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Personality Theory and a Biblical Worldview

Freud’s theory partially fits with my worldview in several ways, but there are some ideas I disagree with from the theory. There are several ideas from Freud’s theory that can be assimilated that I fully agree with and that fit with my worldview. Some of the ideas that can be assimilated are the fact that instincts are inspiring forces to different directions of behavior, instincts link bodily needs with the mind, instincts partially influence our behaviors, Psychic energy that comes from instinctual tension can be channeled to do something else, life instinct type of instinct and the functionality of the personality structure. Freud’s theory revolves around many things, giving a list of assimilable things to a worldview(Schultz et al.,2016).

The things assimilable from Freud’s theory can be directly linked to reality in many ways. The impression that instincts are inspiring forces to different directions of behavior is visible in the day-to-day lives of human beings where for instance, the stimuli for instincts relating to hunger direct someone to eat food from time to time, and this explains several kinds of human behavior. Instincts link bodily needs with the mind so that someone can take the appropriate action, which in this case can be described as the proper behavior according to the need(Schultz et al.,2016). One of the basic behaviors this idea can directly relate to is thirst or hunger. When the body is thirsty, this need is conveyed to the mind through instincts, and the mind converts this to a wish for drinking water or other consumable liquids, and the person looks for water. Many basic behaviors, such as eating, point back to instincts. The energy that comes from instinctual tension can be redirected into a different activity, and how someone redirects his or her energy directly affects their personality since the activity they choose entirely depends on their reasoning. Some may redirect their energy to activities perceived as immoral, and others may channel their energy to morally constructive activities. As mentioned by Freud, I believe that the life type of instinct can be assimilated. According to him, this instinct plays a role in the survival of different individuals and other living species. Life instincts motivate people and other animal species to satisfy the need for food, water, breathable air, and even sex for reproduction. This need plays a crucial role in the survival of humans and other species.

The personality structure that entails different levels can also be assimilated. According to Freud, the structure has three levels of personality, including the id, the ego, and the superego. The id ego is the primary level, a collection of different instincts, and the libido, is the energy resulting from the instincts that compel someone to take action. The id powers the other two levels of personality. The id level, according to Freud, operates on a principle known as the pleasure principle. The ego level directly follows and is characterized by rational thinking, which determines how someone will act to satisfy a need. The ego level determines socially acceptable times and objects to satisfy a specific need. According to Freud, the ego level operates with a principle known as the reality principle. The superego is another level of personality type(Schultz et al.,2016). According to Freud, a powerful set of beliefs acquired during childhood helps us know between right and wrong. Freud believed that children learn between right and wrong from their parents.

There are some things from Freud’s theory that differ from my worldview. Freud’s discussion about the different types of instincts partially differs from my worldview. Death type of instinct varies with my worldview since I have never perceived the world in that manner at any given time. I do not believe that people have an unconscious wish to die; this conflicts with life instinct, which serves the purpose of survival(Schultz et al.,2016). According to my worldview, death instincts do not cause people to kill each other, but such are things caused by socially unacceptable channeling of energy resulting from instinctual tension. My worldview differs from Freud’s worldview in the aspect of fully instinct-driven behaviors; I believe that behavior is influenced by the spiritual nature of human nature and religion besides instincts.

The Bible provides a clear framework for the Christian theory of personality. The Bible acts as a guide to the personality of many Christians. In the Bible, the book of Genesis, chapter 1, verse 27, human beings are created in the Image of God(Gospel. C,2020). This verse contributes to the Christian theory of human personality in many ways. This verse guides Christians to adopt a personality of morality and influences their personalities, making them avoid sin and embrace good behaviors acceptable in society. Genesis is found in the old testament as the first book. Another book that provides a framework is the book of Galatians chapter 5 which discusses the fruits of the Holy Spirit. The fruits of the Holy Spirit are aspects of personality that guide Christians into good personalities acceptable in the world. The fruits of the Holy Spirit emphasize aspects of love, Joy, Peace, patience, and kindness, among other qualities.


Schultz, D. P., & Schultz, S. E. (2016). Theories of personality. Cengage Learning.,+D.+P.+%26+Schultz,+S.+E.+(2017).+Theories+of+personality+(11th+ed.).++&ots=NxLhGn-lVK&sig=mzD62X9rTuhDk6ahPUD0VlCz9SY

The Gospel Coalition (2020, January 29). The image of God in humanity: a biblical-psychological perspective.


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