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Digital Media as a Tool for Greater Democracy

Technology advancements have been prevalent in the 21st century following various innovations that have impacted the governance of nations in one way or another. Generally, the emergence of digital media has been associated with the prevailing technological innovations that tend to address various needs and gaps in society. Generally, the role of digital media in a country’s politics tends to have a varying effect on the nature of democracy hence acting as a more effective tool for democracy. On the other hand, digital media tend to affect the powerful entities through the varying capabilities provided by the digital media and the ability to attend to different areas without having to attend physically. More so, the digital media tends to enhance the reproduction of various forms of inequality through the aspect of power being assigned to a particular group of people at the expense of the other. Arguably, there is a tendency to empower a particular group without considering the needs of another group. Those involved in leadership and enactors tend to have a better position the society through the digital media than the member citizens of a country. In this case, the digital media presents a sense of inequality as a tool to enhance democracy within a nation. Usually, the digital media tend to have various impacts on a nation’s governance through the impact it has on the leaders and the effect created on the entire nation’s perspectives through what is portrayed in the media. Generally, the study wishes to analyze the role of digital media impacts as a tool for enhancing greater democracy. In this case, the digital media tends to relate well through enabling activists, political actors, and the mobilization of political leaders to challenge their opponents. In this case, the overall state democracy will be achieved through ensuring that the leaders follow the constitution fully and raising activists who tend to fight for the rights as portrayed in the constitution.

Generally, digital media can be perceived as a tool for greater democracy with the significant states by ensuring that the citizens and the activists have the power and ability to criticize the government and their immediate leaders because they are acting against civil rights. The fight for democracy in a country may be depicted through the various postings prevalent on social media platforms and their impacts on the leadership of a nation. The Chinese government has been subjected to various aspects of the matter through citizens, activists, and political actors’ posts hence challenging the government to act under the constitution. However, the government has made various efforts to curb the acts of the public by ensuring that the type of content posted on the various platforms does not trigger adverse effects on the governance. In this case, the fact that the community members can fight for civil rights through the provision of digital media tends to enhance the attainment of greater democracy within the member state. According to King Roberts’s reading, 2013 it is clear that a greater sense of democracy is achieved through the digital media and the application of the state critique theory that gives the citizens and the activists a chance to lay out their opinions concerning the state leadership. Generally, Esarey et al., 2011, argue that the role of human expression in social media platforms tends to push the government toward serving democracy. The expression tends to criticize the state policies am leadership while fighting for civil rights within the digital media setting.

Additionally, the digital media has an influence on the greater democracy achievement through the various bloggers and provision for a platform to carry out revolutions towards fighting against authoritarian governance towards achieving public rights. Notably, Iran revolutions merged by the western policymakers tended to fight against authoritarian governance towards achieving democracy within the country. Generally, the role played by the tweeter fight with the U.S. tended to impact the western policymakers towards ensuring the achievement of democracy through the prevalent policies. In this case, the various bloggers on the social media platforms are no longer seen as bloggers but as political and solidarity activists through their impacts on democratic and authoritarian governance. Therefore, the digital media application as a tool of more extraordinary democracy achievement has been associated with the democracy in Iran through the role played by the solidarity bloggers. Therefore, the bloggers portrayed as solidarity activists in the digital media tend to serve in fighting for space in civil rights. However, bloggers are a significant threat to authoritarian governments through the politicization effect created to push for human rights within the digital media setting. Generally, bloggers tend to serve as human rights defenders and journalists, increasing the chances of democracy achievement by ensuring that the authoritarian governance respects the civil rights of the citizens. Therefore, through the digital media serving as a tool for greater democracy, there is a tendency to provide a platform for activists and political actors to exercise their duties and raise efforts towards achieving democracy. Therefore, digital media is an excellent tool for ensuring that civil rights are respected and maintained by the government.

More so, digital media has enabled the recognition of certain cultures within society. Generally, cultural appreciation is key to democracy and the achievement of international peace. The Muslim countries have been hot by lower internet penetration which has been below 20% for a long time. More so, the perception of the general public on LGBTQ culture has had negative impacts on their residence and practices, which tend to have themes isolated from others concerning their beliefs. In this case, the digital media has created a significant impact on the achievement of democracy as the LGBTQ culture has been fully recognized within society. The internet penetration in Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia has relatively increased, covering more than 50% in the 21st century. Therefore, the role of digital media as a tool for greater democracy has enabled the various aspects of society to receive empowerment and respect and change the community members’ perceptions. Cultural appreciation has been vital in fighting civil rights space within the social setting. Mobilizing the prevalent issues within the digital media has led to addressing significant issues towards ensuring that people enjoy their rights with convenience, as portrayed by the constitution, regardless of society’s beliefs.

Additionally, digital media serves as a tool for informing the citizens about the acts of the leadership. Generally, the citizens can assess the duties of their elected leaders towards ensuring that they are followed keenly for the achievement of democracy within the countries. In this case, the digital media serves as a tool for analyzing whether their leaders uphold the oaths of office and carry out the citizens’ wishes. Digital media has been termed an “enemy to the state, power to the people.” Arguably, the digital media in the 21st century has enabled the voices of the lowest citizen to reach o the top seat through the various platforms where the public can express their opinions. The general public of a given country has gained the ability to fight for their rights adequately without fearing for their lives.

Consequently, providing a platform where the citizens can share their expressions and reach mutual understanding within the countries tends to enhance the chances of attaining greater democracy within the countries. More so, the achievement of democracy is based on a collective responsibility between the state officials and the member citizens. Efforts of the citizens to fight for their civil rights tends to push those in power to exercise democracy through the various media platforms that enable the members to respond to acts of the state. Hence the digital media has been perceived as an enemy to the state through the citizens heaving power to fight for democracy and enhance common humanity across cultural differences. Therefore, the member’s citizens are united by the digital meido to fight for their rights and push for democracy.

Arguably, digital media can be visualized as an enabler of democracy through the prevailing political parties having tools to reach large numbers of people to inform them on critical issues concerning policies and elections. Therefore, there is a tendency to ensure that the citizens make responsible and informed choices in matters to do with elections. Democracy is achieved by ensuring that a country has better-educated voters who understand their rights and role in voting. Generally, digital media forms public opinions, provides news, and describes the prevalent events in the country and worldwide. Basically, bloggers and journalists tend to conduct investigations on state affairs and research various issues that affect the public. The state actions that go against the people’s will concerning the exercise of democracy are exposed by bloggers and journalists through digital media. Digital media tends to give power to activists and actors to challenge the state in practicing democracy and engaging in policies that favor the good of the citizens. Therefore, Facebook and tweeter have been used by bloggers and journalists in digital media to challenge the government’s actions by monitoring their practices against the wishes of the citizens who elected the leaders. Bloggers have carried out significant investigative journalism causing the resignation of leaders who fail to exercise democracy in office as elected by the citizens. Therefore, greater democracy achievement is provided by digital media as a tool for enhancing the civil rights and practices of the state.

Notably, in reports in the “case against the democratic influence of the internet on journalism,” it is clear that the blogger’s investigative actions caused the resignation of the U.S. Republican senate majority leader Trent Lott. The resignation followed racially divisive remarks by the senate majority, which the bloggers pushed to reign. Generally, many issues of racial inequalities and remarks tend to affect a particular ethnic group negatively concerning people of color. Generally, democracy cannot be achieved while those in power practice racial discrimination. Therefore, digital media has played a significant tool in greater democracy achievement by ensuring those in power practice desirable behavior by discriminating against a particular group and favoring another group. Resignation is an act of democracy, considering citizens have the potential to carry out revolutions through the media to ensure leaders who fail to comply with the constitution and the wishes of those who elected them are pushed out of office.

Nevertheless, digital media works best with the free press in ensuring that the citizens are free to receive information that is not manipulated or serves particular persons and interests. Therefore, tyee general public is well informed about the general issues within the state; hence the activists have better positions to attack the government in prevailing ways that tend to affect the wish of the citizens negatively. Notably, a better example of digital media application as a tool for greater democracy achievement is through the Chinese governance under president Xi Jinping where the state tends to use social media platforms to spread information to the citizens. In this case, the citizens tend to be more informed on the prevalent issues by the government and the practices aimed at benefiting the country as a whole. The action by the government to spread information to the citizens through digital media sets a reasonable basis for the opposition to mobilize towards challenging the government. Democracy can be achieved through impacts of opposition on the government and influence created by the expressions of the citizens on the government policies and practices.

However, digital media tend to have several negative impacts on the democracy of a country based on the spread of fake news and the application of digital media to favor individual interests. Obama tends to challenge the effectiveness of social media through its impact on the disruption of politics concerning the type of information circulating within the platforms. Notably, former President Obama and German chancellor Angela Markel blame the internet and digitalization for the “clash of cultures.” Digital media serves to impact negative impact on the citizens and members of the society as relatable to the uncertainties in the economic security and identities of the citizens. Sense of democracy within a state is lost through the influence created by digital media through the spread of propaganda and false information leading to the breakdown of democracy within a state. Therefore, the digital media tend to have democratic unfriendly policies that affect the practice of democracy and the respect for civil rights. More so, there is a tendency to put the state’s politics at a threat through the various politicians using digital media to mobilize voters and seek fame without considering the public opinions.

In this case, it is necessary to assess the effectiveness of digital media in ensuring the greater democracy of a country. Generally, the digital media may tend to push the democracy of a country to a threat through the various practices and postings that tend to impact the general public without having evidence basis for the information shared. In this case, the role of digital media in achieving greater democracy is an essential aspect of the countries that must be prioritized to ensure positive change within the country. Obama argues that it is necessary to discriminate between serious arguments and propaganda to ensure positive progress as a nation. Therefore, it is necessary to regulate the prevalent social media platforms to ensure that the various postings and information shared positively impact the democracy of a country.

Generally, digital media has a significant effect on the politics of a country as well as the government. In this case, digital media provides a platform for activists and actors to practice revolutions in fighting for democracy within a state. More so, the general public can appropriately express their opinions. Therefore, the greater democracy achievement can be traced by analyzing the practices of the government in the citizens and the challenging position based on the digital media system. In this case, there is a cultural appreciation among the members, ensuring national and international cohesion that creates unity among the citizens. More so, greater democracy is achieved through activists taking their part in challenging the government’s practices by questioning the government’s actions and policies. Generally, digital media provides a platform for the members of a country to express their opinions and empowerment by political actors towards ensuring those in office adhere to the oath of office and act upon the wishes of the citizens who elected them. Therefore, the overall democracy achievement is based on the selective and regulated application of digital media without the influence created by spreading propaganda and false information.


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Rivetti, Paola, and H. Kraetzschmar. Islamists and the Politics of the Arab Uprisings. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2018.


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