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Data Privacy Essays

Evolution of Information Protection

In this fast-changing landscape of the health sector distinguished by technological breakthroughs, growing patient demographics, and altering regulatory regimes, one cannot name any other issue as monumental as the current process of information protection; access, disclosure, archival, privacy, and security evolution under Health Information Management (HIM) provisions. The complex interplay between healthcare data and its ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1866

The Ban of TikTok: Assessing the Impacts on Digital Culture and Privacy

Introduction The proliferation of online platforms has revolutionized digital culture, transforming in ways in which individuals interact, communicate and express themselves online. Numerous platforms have emerged which have changed the landscape of online media. The use of information and communication technology by the public makes the technological world so sophisticated. Through the use of social ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2190
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Comparison Between HIPAA and GDPR Health Regulations

Privacy and security of sensitive information, especially in the healthcare industry, have become critical in today’s interconnected world, where personal data is routinely collected and exchanged (Terry, 2012). There are many regulations in place around the world to protect people’s health information and guarantee legal observance. Two essential laws in this field are the GDPR ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1666

Term Paper Week Four Computer Forensics

Abstract Computer crimes have increased with the rising usage of computers and the internet in numerous economic sectors. These offenses include identity theft, hacking, and cyberterrorism to cyberbullying. These crimes may cause severe damage in terms of money and reputation. Computer crime laws safeguard people, businesses, and governmental entities against cybercrime. Several laws—HIPAA, Sarbanes-Oxley, COPPA, ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2469

Potential Loss of Privacy and Hacking of Electronic Medical Records (EMR)

COVID-19’s effects have significantly had a massive impact on the technological sector. The COVID-19 pandemic, within a short period, has brought about a considerable change in how organizations in all regions and sectors conduct their businesses. One of these sectors that the crisis has impacted is the health sector. The pandemic has digitally transformed the ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2048

The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA)

Introduction The CFAA criminalizes digital fraud and abuse. The 1980s law has been amended to stay up with technology. One of the most important federal laws that combat cybercrime like hacking, identity theft, and computer scams is the CFAA. Government, financial, and other businesses and people depend on the CFAA. The Act protects confidential data-storing ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1863

A Defense of the Individual’s Right to Privacy Over Their Genetic Information

Introduction. Genetic information has been the subject of much controversy within technology and ethics. In particular, the debate has revolved around the rights of the individual providing the genetic samples. Most practitioners agree that there should be more nuance to the legality, ethics, and process of collecting genetic samples from individuals. There are two main ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1591

Managing Data Privacy

Public’s Opinion of Data Privacy As technology has developed and businesses have begun to gather and share more information about individuals, the problem of privacy in relation to data collection has become increasingly important. Many individuals have realized the breadth and depth of data collection and usage, and they worry about the possibility of privacy ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1153

Technology and Innovation in Banking/Finance

Introduction The rise of Technology and innovation in the banking and finance sector has been a source of both promise and concern. On the one hand, technological advances have enabled banks and financial institutions to provide customers with a faster, safer, and more efficient service. On the other hand, Technology and innovation have also posed ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2436

Technology in Daily Lives

Introduction Business technology uses data, engineering, and science for organizational and financial objectives in the business world. The concept of change and how it might impact business and society is the fundamental component of technology. Globally, technology has affected the dynamics of business operations. Many companies have significantly benefited from the development of systems made ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2322

Chinese Comac Airline Industry

Abstract The Chinese Comac industry (Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China) is based in China and owned by the State. It is one of the major aerospace manufacturers working to establish a domestic aviation industry in China. The company was founded in 2008 to design, manufacture and sell advanced commercial aircraft to compete with the likes ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2404

Cloud Security

Introduction Cloud security is a set of measures and technologies used to secure data, applications, and services hosted in the cloud. The security of cloud computing systems is a significant concern as they are becoming more widely adopted. Companies rely on cloud-based services to store and manage sensitive data and must ensure that their systems ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 893

Analysis of Data Privacy as an Organisational Ethical Dilemma

Introduction In the current era of industrialisation, business ethics have become a key issue for each organisation. As Kotkin, Hall, and Beaulier (2010) explain, ethics deals with moral guidelines and personal character that limit and direct individuals’ behaviour. It studies questions of moral responsibility, wrong and right, and obligation and duty. Many corporations encounter ethical ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1986

Data Privacy and IT Security Health Policy

Introduction Healthcare policy is the term used to refer to the system of laws, rules, and regulations that govern how healthcare services are provided in a given region. The government usually manages the implementation of health policy and delivery systems. In addition to providing guidelines for operating hospitals and other healthcare establishments, these policies should ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1607
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