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Cultural Beliefs Essays

Psychotherapy vs. Medication: Best Approach for Mental Health Issues

Introduction Mental disorders form a serious problem worldwide, affecting people of different socio-demographics and causing much suffering, which requires to be addressed adequately. Among the primary modalities used to deal with these problems are psychotherapy and medication, the two approaches employing different elements but reinforcing one another at the same time. Psychotherapy aims at exploring ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3829

Research on Food As Power

Across the globe, power has been accumulating around food production based on the supply and demand of its key components, such as the inputs, the raw agricultural produce, and even the processed products found in groceries (Hendrickson et al., 2008). Regarding power and food relationships, culture tends to serve a great purpose. It portrays itself ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 978
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Short Essay on Sunjata and Black Panther

The supernatural and magic have played important roles in building cultural narratives and explaining the unexplained throughout human history. Sunjata, an old West African story, and Black Panther, a blockbuster film based in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, are engaging works that heavily contain supernatural aspects. These aspects are important in moving the storylines ahead and ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 747

Theoretical Perspectives of Race: Analysis of Race as a Social Kind and Race As Phenomenological

The concept of race has undergone a significant transformation in recent times, challenging its traditional understanding as a biological category. Instead, race is now widely recognized as a social construct influenced by historical, cultural, and societal factors. This essay critically evaluates two key perspectives: race as a social kind and race as phenomenological. The former ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2292

Balancing Patient Rights and Cultural Beliefs

Caring is nursing’s primary objective. Consequently, nurses should be knowledgeable about different patient conditions, professional requirements, and bioethical stipulations to ensure care quality and safety. However, nurses endure various ethical dilemmas in their clinical practice, especially when cultural expectations contrast patient rights and other bioethical guidelines. For instance, terminally-ill patients of Asian heritage are not ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 641
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