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Educational Strategies Essays

Embracing Kinesthetic Learning

Fallace (2023) argues that learning styles, represented by auditory, visual, and kinesthetic preferences, are a great resource in identifying the nature of receiving and understanding information from people. I performed a self-assessment test performing it recently, and I discovered that I am a kinesthetic learner. This self-assessment fits perfectly with my attraction to the active ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 580

Learning Disability Simulation

A set of situations that can impede a baby’s capacity to analyze and method statistics is known as mastering disabilities. These issues are not because of the absence of intelligence or motivation but wonderful variations in brain functioning. Affected children can also warfare with reading, writing, speaking, listening abilities, or mathematical calculations while dealing with ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 896
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Educational Tools and Strategies

According to Ashworth and Perera, industrial technology and construction management focus on developing innovative solutions to complex problems resulting from advancements in the manufacturing sector (2018). Learners are taught how to properly manage these processes and improve the efficiency of production facilities. Bilal et al. posit that with an emphasis on active learning, one can ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1015
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