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Education Essays

Effective Teaching Methods Used by Jesus

The previous teaching paradigm argues that information is conveyed from instructor to student, with the student considered a passive receiver in the approach (James et al., 2015). The modern radical change is one in which students are actively involved in the experience, and individuals are responsible for student engagement. Therefore, under the paradigm shift of ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 662

Professional Development of an Educator

As an educator, I have a plan for my professional development. Additional requirements will be met for certification, endorsements, degrees, and membership in professional organizations to improve networking and education-related expertise. A vision encompasses my educational aspirations, vision, and values. To address the demands of my students and coworkers, my professional development is built on ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 721
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Education System in Modern China

Introduction The momentum of China’s development as one of the universe’s exceptionally dominant nations in worldwide education has been nothing short of extraordinary. China’s education is fundamentally governed by the state-controlled communal education system, classified as the Ministry of education (Sargent, 2015). Every citizen is required to attend school for a minimum of nine years. ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1756

Education for African Americans

The struggle for education and what it has become to this were quite different from one another. The way that education was provided post-slavery is quite different from what we have seen recently, but the evolution and how that came to be a grueling process that took a lot of resilience and will (African Americans ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1552

Relationship Between Education and Poverty

Studies have constantly revealed the strong link between education and poverty. In many nations, income in a family is one of the most powerful indicators of academic and later-life success. Poverty has denied many people the opportunity to access quality education, at the same time, education has been long seen as the equalizer between the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 939

Professional Dispositions of Learners and the Code of Ethics for Educators

Introduction/Thesis The success of any teaching practice is grounded within the teacher’s dispositions. As a result, effective educators should continue developing themselves personally and professionally throughout their teaching careers. This paper examines the importance of professional dispositions to learners. In this paper, I also evaluate the model of the code of ethics for educators based ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 712

Demerits of School Uniforms

School uniforms have been part and parcel of private and parochial institutions in the United States and globally. School uniforms have drawn heated debates between proponents and opponents who hold divergent views concerning their benefits and demerits. In the U.S., school uniforms are most preferred by elementary schools, followed by middle and high schools. However, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 650

Curriculum Organization: Mathematics

Introduction Mathematics is a field of philosophy focused on the principles of pattern, quantity, and structure (Hom and Gordon, 2021). Mathematics is classified into several topics that describe distinct parts of the discipline, such as arithmetic, which deals with numbers, and geometry, which deals with magnitudes. Mathematics has evolved to include more subjects such as ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2731

Essay on Curriculum Development

Revealed math grade three-volume one is the curriculum used in the third year of primary school Mathematics, with comprehensive content. The curriculum’s content is multiplication, where students learn multiplication using various techniques like the multiplication fact table. The curriculum uses several relevant pictures, like the picture about the multiplication table (Appendix A). Students get offered ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2046

Critical Appraisal: “Has Goal Setting Gone Wild, or Have Its Attackers Abandoned Good Scholarship?”

Abstract The cons of the article are based on the poor scholarship in behavioral sciences, which includes the framework of the casual inferences on the anecdotal stories basis and the ignorance of confounding variables leading to misreporting results. Using emotionally laden language garners the support reader instead of dispassionately writing and striving towards the remaining ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1113

Class Management: Cooperative Learning Method

Introduction Following the pandemic, educational institutions all over the globe had to deal with an increase in the difficulties of online learning. In addition to amplifying existing digital concerns, this unexpected entrance also introduced several new challenges for school administration, teachers, guardians, and learners, mostly during online facilitations. However, these challenges can be countered by the ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1651

Essay on Cognitive Psychology

Study Strategies For a considerable time, memory has been the subject of study. Scientists investigate the phenomenon of memory loss to grasp its causes and mechanisms. Students will likely find this subject to be quite fascinating to study. To explain the phenomenon of memories deteriorating with time, (Anderson, 2020) proposed two primary explanations. The original ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1261

Change in Educational Organization

Introduction Organizations must regularly shift their organizational structure to remain successful in the fast-paced business climate. When an organization attempts to change, resistance often arises; as a result, they must implement plans and tactics utilizing the concepts available for the organizational change approach to deal with the issues. Strategic strategies and techniques are often required ... Read More
Pages: 19       Words: 5182

Belonging in Schools

Introduction Belonging refers to a peculiar and subjective experience that relates to a yearning for linking with other people, the need for optimistic regard, and the craving for interpersonal connection. Therefore, people feel they have a sense of belonging when they believe they are connected to a social, spatial, cultural, and professional type of community. ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1642

Apprenticeship in Botanical Garden

Apprenticing requires one to acquire skills while still on the job. The new Assistant Gardener has an apprentice opportunity with a Senior Horticulturist at a more extensive Botanical garden. According to Nurmamatovich (2022), apprenticing in the horticultural sector increases employees’ productivity. Employees can acquire basic skills crucial to delivering excellent horticultural products (Deissinger & Gonon, ... Read More
Pages: 24       Words: 6372
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