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Digital Space Essays

Discourse in Digital Space/Social Media: Exploring Language Variation in Digital Discourse Communities

Introduction In today’s ever-changing digital communication landscape, individuals’ language choices significantly shape and convey their identities across different discourse communities. As Eleanor Kutz points out in her work on language and literacy, individuals’ literacy is not restricted to traditional ideas of reading and writing but rather entails the intricate ways they use language, understand texts, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1379

Brand Audit: Subway’s Digital Presence and Market Standing

1.1 Introduction Founded in 1965 by Fred DeLuca and Peter Buck, Subway has grown into an international fast-food giant with a reputation based on vast arrays of customized sandwiches (Subway, 2018). It is operational in over a hundred nations and has continued flourishing because of its dedication to fresh produce and customization. 1.2 Evolution in ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2652
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