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Education Essays

Innovative 21st-Century Teaching

Introduction The United Kingdom (UK) is more multicultural than any other time in history. As of December 2022, the BAME population made up 18.3% of the UK population (United Kingdom Government, 2022). The latter diversity has been cascaded to classrooms with the secondary population, with 19.5% of pupils indicating that they had another language other ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3045

How Multicultural and Multilingual Education Can Promote and Help Individuals and Society Develop

Introduction Quality education is not just an ideal; it is a method that draws on every linguistic and cultural tool at the disposal of teachers and students alike. A multilingual ethos can guide educational practices and policies where multiple languages are commonplace and cultural diversity is seen as a resource for individuals and communities (Valdiviezo ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2105
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E-Learning in Modern Education

Introduction Due to technological advances, online learning takes the lead in most learning institutions today. Transitioning from tertiary education in a few selected units to elementary education for all subjects raises many concerns about the expected outcome. Societal problems have prompted various ideologies, article reviews, and critical sector evaluations just with the seemingly unstoppable adoption ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1811

Data and Empirical Approach: Using a Data Set To Test Any Relationships Between Academic Success and 5 Variables

Introduction: This study’s goal is to investigate the connection between academic success and several variables that may be associated with it. Academic success is a broad construct encompassing various academic outcomes, including grades, test scores, and graduation rates. This study will analyze the effects of five independent factors on grades as the dependent variable: parental ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2336

The Impact of Parental Involvement on Children’s Academic Achievement in Primary Schools

Introduction: The importance of parental participation in their children’s academic lives to their academic achievement is well accepted. Primary schools in the United Kingdom greatly emphasise parental or guardian engagement in a child’s education. There needs to be more information on the extent of parental engagement in primary schools and how it impacts students’ academic ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3774

Reflective Writing on College Students

What experiences are unique to them, and the long-term impact on their lives and those in their social circle, and why? The basis of learning is still social contact. Students use their time in college to make new friends and learn about other people’s perspectives. One can get and give feedback, which aids in the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1072

Case Study: Budget Spreadsheet Columbia University, New York

Columbia University in the City of New York is an Ivy League institution that differs considerably from its peers at the state and national levels. After reviewing the key performance indicators (KPIs), it is evident that this university is a highly selective institution. Therefore, its undergraduate and graduate enrollment is different from its peers. According ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 617

International Students in the United States

Abstract The US boasts the world’s biggest foreign number of students, with over a million eligible students to enhance their education and emotional maturity at a college or university in the United States. International students make up over 5% of all undergraduate and graduate education in the US. Keywords: International learning, international students, and education Introduction ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1661

Diversity and Learning Environments Reflective Essay

Introduction The present-day learning environment has diverse learners with diverse learning needs and expectations. Teachers are responsible for ensuring that these needs and expectations are met satisfactorily. One of the ways through which teachers provide this is by developing inclusive learning environments that help all students acquire knowledge, appropriate behavior, and skills. Therefore, educators must ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 962

Annotated Bibliography – Time Management and College Students

Crispin, L. M., & Nikolaou, D. (2019). Balancing college and kids: estimating time allocation differences for college students with and without children. Monthly Labor Review, 1–11. According to one source, this article highlights that students with dependent children, sometimes known as student parents, comprise a growing percentage of college students. Still, diminutive is acknowledged about ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1412

Remote Learning Pros and Cons

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted education worldwide, impacting about 1.6 billion learners It has obligated many education systems across the world to abandon traditional learning approaches and adopt alternative learning approaches In response to the unprecedented educational challenges brought about by the closure of schools due to the COVID-19 pandemic, about 90% of the nations ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2582

The Life of a Teacher

A teacher, who holds the title of educator, is a person who aids pupils in gaining knowledge, skill, or virtue via the process of instruction. Indeed, teachers play a crucial role in society as educators form the foundation of civilization. They serve as mentors for young people, provide direction and commitment, and empower them via ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1671

Feminism in Wakanda Forever

The Merriam-Webster dictionary describes strength as the capacity for exertion and endurance. Throughout history, women have proven capable of great fits that require much strength. The most incredible one is the ability to create life in their wombs. It has been termed the quiet heroism of childbirth (Clifford and Seidman 10). This alone is a ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3067

Hero Essay: Mother Teresa

“By blood, I am Albanian. By citizenship, an Indian. By faith, I am a Catholic nun. As to my calling, I belong to the world. As to my heart, I belong entirely to the Heart of Jesus.” Mother Teresa was born on 26th August 1910 in Skopje. She was baptized at age five and a ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2805

Decolonization of Institutions

Colonialism has been a significant challenge facing several communities all over the world. Colonialism dates back to ancient times and has been ongoing globally. The problem with this art of colonization is the general dependence on other individuals for prosperity. This dependence challenges us to recognize our strengths and how we are constantly part of ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2096
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