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Economic Growth Essays

Rostow’s Development Phases

One of the most influential classic economic development theories is Rostow’s development phases. It came out in 1960, and its author was the American economist W.W. Rostow. Before Rostow, development strategies were founded on the idea that “modernization” was something only the Western world (the richer, more dominant nations at the time) could achieve (Rostow, ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2581

The Impact of Natural Disasters on Emerging Economies

Abstract Natural disasters can have significant economic impacts on emerging economies. This paper aims to quantitatively analyze the effects of natural disasters on economic growth, trade, and employment in emerging economies. The study uses various econometric techniques to estimate the causal relationship between natural disasters and economic outcomes. The findings suggest that natural disasters negatively ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 4109
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Exploring the Interplay of Climate, Energy and Economic Growth: A Study of Energy Demand, Emissions, International Trade, and Technological Progress

Chapter One: Introduction Background Information The world faces an unprecedented challenge of climate change and its associated environmental impacts (Shinbrot et al., 2019). The fundamental cause of climate change, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), is human activity. Namely, fossil fuel combustion is the main source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions worldwide. ... Read More
Pages: 33       Words: 8838

Georgia: Hollywood of the South

The state of Georgia has been known as “the Hollywood of the South” thanks to the state’s film incentive scheme. As a means of stimulating economic development, state governments offer film incentives in the hopes of recruiting productions that will bring in new revenue streams, create new employment opportunities, and lay the groundwork for a ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1072

Economics of Developing Countries

Question 2: To what extent can international aid provide an effective long-term solution to the problem of underdevelopment? Introduction Economic underdevelopment describes a condition that is characterized by increased poverty levels, low literacy levels, and low per capita income. Most countries, especially developing countries, always face the ‘underdevelopment shock’ (Astuti, Sugiyanto, and Kurnia, 2022). By ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2314

Essay on UK Economy

Introduction The United Kingdom’s macroeconomic performance has been marked by steady growth, low unemployment, and low inflation in recent years. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the economy, leading to a sharp decline in economic activity and increased unemployment. GDP and Economic Growth The United Kingdom’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has been growing steadily ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2383

The Relationship Between Economic Growth and Unemployment

Introduction Globally, there is the acceptance that from an economic point of view, the GDP growth rate of any economy increases employment and reduces unemployment. The theory behind this is ‘Okun’s Law’ which concerns the relationship between output and unemployment. Mainly in the most developed countries, the theory has been among the most famous; on ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3188

Government Intervention for Economic Growth in Developing Countries

Economic development is a complex process influenced by a wide range of factors, including political, social, and economic factors. Developing countries are often characterized by low levels of economic growth, poverty, and inequality. The question of how to promote economic development in these countries has been the subject of debate and research, with different scholars ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1258

Firm Governance and Strategy in the Institution Context

Part A: Role of Institutions in Economic Growth and Development The growing debate on the importance of institutions for economic growth and development has been simplified, leading to potential bias over the last century. Consequently, institutions have become a vague concept viewed as the intermediate target for all efforts to improve economies globally (Sachs, 2003). ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2810

In Order to Progress, African Countries Must Cut Ties With Their European Counteragents and Keep Their Natural Resources to Themselves To Develop

The African continent is rich in natural resources among the other continents, it has large quantities of resources, but ironically it is still dragging in development. For instance, the discovery of new oil sources in Africa has enhanced the economic significance of the commodity. Oil is a major source of income for Sudan and Nigeria. ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2772

Development Approaches and Best Approach for Economies of Developing Countries

Introduction Development in economics refers to improving the standard of living of a country’s citizens. Economists have been on their toes to study the economy and growth of a nation. This can be done through various approaches such as economic growth, structural theory, development economics, and poverty alleviation. Development is a complex issue, and economists ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1347

Sources of Economic Growth

Economic growth is an increase in the output of an economy over time. It is often measured as the percentage change in the gross domestic product (GDP) or real GDP. The primary sources of economic growth are improvements in human capital, natural, physical, institutional, factors and technological advancement (Mayer, 2010). Manipulating these factors leads to ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1261

Essay on Economic Growth

Introduction Economic growth entails the process of increasing the gross domestic product (GDP) of a country. The growth can be evaluated as an increase in the real gross national product (GNP) or Gross Domestic Product (GDP) over a certain period. When GDP increases, the value of services or goods produced, people can consume more. To ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1546

What Is the Impact of Population Aging on Economic Growth?

Population ageing is assumed to have a detrimental effect on the economy’s growth. This topic is interesting because it helps understand the slower labor force growth affecting the economies in different ways. Aging is a universal trait observed across the spectrum evolution. Studying the aging population will enable the audience to understand how a high ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1149
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