communication is consultation seeking to engage external stakeholders. External communication methods include using direct mail to contact externally affected people. For instance, informing people living in areas susceptible to flooding to vacate. Public meetings and letters to stakeholders have also been used to engage the public. Although public meetings bring face-to-face communication, it is expensive and time-consuming compared to letters and emails. Other external communication strategies include websites, surveys, and social media platforms the organization uses to warn or advise the public. Despite such communication tactics, the fire and EMS community still lacks an effective strategy for emergency management (Haupt, 2021). Different measures are necessary to ensure that communication is suitable for engaging in emergencies effectively, without injuries to the officers, loss of properties, or loss of lives during disasters.

Developing Crisis Communication Strategy for Emergencies

The fire and EMS community should be a proactive decision-maker, informing the public about the looming crisis and having practical mitigation strategies. The public relies on the leadership of such departments to determine their following action and recommend appropriate decisions. Leaders must inform the communities about the looming crisis and recommend possible measures to divert the effects (Haupt, 2021). Even though unpredictable events lead to numerous challenges, emergency communicators should focus on opportunities such events can offer. After determining the opportunities, the communicators must shape public opinion to support such opportunities (White, 2019). They seek answers to the questions, understand unexpected events, and determine possible opportunities within the chaos.

A stronger connection exists between crisis communication and the management of emergencies. In most cases, effective communication identifies the audience’s needs, recognize possible barriers, and offers solutions to address the identified needs (Haupt, 2021). Emergency communication must identify activities before, during, and after the emergency. Compliance with the existing policies would be crucial for implementing emergency communication practices. However, organizations have faced different challenges when using crisis communication to handle emergency management. It has been challenging to anticipate community needs during an emergency. Fire and EMS communities have used the community’s perceived needs in approaching emergency services; consequently, emergency communications have boomeranged. The emergency also challenges timeliness and the lack of adaptation for the crisis type. Most importantly, there is insufficient time for implementers of emergency services to offer enough time for emergency operations. Another challenge is inadequate communication technologies that would improve communication processes, while the values and norms of the targeted community remain an additional challenge (White, 2019). Most emergency and fire organizations lack advanced communication technologies for rapid response, relying on traditional means derailing communication processes (Haupt, 2021). The values and norms of the targeted communities are also a problem. Since the community is diversified, people have various beliefs that might hinder immediate evacuation during a crisis. Other challenges include stress and pressure from the team members, the tension that the media presents, data collection and information conveyance, and poor collaboration with other stakeholders. Despite these challenges, addressing them require strengthening crisis communication strategies.

The Challenge of Communication Interoperability

The police, firefighters, and EMS personnel must collaborate to address diverse disasters that emerge in society. Natural disasters, bombings, accidents, plane crashes, and other challenges require the three categories of workers to coordinate and communicate effectively to minimize casualties (Power et al., 2023). Although such coordination is less visible to the public, they are crucial for smooth life-saving operations. The achievement of communication interoperability is crucial for fire and EMS agencies. The studies have shown that although the fire and EMS communities interoperate with the local community and the public, the engagement is less frequent than expected (Power et al., 2023). The use of different frequency bands has also limited interoperability between the agencies of emergency and the local governments. Besides, the technologies of Land Mobile Radio (LMR) systems that the organization uses are old and rely on essential technologies (Power et al., 2023). They cannot meet contemporary communication expectations. They predominantly rely on analog communication systems in a society of advanced technologies. The use of different frequency bands and funding limitations are practices that continue to affect interoperability needs. There is no urgency in upgrading LMR systems in the department; the existing plans are long-term, which might be inappropriate for constantly changing technology.

The interoperability challenges have limited the frequency of interaction for the benefit of the public during a crisis. Day-to-day interoperability involves coordination during routine operations, especially through the network of emergency agencies (White, 2019). In case of catastrophic events, the agencies coordinate through mutual aid interoperability. Task-force interoperability is creating a major operational strategy involving local and federal agencies in reducing prolonged catastrophic events (White, 2019). The task force focuses on having a lasting solution to catastrophic events. Various obstacles have thwarted the need for interoperability, including political challenges, financial limitations, poor planning, different frequency bands, and technological differences (White, 2019). Fire and EMS communities receive inadequate funding for acquiring new technologies and recruiting sufficient personnel; consequently, personnel experience stress and exhaustion from hard labor. Coordination of various agencies would have increased emergency responses if planning were effective. The lack of appropriate planning methods has hindered improving interoperability and ensuring immediate responses. The reliance on traditional technologies and different frequency bands has limited coordination between large and small agencies. The frequencies of the bands that do not match have hindered emergency communication and exposed members of the public to disasters. The coordination of agencies has been complex, limiting the chances of rescue.

Addressing the Challenge of Communication Interoperability

Improving the LMR system would be the most effective way of improving communication interoperability. Coordinating the fire and EMS community with the existing agencies would be critical. The UAE embassy cannot operate in isolation; it requires the involvement of state and federal agencies. Improving the LMR system requires additional financing and political willingness (Power et al., 2023). State EMS agencies provide certificate and licensing requirements for other EMS agencies within their jurisdictions. Although it lacks a direct role in public safety and emergency services, the agency requires an LMR system for internal communication. The limitation of such technologies is that the system is old and relies on conventional analog technology that cannot address current communication needs (Power et al., 2023). Another agency is the state fire marshal. It has varied responsibilities depending on the state and the general policies. They do not have emergency response responsibilities but use LMR systems in most of their operations. Advancement in technology is also critical because they need to coordinate with other agencies within their jurisdiction. The increase in cases of wildfires has promoted state forestry agencies to advance their communication and coordinate with other stakeholders. Since it has an emergency response mandate, interoperability of its operations is crucial.

The current LMR systems used in most fire and EMS communities present diverse limitations, making them inadequate in addressing current communication needs. The challenge of dead spots in signal coverage is a common issue, especially when coverage is in mountainous regions and areas with heavy forest coverage. Dead spots challenge is less frequent in flat land, limiting certain areas’ coverage. The second challenge of existing LMR is interference. Analog technologies have numerous cases of interference compared to digital ones. Insufficient and outdated equipment continues to paralyze communication, limiting the effectiveness of emergency responses. Despite such challenges, agencies have been reluctant to replace the existing systems. Larger agencies rely on traditional systems, while small agencies have modern facilities. Replacement of the old systems is crucial in increasing the connection between the small and the larger agencies.

Diverse technological initiatives are crucial for the improvement of communication in emergency services. Today, most fire and EMS communities operate analog LMRs, with few making progress and introducing higher VHF frequency bands (Power et al., 2023). Others have shared communication arrangements with agencies located in other jurisdictions. Wireless data communication platforms that agencies should adopt include cellular switched data, Local Multipoint Distribution System (LMDS) and Multichannel Multipoint Distribution System (MMDS), mobile satellite services, mobile data terminals, global positioning systems (GPS), paging, and cellular voice (White, 2019). The progress in digital technology reveals that the future of analog dependence is unpredictable. Besides, upgrading radio frequency preferences is essential, especially using 800MHz frequencies.

Apart from technological advancement, adopting interoperability require policy initiatives. Communication interoperability remains a crucial issue in boosting emergency service delivery. Coordinating agencies and existing departments ensures that everyone in the affected region receives immediate communication and takes action toward evacuation. Most importantly, the fire and EMS community might not initiate inter-organizational interaction; the policymakers and lawmakers need a strategy for interlinking the agencies. Such interconnection intends to improve coordination during emergencies. The policies should also address funding issues; many agencies have outdated communication channels, limiting the messages that communicators relay for an immediate response (White, 2019). The improved planning on introducing interoperability should be a vital matter for policymakers. Besides, addressing limited knowledge of new technologies and interoperability would be crucial.

Additional Communication Technologies

Apart from improving LMR systems, the fire and EMS community must capitalize on existing and affordable technologies to enhance communication. Reliable wireless broadband and mobile devices present exciting fire device opportunities (Liu et al., 2019). Mobile transition plans are modernizing communication and diversifying avenues for interacting with stakeholders. First, reliance on smartphone apps such as Active 911 has become an additional expansion opportunity. Fire and EMS communities should adopt these apps, commonly used by the public, because they provide caller’s details, location, and the incidence area (Liu et al., 2019). It helps the involved parties to engage without difficulties because almost all members of the public own mobile phones. Computerized dispatch systems now use Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) to engage with people in the station (Liu et al., 2019). Ensuring that computer-aided dispatch (CAD) systems are accessible in mobile apps is also crucial because it limits the reliance on heavy desktops and laptops during emergency services. Using portable phones ensures that fire chiefs remain informed while on the go. The Chief of the incident commander, who is positioned at the scene, would call for support from the station or inform the officers about the situation. Smartwatches are other technologies that the fire and EMS community should embrace for improved communication. Smartwatches will improve communication and help in monitoring the health of firefighters. Many accidents and injuries by firefighters have been reported, forcing the department to seek measures to minimize accidents and improve the safety of the involved parties. Therefore, using smartwatches will help detect dangers when firefighters are in a risky situation. Since smartwatches have advanced sensors for tracking location and detecting changes in heart rates, using them for improved communication is essential. Team leaders would detect the condition of members when they are in the field and recommend immediate assistance.

How It Serves the Organization

Emergencies require effective communication. The issue under discussion enhances immediacy, accuracy, and accessibility. The mandate of the fire and EMS community is fast response, which relies on effective communication. The organization is not using contemporary communication strategies, making it less effective in responses and saving lives. The advancement in communication technology increases the reliability of the department’s services. Technologies such as GPS and satellites offer reliable continuous coverage, improving communication in remote areas and mountainous terrains (Liu et al., 2019). Terrestrial networks poorly cover such areas, limiting rescue in such situations; therefore, technology will enhance communication in locations where analog communication cannot operate. Traditional LMR relies on analog transmissions, but introducing advanced technologies addresses its limitations, including expanding coverage space. Emergency communication also transmits sensitive and classified information. For instance, EMS services involve patients’ health information, which is considered private and confidential. Advanced technologies reduce the possibility of hacking and intrusion (Liu et al., 2019). Using satellite communication for emergency services would help secure sensitive data and protect the privacy of the involved parties. The flexibility and portability of communication devices will be improved. For instance, using smartwatches to monitor officers’ condition at work would be more effective because the watches are worn on wrists. Modern technologies are also cost-effective compared to developing expensive terrestrial networks. Having networks that are accessible in remote areas reduces the costs that the organization might have used in developing the network. Satellite and cellular technologies have been effective in such operations.

Additionally, advanced communication will enhance program preparedness. Emergency communication ensures preparedness and immediate reaction to events that threaten human life. Therefore, the availability of improved technology would be fundamental in immediacy in responding to circumstances. During emergencies, risks of making wrong decisions are high, mainly due to fear associated with risks. The fire and EMS community needs adequate response plans to reduce emergency management panic (Liu et al., 2019). Poor communication facilities increase the chances of making mistakes and worsening the situation. Advanced technologies in communication would enhance response and minimize the fear risks. Cloud-based technologies and automatic alerts allow emergency departments to react to emergencies and disasters effectively. Delivering target alerts will also be crucial, especially through notices and information that the government provides. The government must also use expertise to provide information that does not create panic in the public. One way to ensure such initiatives is through open platforms, allowing the involved parties to respond. Emails, social media, and mobile alerts are some methods the government uses to engage the affected public. Cloud-based technologies are also vital in emergency event management and controlling notifications for responses.

Advancements in communication technology would also help the organization predict hazards and ensure rapid response coordination. Ensuring communication interoperability is one of the ways of ensuring coordination of all government departments. When other departments are excluded from communication, the possibility of coordination is minimized, and chances of failures are raised. The federal, state, and agencies must have a coordination strategy. For instance, the United States uses the National Incidence Management System (NIMS) to link agencies and cooperate for a practical disaster management approach. Also, the predictive models help in assessing the possibility of a disaster. Communication technologies can collect network sensor data and scan and predict potential hazards. Such information would be essential in proactive preparations for disaster management.

Scalability of the Issue

Scalability is one of the features of technology which the issue addresses. Communication technologies are constantly changing due to changes in demands and applications. Depending on internal structural changes, cloud computing systems allow organizations to scale upwards or downwards. LMR system, especially the improved version, can change depending on workload behavior situations and sustaining end-user experience. The underlying software architecture is crucial for improving the scalability of the technology. Land Mobile Radio has withstood diverse technological evaluations since its inception thirty years ago. Although there have been different communication avenues, technology LMR has withstood the challenges and met the growing organizational demands. Besides, technologies such as Long-Term Evolution (LTE) have developed but do not fully replace LMR. Scaling LMR systems to meet the current demands is crucial to sustaining their scalability. Additionally, integrating existing technologies is critical to improving communication interoperability and supporting departmental coordination.


Haupt, B. (2021). The use of crisis communication strategies in emergency management. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management18(2), 125–150.

Liu, M., Yang, J., & Gui, G. (2019). DSF-NOMA: UAV-assisted emergency communication technology in a heterogeneous Internet of Things. IEEE Internet of Things Journal6(3), 5508-5519.

Power, N., Alcock, J., Philpot, R., & Levine, M. (2023). The Psychology of Interoperability: A Systematic Review and Case Study from the UK Emergency Services.

White, G. (2019). One airport, two states, and three fire services let’s get coordinated. National Emergency Response32(1), 16–19.


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