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Digital Campaign Document

Executive Summary

The proposed ASV digital campaign is based on the phrase “One Village, Every Lifestyle,” which promotes brand diversity and inclusivity while appealing to consumers of all ages. With a $100,000 budget strategically allocated between website development, social media advertising, email marketing, promotional offers, and video production, the campaign attempts to enhance brand awareness and membership conversions. The three-month strategy is laid out in stages, with the first month dedicated to launching video content and website features, the second to social media campaigns and targeted email marketing, and the third to special promotions. Key success Indicators (KPIs) that have been devised to measure the campaign’s success include website engagement, membership sign-ups, social media analytics, and email click-through rate. The campaign aims to offer a captivating and robust digital marketing approach for ASV, with an anticipated ROI of 45% based on a generated revenue of $145,000.


Aberdeen Sports Village (ASV) commissioned this digital campaign report to explain a focused marketing plan to improve brand engagement, community reach, and membership conversions. The commercial, which uses the motto “One Village, Every Lifestyle,” illustrates the wide variety of services that ASV offers clients of all ages (Algar 2021). The campaign’s components, which include film production, website development, social media advertising, email marketing, and promotional offers, are slated to get $100,000 in financing, enabling the campaign to make the most of its three-month run. The report starts by explaining the budget’s rationale, then discusses the implementation strategy, and concludes with an analysis of the predicted return on investment (ROI). This plan’s primary purpose is to foster diversity and inclusion at ASV by establishing the institution as a community hub that welcomes individuals from all walks of life.

Overview of the Company

At Linksfield Road, Aberdeen, AB24 1SX, ASV is a unique and all-encompassing entertainment and exercise center. With the slogan “Your Lifestyle. One Village,” ASV markets itself as a multi-generational destination that provides a wide array of amenities to people of all ages (Algar 2021). A comprehensive website at is the vital center for information and interaction, reflecting the company’s dedication to diversity in its digital presence. Even without a blog, ASV reaches a large audience via social media, especially Facebook and Instagram. Using these channels for sales interaction, success story sharing, and event promotion, the firm achieves impressive benchmarks compared to rivals (Aberdeen Sport 2022). Looking at corporate marketing closely, ASV sees LinkedIn’s promise but knows there’s space for improvement in its use. In keeping with the strategic objectives stated in this digital campaign report, the organization has a robust digital environment that offers room for improvement.

Competitor Analysis

ASV encounters rivalry from Bannatyne, Sport Aberdeen, and Pure Gym in the dynamic fitness and leisure industry. One thing that sets ASV apart from its rivals is its comprehensive facilities, which serve a wide demography (Aberdeen Sport 2022). Despite their strong local ties, sport Aberdeen may have a different widespread popularity than ASV. The all-inclusive services ASV offers could be too much for Pure Gym, renowned for its accessible and adaptable memberships (Algar 2021). With its premium services, Bannatyne caters to a more specific demographic, which opens the door for ASV to reach a larger audience.

Nevertheless, ASV faces obstacles, most notably the possible hindrance caused by its location and budgetary limitations. Complex challenges to ASV come from Sport Aberdeen’s low prices and local presence, Pure Gym’s ease of use, and Bannatyne’s high-end products. To stay ahead of the competition, ASV should highlight its broad offers in its digital marketing, catering to a wide range of demographics with inclusion and value (Aberdeen Sport 2022). To remain competent in the market over the long term, it will be essential to capitalize on its USP while limiting adverse effects from internal issues and rivals’ strengths.

Target Audience

ASV markets itself as a community-focused leisure and fitness center by taking a comprehensive and welcoming approach to its target demographic. The dedication to inclusion across multiple age groups is shown in the multidimensional character of its services, which appeal to youth, students, adults (18-59), and elders (over 60) (Aberdeen Sport 2022). The variety of programs offered by ASV, which include swimming classes for babies, sports for children, and diving for people of all ages, demonstrates the adaptability of the organization’s services. “Your Lifestyle. One Village” is the slogan that captures the brand’s spirit and highlights how the facility accommodates all lifestyles in one accessible location (Kumar and Ogunmola 2020). While reaching such a large audience could make it challenging to develop targeted advertising efforts, it also gives ASV a chance to showcase itself as a comprehensive answer to the problems faced by a wide range of communities (Aberdeen Sport 2022). The digital marketing strategy will utilize this diversity by targeting specific demographics with bespoke messages highlighting the ease of accessing a wide range of fitness and leisure activities at a central location.

Market Research and Campaign Development

SWOT Analysis


Several fundamental attributes of ASV place it in an advantageous position in the internet market. According to Algar (2021), its brand awareness is good, providing a solid platform for digital exposure. Its strategic partnership with the University of Aberdeen enhances the company’s reputation and student reach. ASV’s comprehensive variety of goods and services, represented in their tagline “Your Lifestyle. One Village,” allows ASV to appeal to a diverse range of age groups and create a unique selling feature. Digital marketing campaigns may convey a gripping tale that stands out from the crowd and invites involvement using an underwater camera system and an Olympic-sized swimming pool on-site (Cloud Technologies 2019).


Despite its strengths, ASV faces various obstacles in the digital age. Its location might hinder potential members from simply joining its online community (Aberdeen Sport 2022). Staff rearrangement due to recent financial challenges brought on by increased energy costs has impacted operational capacity to deliver a seamless digital experience. Furthermore, owing to the gaps in its online presence produced by its sporadic email exchanges and absence of a blog, it isn’t easy to maintain a consistent and entertaining interaction with its audience (Jones et al. 2020).


ASV has several opportunities in the digital business. The idea of ASV expanding to other satellite sites is a chance to expand its reach beyond its current physical location, which is consistent with the growing popularity of online fitness groups (Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick 2019). The emergence of ASV lifestyle membership provides the opportunity to establish tailored engagement strategies by targeting digital advertising to different age groups. Socially conscious customers may be targeted by boosting awareness of ASV’s charitable status, which can be leveraged to encourage digital community participation. Innovative approaches enabled by the ever-changing digital environment include interactive website components and engaging social media campaigns (Cloud Technologies 2019). These techniques boost member involvement and loyalty.


ASV faces several external factors as it navigates the digital market. Financial issues, exacerbated by growing energy prices, may restrict money available for successful digital marketing efforts, reducing the company’s capacity to compete (Kumar and Ogunmola 2020). Because ASV relies on social media, its organic reach and engagement are vulnerable to algorithm changes. The lack of a consistent blog and intermittent email interaction exposes ASV to competitors who participate in a more continuing and personalized online engagement. Furthermore, the competitive fitness industry regularly tests ASV’s digital strategy, necessitating ongoing adaptation to changing trends and technologies (Cloud Technologies 2019). Hence, a proactive and adaptive digital marketing approach is required in the ever-changing online environment.

Identified Digital Campaign Area

The digital market for ASV needs more continuous online involvement owing to the need for a blog and sporadic email communications. Moreover, the presence of dangers may be attributed to the possibility of budgetary limitations that may negatively affect the competitiveness of ASV’s digital marketing initiatives (Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick 2019). The uncertain and unexpected behaviour of social media algorithms further exacerbates this. Hence, the objective is to enhance online engagement and financial strategy to address the identified gaps and challenges in the digital market for Aberdeen Sports Village. The primary objectives are:

  • To establish and maintain a dynamic blog on the ASV website, ensuring regular updates with a wide range of material to enhance online engagement and address existing gaps.
  • To develop and implement a strategy plan for email communication to sustain consistent and individualized digital discourse with members.
  • Addressing possible budgetary limitations by using cost-efficient digital marketing tactics prioritizing organic reach on various social media sites.

Proposed Campaign Idea

Campaign Theme

The campaign’s theme, “One Village, Every Lifestyle,” effectively encapsulates ASV’s distinctive position within the leisure and fitness sector. The theme emphasizes the role of ASV as a center that prioritizes the community’s needs, offering a wide range of programming tailored to various lifestyles (Maintz and Zaumseil 2019).

Key Message

The key message “highlighting inclusivity and the wide range of options accessible to individuals of all age groups” is consistent with Aberdeen Sports Village’s dedication to serving a diverse population. The campaign aims to establish ASV as a central location that fosters inclusion, highlighting the facility as a hospitable environment for persons spanning all age groups.

Creative Outputs

Video Content

The videos will be a moving picture story that will provide people of all ages with an exciting look at all the fun things to do at ASV. Featuring high-quality footage of various fitness programs for kids, teens, adults, and seniors, these movies will showcase a variety of programs designed to promote health and well-being (Cloud Technologies 2019). The facility’s underwater camera system allows ASV to showcase its Olympic-sized swimming pool, one of its distinctive characteristics. Testimonials from members of all ages will provide credibility to the ASV experience and show how welcoming and fulfilling it is for everyone.

Interactive Website Features

The business plans to include quizzes and other interactive features on the website to attract visitors of all ages. The ASV website will add interactive features, such as quizzes and age-specific challenges, to increase online participation (Haije 2019). Consider the possibility of creating a “Fitness Challenge” questionnaire that would provide them with tailored exercise advice given the user’s age and desired fitness level. In addition to making the site more enjoyable to use, these features also give helpful information about what people like. Incorporating gamification features like digital badges or certifications into ASV may boost engagement and satisfaction (Aryshandy et al. 2021). This strategy aligns with the campaign’s goal of promoting user involvement and a feeling of belonging by exposing them to a wide range of services tailored to their needs.

Social Media Campaigns

The organization intends to emphasize instances of achievement, noteworthy occasions, and exclusive promotions. The “One Village, Every Lifestyle” concept will be effectively amplified via the creation of social media initiatives. The ASV platform can generate visually captivating and easily distributable material that showcases individuals of diverse age cohorts attaining their fitness objectives (Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick 2019). Providing live event footage and behind-the-scenes peeks of a wide range of programming will establish a real-time relationship with the audience. Promotional incentives, such as discounted family memberships or unique promotions tailored to ASV lifestyle membership, may be effectively emphasized to instill a feeling of immediacy and stimulate customer conversions. During the client meeting, it was determined that social media platforms would be used strategically based on the target demographic (Christina et al. 2019). Facebook will be employed to reach a broader audience, Instagram will be utilized for visually captivating narratives, and LinkedIn will be leveraged for corporate marketing.

Email Marketing

Promote ASV lifestyle memberships and family plans via targeted email campaigns. Email marketing will be essential to target specific demographics with relevant, individualized messaging (Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick 2019). Using eye-catching photos of families engaging in various activities, ASV will promote family memberships by highlighting the ease of a shared exercise experience. For the ASV lifestyle membership, for example, ASV will create age-specific targeted emails with content that highlights the membership’s perks and special offers (Kapustina et al. 2021). For individuals between 18 and 59, an aesthetically pleasing email may highlight the many programs offered, special deals or early entry to events. For more effective lead nurturing and membership conversions, set up an automated email campaign that reacts to user actions and preferences (Putri 2021). This will guarantee that users get timely and appropriate messages.

Tactical Applications

Product Strategy

The plan is to provide new features and video material for the website within the first month. Improving ASV’s offers’ exposure and interaction is the primary goal of the product strategy. Launching professionally produced video material in the first month is a great way to share stories and show off all the activities ASV offers for people of all ages (Christina et al. 2019). In keeping with experiential marketing, prospective clients can virtually tour the establishment to get a feel before committing to a purchase. Testimonials and distinctive features, like the underwater camera technology in the Olympic-sized pool, provide credibility and highlight the uniqueness of ASV’s products. In addition to the sensory component, the website’s use of interactive features like quizzes and challenges creates an immersive online experience (Maintz and Zaumseil 2019). ASV guarantees an all-encompassing and engaging product presentation by coordinating the digital material with varied demographics and pursuits.

Price Strategy

Personalized email marketing and social media marketing will be the focal points of the price plan. ASV highlights the value of their products and services via targeted email marketing and social media campaigns as part of its pricing strategy. The success of every marketing effort hinges on the success of its social media initiatives, especially those run on Instagram and Facebook (Aryshandy et al. 2021). To convey the worth of its fitness experience, ASV showcases success stories, provides live event coverage, and gives insights behind the scenes. Incorporating narratives and eye-catching visuals into pricing strategies helps appeal to consumers’ emotions and fosters a value impression beyond monetary concerns (Maintz and Zaumseil 2019). At the same time, ASV lifestyle memberships and targeted email marketing purposefully reinforce this impression. To complement the various price points for family and lifestyle memberships, the idea of customized email marketing guarantees that the correct message reaches the correct people (Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick 2019). By targeting specific age groups with age-specific incentives and advantages, ASV increases membership value perception, increasing conversion and customer loyalty.

Place Strategy

Discounts and deals tailored to families and ASV lifestyle members will soon be available from the business. Membership distribution channels are the primary emphasis of the location strategy, with a third-month emphasis on targeted advertising for ASV lifestyle and family memberships (Cloud Technologies 2019). Using the psychological component of location strategy, special promotions serve as incentives to influence consumer choices. For a short time, ASV has been offering discounted family memberships in the hopes that families will take advantage of the deal while it’s still available (Kapustina et al. 2021). Concurrently, the ASV lifestyle membership marketing targets individuals between 18 and 59 by highlighting the personalized, convenient services designed to fit their lives. This makes the memberships more appealing and accessible, which aligns with the notion of convenience as a crucial aspect of place strategy (Christina et al. 2019).

Promotion Strategy

All tactical implementations of the promotion plan are coordinated and integrated to create a unified narrative that reflects ASV’s core message of diversity and inclusion (Christina et al. 2019). Promo materials for all three months keep returning to the same message: “One Village, Every Lifestyle.” The company will release videos, interactive website features, and social media campaigns within the first two months to get people excited and involved. An organic reach and name recognition increase will be achieved via visually appealing material, success stories, and testimonials (Aryshandy et al. 2021). The second month’s focused email marketing serves as a one-on-one touchpoint, encouraging lead nurturing and driving prospective members to the website for more interaction. Lastly, special promotions are introduced in the third month, making the most of the momentum and offering an enticing call to action.

Performance Measurement

The digital campaign’s performance will be measured by a comprehensive set of KPIs that align with the campaign’s goals. The first metric for measuring website engagement is the rise in average session time (Christina et al. 2019). An increase in user happiness and engagement is shown by a longer average session time, which suggests that users are actively exploring the website’s interactive features and content. To ensure that the online experience reflects the community-centric approach of ASV, the campaign’s purpose is to stress inclusion and different options (Putri 2021).

Secondly, tracking the increase in family and ASV lifestyle memberships will be used to assess the success of membership marketing efforts. This key performance indicator is proportional to the success of the campaign’s targeted email marketing and new promotions (Aryshandy et al. 2021). The effectiveness of the digital marketing effort in turning prospects into paying customers would be shown by a dramatic uptick in membership applications; this would lend credence to the attractiveness of ASV’s products and services and the value proposition conveyed by the different digital assets (Husin et al. 2022). The campaign’s ability to increase brand recognition and build the online community will also be assessed by examining social media indicators such as engagement, reach, and follower growth (Haije 2019). Finally, one of the most important KPIs for measuring the success of targeted email marketing in increasing website traffic and influencing membership sign-ups is the email click-through rate (CTR). The digital campaign’s success may be measured in several ways with the help of these key performance indicators.

Campaign Cost and ROI Calculation

Campaign Cost

The allocation of the $100,000 budget for ASV’s digital marketing is done systematically, considering crucial components. With a budget of $30,000 allocated explicitly for video production, the primary focus is on creating visually engaging material that effectively communicates the wide range of products provided by ASV. The commitment of a significant amount of $20,000 towards website development facilitates the incorporation of interactive elements, hence augmenting the overall user experience on the online platform. The allocation of a substantial budget of up to $25,000 towards social media advertising enables the attainment of a wide-ranging audience, hence facilitating the promotion of success stories and special offers. The allocation of a budget of $10,000 towards acquiring a comprehensive email marketing platform facilitates the implementation of targeted and tailored campaigns, hence promoting efficient and impactful communication strategies. Finally, $15,000 has been designated for promotional initiatives to encourage individuals to join up and increase the conversion rate.

Total Campaign Cost = Video Production + Social Media Advertising + Promotional Offers + + Email Marketing Platform + Website Development

Total Campaign Cost = 30,000 + 10,000 + 15,000 + 20,000 + 25,000 = 100,000

Calculation of ROI

The business projects to have generated revenue of $ 145,000.

We use the following formula to determine the Return on Investment (ROI):

100 = (Net Gain / Total Campaign Cost)

ROI is (Total Campaign Revenue – Net Gain / Total Campaign Cost) multiplied by 100.

The income earned minus the total campaign cost is the net gain.

Net Gain = Revenue Generated Net Gain – Total Campaign Cost

Net gain = 145 000 – 100 000 = 45, 000

$Now enter this figure into the ROI formula:

ROI = (45,000/100, 000) ×100

ROI = 45%.


The digital campaign presented for ASV has been deliberately formulated to enhance brand exposure, foster a wide range of individuals, and ultimately increase the number of memberships acquired. The campaign seeks to create a comprehensive narrative of inclusivity and diverse offerings for individuals of all age groups by distributing the $100,000 budget among essential elements, including high-quality video production, social media advertising, interactive website development, robust email marketing, and appealing promotional offers. The KPI, which includes website interaction, membership sign-ups, social media data, and email click-through rate, provides a complete framework for assessing the campaign’s effectiveness. The campaign’s primary purpose is to surpass ASV’s goals by prioritizing the improvement of online interaction and using strategically timed promotional offers.


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