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Effective Strategies for Managing Organizational Change Successfully


In case of resistance management, one should try to implement it well for the recognition of the change efforts. The paper will explore six critical strategies for managing resistance to change, drawing insights from the provided information and Exhibit 15.9 in the textbook “M: The paper “Managing Outplacement in a Downturn: Impact of the Economic Deflation on the Workplace Management”. These methods actually constitute a set of measures, ranging from concealing and communicating with stakeholders to more secret and clandestine activities. Through understanding and applying such plans, the organizations can make their way through this obstacle and significantly enhance the probability that change implementation process will be a success.

Effective Ways to Manage Resistance to Change

Education and Communication

Employees need to know the rationale behind the change and why it is expected to benefit them. Communication of this aspect is not just about managing resistance but standard etiquette. The microcosm of a business organization is set up in a way that the employees know the reason behind the change and how the change aligns with organizational goals. Companies would be in a good position to address the comments and doubts in a straightforward way by issuing the clear information and in case of the doubt answering it unambiguous way. Transparency in communication helps people to trust you and doubt disappears.

Support and Resources

Supporting and providing resources (e.g., training sessions and workshops) are fundamental in preparing personnel to face and take advantage of changes. Such schemes assist team members in acquiring the competence and skills necessary to overcome the change effectively. On top of giving people continuous guidance during the change process, support is the key to resolving challenges and tackling difficulties.

Incentive to Encourage Change

In the creation processes whereby flexibility and the team spirit that accompany the acceptance of changes are appreciated, the support and awards of such employees go along to people with others to emulate through recognizing and making days for those who work by the processes of change-making to be reinforced desired behaviors and building an environment of adaptability and innovation. Incentives like bonuses, promotions, or other rewards materialize to express gratitude for the support and stress-free embrace of change. These awards accomplish two essential objectives: they appreciate individual contributions and show that the organization cares about the worker’s contribution.

Covert Tactics

Diplomacy and tact, two pivotal mechanisms of delicate confrontation of resistance to change, could be appropriately utilized. Managers can encircle themselves with those with the power to influence resistant parties and who may even hold sway over those parties. This would contribute to more substantial support and utilization of the influence to push through the agenda. Moreover, in terms of going behind the resistance, you will be able to discover the actual reasons or motivations that cause the resistance to grow, thus suggesting the management deliver more suitable solutions.

Force Change

The authority or the mandate as the last solution may be taken to enlighten the change policy an organization can carry out. On the other hand, it should be undertaken with care and only as another means, having run out of better ways. The imposition of change by authority should be considered carefully because this tactic can further arouse worker resentment and resistance. When employees believe they are not adequately briefed about what’s happening or that change is being implemented in their workplace without their engagement or understanding, they may dig in even harder and be less willing to work collaboratively with others.

Involving Stakeholders

Engaging stakeholders in the process of collecting feedback and ideas can lead to a buy-in and ensure a better change initiative since they will feel involved and can contribute to the idea making hence enhancement of the quality of the change initiative. Agencies can utilize their intellects and wisdom in the change process by involving all the stakeholders which is a promising way to offer information and efficient decision making. Hence, including the stakeholders from different levels within the organization to advance the environment of transparency and inclusion promotes teamwork and trust to create a culture of trust.


Carefully addressing the resistance to change means presenting workers with a comprehensive package that covers many different angles and includes some of the following approaches, like education, communication, involvement, support, incentives, and coercion when required. Through a broad array of approaches, organizations can overcome resistance and enhance the prospects for successful change implementation, ensuring a successful outcome. In education, employees will know the differences, advantages, and equity between the new and old methods. Participation establishes stakeholders and motivates them to feel more belonging, and commitment guides them through the change process by providing resources and assistance. Rewards promote behavior change and provide momentum, while intimidation is a last-resort tactic to enforce compliance.


Bateman, T. S., & Konopaske, R. (2022). M: Management. McGraw Hill LLC.


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