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“Digital Me” Technology


Canada’s healthcare business is quickly changing due to “digital me” technologies. It is a personal health technology that lets users build a digital version of themselves that contains details about their preferences, lifestyle, and medical history (Davis et al., 2022). Healthcare professionals have access to this digital profile, which enables them to deliver more individualized treatment and enhance patient outcomes. The ability of “Digital me” technology to revolutionize the treatment of chronic diseases is one of its key benefits. Chronic conditions like hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and chronic bronchitis significantly strain the Canadian healthcare system. This technology can enable early intervention and more successful treatment by giving healthcare practitioners real-time patient health data. Also, it can raise patient involvement and encourage patients to participate in their health management actively.

Canada is also enhancing remote patient monitoring using “Digital Me” technology. Hospital visits are decreased, and the patient experience is improved by enabling patients to get care in the comfort of their own homes. Other benefits of remote patient monitoring include earlier intervention and more effective treatment (Cooper et al., 2022). The capacity of “Digital me” technology to increase patient participation is another benefit. This technology can help patients become more involved in their care by providing access to their data. Patients may track their healthcare information, view their health history, and receive specialized advice on how to get well. The “Digital me” technology might fundamentally alter how healthcare is provided in Canada. By providing healthcare professionals with actual data on clients’ health and empowering individuals to become more engaged in their therapy, this technology can enhance clinical outcomes, lower medical expenses, and enhance patient satisfaction. Thus, it is anticipated to impact the Canadian healthcare industry more.

Why it is relevant to the Healthcare Segment

Due to its potential to raise patient satisfaction, lower costs, and improve treatment outcomes, “Digital me” technology is significant to the Canadian healthcare industry (Smith et al., 2020). The aging population, growing healthcare expenses, and increased prevalence of chronic illnesses present substantial difficulties for Canada’s healthcare system. “Digital me” technology can address these issues in several ways: Treating chronic diseases can be improved through “Digital me” technology. This technology can help healthcare professionals intervene sooner and treat patients more successfully by giving them real-time data on their health. As a result, patients may have improved health outcomes, and the overall healthcare system may incur cheaper expenses. The “Digital me” technology can also enhance remote patient monitoring. In this approach, patients could get treatment in the comfort of their own homes, reducing the necessity of .hospitalizations and improving patient comfort. Moreover, regular patient monitoring through remote patient monitoring enables early intervention and more efficient therapy.

Thirdly, patient engagement can be increased by “Digital me” technology. This technology can help patients become more active in their care by giving them access to their healthcare data (Ellis et al., 2021). Patients may monitor their patient data, view their medical history, and receive specialized advice on how to get well. The efficiency of the healthcare system can also be increased via “Digital me” technology. This technology can save medical expenditures and raise the standard of care by simplifying the healthcare process and easing the administrative strain on healthcare professionals.

In conclusion, because of its potential to raise patient satisfaction, lower costs, and improve treatment outcomes, “Digital me” technology is significant to the Canadian healthcare industry. Its implementation can help with some of the significant problems that the Canadian medical system is now facing, and it is projected to play a greater role in the future.

Key points of Resistance

By boosting user experience, lowering healthcare costs, and improving patient outcomes, “Digital me” technology has the potential to change the Canadian healthcare industry completely. Several areas of resistance have hampered its widespread acceptance in the sector. The “Digital me” technology’s main sources of resistance in the Canadian healthcare industry will be looked at in this article.

Privacy and security concerns

Privacy and security worries are among the main reasons for opposition to the “Digital me” technology’s acceptance in the healthcare industry. Concerns regarding data breaches and the exploitation of personal health information might arise from the gathering and storing of sensitive health data. Patients may be wary of sharing their data with healthcare providers or autonomous technology businesses due to concerns about confidentiality and data safety. Healthcare providers must put robust data privacy and security safeguards in place to alleviate these worries, including encryption and secure data storage (Paul et al., 2023). Patients must be fully informed of the uses to which their information will be put and the others to whom it will be made available. Before patients are prepared to use the “Digital me” technology, they must know their private health information is secure.

Technological literacy

Many patients may not properly use the “Digital me” technology because they lack technical literacy. To use this technology, patients must utilize digital gadgets, access websites, and navigate intricate health data systems. The “Digital me” technology may be challenging for patients who are not tech-savvy and may be reluctant to accept it (Hillman et al., 2021). To overcome this reluctance, healthcare professionals must provide patients with the instruction and assistance they need to use the technology properly. This may entail creating user-friendly interfaces, teaching digital literacy, and ensuring patients can access technical help when required.

Interoperability issues

Another obstacle to the “Digital me” technology’s adoption in Canada’s healthcare industry is interoperability problems. The Canadian healthcare industry is extremely fragmented, with several hospitals, clinics, and healthcare providers employing various platforms and systems to store and handle patient data. The usefulness of the “Digital me” technology may be constrained by the inability of healthcare practitioners to access and exchange patient information due to the lack of compatibility across these systems (Strikwerda, 2022). To overcome this reluctance, healthcare providers must seek to create interoperability standards that allow the smooth interchange of patient data between various systems and platforms. This might entail creating standard data exchange protocols, creating governance structures that encourage the sharing of patient data, and creating uniform data formats.


Expense is another barrier to the Canadian healthcare industry’s adoption of “Digital me” technology. Significant financial investments in digital infrastructure, data storage, and technical assistance are necessary to adopt this technology. The installation expense and the possible return on investment may deter healthcare providers from implementing the technology. To overcome this opposition, healthcare providers must carefully weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the “Digital me” technology. To employ the technology, they must create business cases showing potential cost reductions and benefits in patient outcomes. To assist in defraying the expenses of implementation, they must also look into available sources of finance, such as public grants or private investment.

In summary, despite the “Digital me” technology’s promise to revolutionize the Canadian healthcare industry, several obstacles prevent its wider implementation. Healthcare practitioners may overcome these resistance areas by resolving privacy and security issues, educating patients about technology, developing interoperability standards, and carefully weighing the costs and advantages of the technology (Wei et a;., 2020). By doing this, they may overcome these obstacles and fully utilize the “Digital me” technology to enhance patient experiences, improve patient outcomes, and save healthcare costs.

Key Stakeholders of this Technology

Canadian healthcare might change because of digital technologies. The patients, healthcare professionals, governments, and technology companies are the main stakeholders in this industry. Each stakeholder group faces particular possibilities and difficulties due to the adoption and application of digital health technologies.



By giving patients access to their medical records, test results, and other health data, digital technology can help patients manage their health more efficiently. Digital technology allows patients to keep track of their symptoms, keep tabs on medication compliance, and communicate with medical professionals from a distance (Pedretti et al., 2023).


The usage of digital technology prompts questions about the security and privacy of private medical data. Especially for individuals with little digital literacy or access to technology, patients may experience difficulties with digital tools’ usability and accessibility.

Healthcare Providers:


Healthcare practitioners may give patients more individualized and effective care using “digital me” technology. There is less need for in-person visits since providers may engage with patients online and access their information using digital technologies. Moreover, data-driven decision-making and population health management may be supported by digital technology.


According to healthcare practitioners, the privacy of patients or the standard of treatment must not be jeopardized by digital medical technology (Lustgarten et al., 2020). They may also need help to adopt and integrate digital technologies into current processes and to guarantee that patients can access the required technology and assistance resources.



Governments may use digital technology to increase the effectiveness and accessibility of healthcare services. To properly manage resources and inform policy choices, it can also help efforts to gather and evaluate health data.


Governments must ensure that the use of digital health technologies is open and upholds every person’s privacy rights. They must also be mindful of the danger of data breaches or cyberattacks that might endanger confidential health information.

Technology Providers:


Technology companies can create fresh, cutting-edge healthcare goods and services because of digital technology. The gathering and examination of health data also permit the development of new income sources.


Technology companies’ goods and services must comply with healthcare privacy and security rules. Cyberattacks and data breaches are also a concern for businesses because they may damage their reputation and cost them money.

In conclusion, major Canadian stakeholders will face both possibilities and problems due to adopting and applying “digital me” health technologies. Technology improves effectiveness and personalization but raises worries regarding the safety and privacy of sensitive medical information (Kim et al., 2020). All parties must collaborate to guarantee that digital technology is utilized in healthcare ethically and responsibly.

Potential Risks of the Technology to the Stakeholders

Although the “Digital me” technology offers a great deal of promise to enhance healthcare in Canada, there are also several possible hazards and difficulties that healthcare stakeholders need to take into account. These dangers and difficulties affect patients, medical professionals, governments, and technology suppliers.

Privacy and security risks:

One of the biggest risks associated with using digital medical equipment in health care is the potential loss of patient safety and confidentiality. Because medical information is sensitive, this is especially critical. Threats to cybersecurity, including hacking, data breaches, and identity theft, can jeopardize the privacy of patient data (Luh et al., 2020). Patients may suffer significant consequences, including losing private information, reputational injury, or discrimination.

Data accuracy and reliability:

The quality and dependability of the gathered and kept data is another risk linked with using digital medical technology in healthcare. Incorrect diagnosis and treatment may result from data intake, integration, and processing errors. The therapy given could be ineffective or even hazardous, for instance, if a patient’s vital signs are not reliably recorded or if the algorithms utilized for decision-making are flawed.

Digital divide:

There may be a digital gap in healthcare since certain patients may need access to digital medical technologies. This might result in uneven availability of medical care for underprivileged individuals, particularly those residing in rural regions. Consequently, patients can discover that their socioeconomic situation, geography, or other factors prevent them from receiving high-quality medical care.

Technical challenges:

The adoption and use of digital me technology in healthcare might need to be improved by technical difficulties such as system breakdowns, interoperability problems, and compatibility concerns. These technological difficulties may cause downtime, affecting patient care and jeopardizing patient safety. A healthcare professional might be unable to decide on therapy if, for instance, a technological issue prevents them from accessing a patient’s medical information.

Legal and ethical considerations:

Using digital medical technology in healthcare raises complex legal and ethical questions. This covers matters including patient autonomy, informed consent, and liability concerns. For instance, using AI algorithms for decision-making may lead to concerns regarding whether patients knowingly consented to use their data and if healthcare professionals are responsible for any unfavorable effects.

Overreliance on technology:

A healthcare system that relies too much on digital technology risks losing human contact and lowering the standard of care. Healthcare professionals must strike a balance between the use of technology and the requirement for interpersonal interaction, empathy, and comprehension. A scenario where patients are viewed more as data points than as unique people can result from an overreliance on technology, which may harm patient care and the doctor-patient relationship (Fiske et al., 2020). Stakeholders in the healthcare sector must be aware of the possible dangers and problems connected with its usage, even though the use of digital medical technology has the potential to enhance healthcare in Canada significantly. Regarding patient privacy, data accuracy, the digital gap, technological difficulties, legal and ethical issues, and excessive dependence on technology, these risks and problems have an impact. Healthcare industry stakeholders must collaborate to create comprehensive policies that put patient safety, privacy, and quality of treatment as top priorities to reduce these risks and difficulties. Governments, healthcare providers, technology providers, and patients must work together.

Environmental Implications of this Technology

The Canadian healthcare industry’s growing reliance on “digital me” technology has serious environmental consequences. Technology can potentially harm the environment while enhancing healthcare services. The following are some ways that technology may affect the environment:

Electronic waste:

Digital medical technology use in healthcare may result in the production of electronic waste. This covers gadgets, including wearables, intelligent sensors, and other electronic devices. One negative consequence of electronic waste disposal on the ecology is the release of toxic compounds and contaminants into the ecosystem (Ahirwar et al., 2021). These compounds could harm animals, the ecosystem, and human health. If not properly disposed of, dangerous elements, including lead, cadmium, and mercury, can escape into the groundwater and soil in electronic waste from healthcare technology. Moreover, using resources like metals and rare earth elements while manufacturing these gadgets might further harm the environment.

Energy consumption:

Digital medical technology is used in healthcare, which consumes much energy. This includes the energy required to run gadgets, data centers, and other relevant infrastructure. The energy consumption of the healthcare sector increases the release of greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change (Mikhaylov et al., 2020). A few negative consequences of environmental change due to climate change include temperature fluctuations, precipitation patterns, and extreme weather occurrences. Data centers are one of the primary sources of energy used in healthcare technology. Data centers are where digital data is processed, stored, and managed. The servers need great power to operate and maintain a comfortable temperature. The energy used in manufacturing and delivering these devices also adds to the overall carbon footprint of medical technology.

Disruption of ecosystems:

The manufacture and disposal of healthcare equipment can harm ecosystems. Extraction of natural resources like metals and minerals is necessary to manufacture electrical equipment. This might negatively affect species and their environments, such as habitat destruction and soil degradation. Also, incorrect electronic waste disposal can damage ecosystems by releasing hazardous chemicals and contaminants into the atmosphere.

Effect on the healthcare supply chain:

The healthcare supply chain covers creating, distributing, and eradicating healthcare products and services. By increasing the demand for data centers, storage facilities, and transportation, digital medical technology in healthcare may influence the supply chain. By using energy and producing greenhouse gases, these facilities may contribute to environmental damage. Using sustainable practices is crucial to reducing the environmental effects of digital medical technology in healthcare (Singh et al., 2020). This involves lowering energy use by implementing energy-efficient procedures, lowering electronic waste by recycling and reusing equipment and lowering the carbon footprint of the healthcare industry by utilizing renewable energy sources.

In summary, even if digital medical technology might enhance healthcare services in Canada, it is crucial to consider any potential environmental effects of this technology. These effects range from technological waste to energy use, environmental disturbance, and effects on the healthcare supply chain. Healthcare industry participants must embrace sustainable practices and ensure that healthcare technology is produced and disposed of ecologically friendly to lessen these effects. They may enhance healthcare services while lowering their environmental effect by doing this.

Implications of Adopting the Technology on how the sector Functions

Adopting “digital me” technologies will significantly impact the Canadian health industry. These are a few ways that technology may affect how the health industry operates:

Improved patient care:

Access to real-time health information made possible by digital me technology can help patients receive better care. Patients may use this technology to keep track of their health and get notifications when it changes. Digital technology can be used by medical personnel to monitor patients remotely and make prompt treatments.

Enhanced communication:

Healthcare practitioners and patients may communicate more effectively thanks to digital technologies. “Digital me” technology allows medical personnel to securely share health information, connect with patients remotely, and offer telemedicine services. This can save healthcare expenditures while increasing patient happiness.

Data-driven decision-making:

Health practitioners may have access to much health data because of digital technologies. This information may be utilized to recognize patterns and trends in health, create treatment strategies, and enhance healthcare offerings. Health practitioners can discover possible health issues and offer early therapies using digital technology.

Increased efficiency:

Healthcare service efficiency may be increased with the use of digital technologies. Health practitioners may make educated judgments regarding patient care, cut down on the need for in-person appointments, and raise the standard of care overall by having access to real-time health data.

Privacy and security concerns:

Concerns regarding security and privacy are also raised by the proliferation of “digital me” technology. Health information is delicate; thus, it must be protected from unauthorized access. Strict safety precautions must be in place to protect patient data.

In conclusion, the use of “digital me” technology has the potential to significantly improve the level of patient care provided by the healthcare sector. “Digital me” technology may speed up the healthcare process and improve patient outcomes by giving real-time health data, facilitating communication between healthcare practitioners and patients, allowing data-driven decision-making, and increasing efficiency (Fenwick et al., 2022). Addressing privacy and security concerns is vital to protect patient data. The Canadian healthcare sector may utilize the benefits of digital me technology to provide better healthcare services and improve the complete patient experience.


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