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Cryptography Essays

Symmetric and Asymmetric Key Cryptography

Cryptography entails the science and the method of securing confidential information/data against the adversary by utilizing decryption and encryption techniques according to appropriate procedures and rules. Cryptography aims at protecting data from unauthorized users. Cryptography falls under two categories: symmetric key cryptography, or secret key cryptography, and asymmetric key cryptography, or public key cryptography (Panhwar ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1299

A Report on Cryptographic Algorithm Vulnerability

Introduction Technology has enabled efficient communication and transfer of data from various points. Still, the main challenge is making this data transfer secure, considering the tens of millions of people who send information over the internet. The vast number of internet users poses a risk as bad actors who want to steal sensitive information might ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1422
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History of Cryptography

The growth over the years regarding cryptography captures a significant technological and telecommunication aspect. The first-ever evidence of its application was depicted to be around 1900 BC in an inscription carved (Azad, 2021). Cryptography articulates the study of codes and ciphers. Its primary aim was to protect and secure data. The modes of data in ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 607

The Technology of Cryptography and Methods Used in Cryptocurrency

How does cryptography work? As the name suggests, cryptography is the science that deploys the use of arithmetic to encrypt then decrypt information. This allows one to stock subtle data or enable transit of this information from some of the insecure networks like the internet. To allow the use for the authorized personnel only. According ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 918
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