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Brand Inventory Essays

Brand Audit: Subway’s Digital Presence and Market Standing

1.1 Introduction Founded in 1965 by Fred DeLuca and Peter Buck, Subway has grown into an international fast-food giant with a reputation based on vast arrays of customized sandwiches (Subway, 2018). It is operational in over a hundred nations and has continued flourishing because of its dedication to fresh produce and customization. 1.2 Evolution in ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2652

Subway Brand Dynamics: Navigating the Interplay Between Tangible Elements and Consumer Perceptions for Strategic Excellence

1. Introduction This brand audit concentrates on Subway, the global fast-food chain known worldwide for its submarine sandwiches and salads. The main objective of performing a brand audit on Subway is to investigate the different determinants contributing to its brand efficiency. With the Subway brand audit, there is a thorough investigation of what defines its ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3119
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