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Inclusive Education Essays

Psychometric Assessments Used With ADHD Students

Abstract This in-depth literature review examines the vital position of psychometric tests as capital tools to advance our knowledge of ADHD among learners. It covers the cognitive, behavioral, and emotional dimensions of ADHD, which objectively assesses current research findings. The recent research highlights the importance of using multiple psychometric tools to diagnose ADHD appropriately, which ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 658

Inclusive Education for Students With Diverse Needs

Background Information In this case study, a 13-year-old junior high student, Ashley, has recently suffered a traumatic brain injury from an accident prompting four months of treatment and six months of rehabilitation in a University hospital. This has affected Ashley’s academic performance, dropping from an honors student and active sports enthusiast to walking with a ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1897
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Preserving Inclusive Education Amidst Restrictive Policies

Introduction Within the turbulent world of education, the intersection of curriculum, history, and race becomes a battlefield for what it means to learn. This opinion piece examines the limitations of racial discussions in public schools and the broader implications for inclusive education. The essay will employ a logical progression, establishing correlations between contemporary policies and ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1096

Learning Disability Simulation

A set of situations that can impede a baby’s capacity to analyze and method statistics is known as mastering disabilities. These issues are not because of the absence of intelligence or motivation but wonderful variations in brain functioning. Affected children can also warfare with reading, writing, speaking, listening abilities, or mathematical calculations while dealing with ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 896

Application of Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) to Students With Disabilities

Introduction The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is essential to expanding educational opportunities and outcomes for all children, with a focus on students with disabilities, to create an inclusive education system. and fair. ESSA, a primary US legislation passed in 2015, will take effect earlier than the No Child Left Behind Act. The ESSA addresses ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1203

First Nation in Education Curated Portfolio

Part a: Teaching philosophy statement As a teacher, I firmly believe in recognizing and respecting my pupils’ many cultures, histories, and languages. Specifically, I adhere to the cultures and well-being of those kids whose families are from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds. To this aim, I have committed to complying with the legal, administrative, ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3630

Students With Severe Disabilities in Inclusive Settings

Prompt 1 Some Concerns for the Instruction of Students with Severe Disabilities in Inclusive Settings Chapter One of Snell & Brown (2013) explains some concerns about instructions for severely disabled students in inclusive settings. One of the concerns discussed in the article is uneven access to inclusive classrooms. I agree with the authors’ concern about ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 733

Stephen’s Case Study

To initiate the evaluation of Stephen’s present LRE placement, arranging an IEP meeting with all relevant parties is necessary. These include his parents, Ms. Gonzales, Mr. Kuchar, the school principal, and any other staff belonging to the Child Study Team (CST). The primary objective behind this context is to reflect upon the current educational status ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1583

Reflective Report on Teaching and Learning

Part A Learners with special needs face numerous challenges that limit their ability to achieve equal success in educational settings as others. Learning difficulties, in which children with disabilities struggle to read, do calculations, or write, are examples of such challenges. As a teacher, you must devise innovative and appropriate techniques to ensure that these ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2632

Critical Approaches to Inclusive Education

Section 1: Learning Plan Group: 2nd Grade Students with Autism. Time Frame: Five sessions and 45 minutes long per session. Subject: Hygiene and Interpersonal and Personal Skills. Topic: -The topic is: Enhancing Interpersonal and Personal Skills in Second Grade Autism Learners. -This lesson topic is created to show the inclusive principles covered in the unit to ... Read More
Pages: 17       Words: 4561

Computer-Based Learning for Special Needs Students

Abstract This was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of computer-based instruction for special needs learners. The study examined how special education teachers implement computer technology to address the individual needs of students with mild and severe disabilities. The research focused on the connection between computer-based instruction and improved academic performance of learners with special needs. ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2800

Inclusivity of Gifted Children

Introduction Inclusivity and inclusion are crucial components of the Early Years Learning Framework in Australia (AGDE, 2022). In all Aboriginal language groups in Australia, aspects of spiritual, linguistic and spatial abilities are considered essential. It is essential to recognize and appreciate the learning requirements and needs of gifted children to support their early learning. Where ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1366

Educational Interventions and Supports for Exceptional Children

It is critical to be aware of the requirements of children with special needs and to give them the assistance and resources they require to succeed. Exploring the different educational interventions and classroom practices that can serve these students is critical due to the growing frequency of special needs and disabilities among children. This essay ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1336

School Leadership in Inclusive Education

This research reviews the literature to determine school leaders’ roles in promoting an inclusive education culture in learning institutions. Education is an essential human right and an integral component of sustainable development. Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 emphasises the need to ensure equitable and inclusive education and create opportunities for lifetime learning for all. According ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2488

The Inclusion and Learning Plan

Introduction to the child’s profile This study pays attention to a six-year-old girl, Tara, located in Sydney under the care of her parents; Tara has an intellectual disability that roots in her diagnosis of Down syndrome when she was three weeks old. Tara has taken various interventions to solve her issues; she underwent physiotherapy, occupational ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1875
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