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Embracing Kinesthetic Learning

Fallace (2023) argues that learning styles, represented by auditory, visual, and kinesthetic preferences, are a great resource in identifying the nature of receiving and understanding information from people. I performed a self-assessment test performing it recently, and I discovered that I am a kinesthetic learner. This self-assessment fits perfectly with my attraction to the active role-plenty rather than the passive one. In this reflection, based on personal and formal studies, I explore what being a kinesthetic learner entails and ponder how to develop learning contexts that adequately cater to learners with the same learning preferences.

A recent self-assessment provided my learning style has a preference for kinesthetic learning. I am in tune with the concept that experiences in which I engage with my hands and feet increase the understanding and retention of information. This realization is consistent with the nature of my engagement character and allows me to search the mechanisms of how this approach changes my educational processes. Provided with what is suggestive of complete sincerity as a result of the self-assessment, my dominant learning style is the one implied as kinesthetic. The elevated similarity between the assessment result and my real life helps me understand that I assimilate information the best through material participation. This connectedness further ensures the need to recognize and cater to different learning styles to enhance the learning odyssey of people to which I am a “stand” member.

Learning through practical activities proves to be a better way of learning, and an example of how I am better off in my kinesthetic learning style is my performance during practical sessions. I would particularly ace both practical laboratory experiments or other activities done in hands-on experience with theory because I can apply theoretical knowledge to tangible evidence of life. I understand the basic concepts better and grasp and remember them better when I touch the equipment with my hands and perform experiments.

Recalling previous educational experiences, I remember needing help understanding traditional lecture-based learning. Sitting passively and listening to information verbally tended to make me emotionally detached after a while for some reason or another. I realized I needed help to recall the information presented to me by relying entirely on either auditory or visual means alone. Based on my learning type, kinesthetic, incorporating maker spaces into classrooms, along with other activities that are hands-on and interactive, would assist the learning process better. This consideration may include developing simulation methods, practicing through experiments, or collective active involvement involving learners in grasping the concept.

Educators should be aware of the difference in learning styles and, for my benefit, among other kinesthetic learners, provide educational material that would suit my needs. Using complementary resources such as simulations, which learners can interact with, or practical work instead of regular lectures and readings might be helpful. By doing so, educational establishments may construct a more inclusive learning realm that contributes to the heterogeneous requirements of the pupil.

In conclusion, knowing one’s learning style is decisive in achieving excellent academic performance. As a kinesthetic learner, I understand why I needed the hands-on activities to clearly understand some of the concepts and the importance of these hands-on activities for my academic journey. Acknowledging and developing my learning style guarantees adequate handling of academic challenges and allows me to participate in my learning process actively.


Fallace, T. (2023). The long origins of the visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning style typology, 1921–2001. History of Psychology.


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