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Critical Appraisal: “The Role of Negative Affectivity in Understanding Relations Between Self-Reports of Stressors and Strains: A Comment on the Applied Psychology Literature”


The journal’s pros identify the mood-dispositional dimension as having negative Affectivity (NA) in influencing the stains and stressors relations of the self-reports. Research is conducted on NA variance shared by the affective strains and stressors, clarifying the critical validity issues on the strain, stressors, and NA empirical linkages. The conceptive argument supports the observed relations of NA influencing the self-report of strains and stressors by using applied psychology, having the state-trait distinction attention on the negative affectivity measurements (Burke et al., 1993). The relation between the condition of self-report employment and the state workers’ effectiveness is analyzed. The abstract includes the following titles; Aim of the study, validity issues, Variability in self-Report Measures of Stress and Strain, overlap concerning issues, and conclusion, making it easier to pinpoint the research’s main point.

Aim of the study

The salve of the study examines the study of stress and Negative Affectivity by using the five-factor personality model, which provides wide personality taxonomy recognition having the underlying personality construct. Neuroticism, trait anxiety, and depression are the NA alternative measures addressing the effects and nature of availability of Negative Affectivity. NA reflects the dimension of mood-dispositional on the differences in individual self-concept and negative emotionality that leads to dissatisfaction and stress experiences. Individuals experiencing low NA have high content contrast, self-satisfies, and security. In contrast, high-NA individuals experience dissatisfaction and distress, dwelling more on shortcomings and failures, and are less favorable to self-view (Burke et al., 1993). NA implications have a detailed stress study associated with stressors self-report and strains, making the stress measures have a solid subjective correlational significance and distress component in the NA scales. Stress and health have a valid association based on the correlations between stress self-report and health overestimation by including different health measures and outcome variables in the research of health psychology. In the study of stress, NA is the object of investigation, having a broad influence of mood-dispositional on self-reported stain and stressors measures.

The journal’s cons identify the NA as a generalized negative cognitive set; thus, the subjective evaluations of negative phenomena have a high impact on the individuals experiencing high-NA characteristics of negative perceptual and interpretive orientation. The pervasive negative orientation predisposes NA to view the world as subjective to nature. NA leads to physical disorder, which comprises stress-reactive somatic complaints leading to life dissatisfaction and lack of positive well-being. Na has a negatively toned scale that measures the hypothesis of significant correlations between the strain and perceived problem, including the relations between psychological state and environmental condition. The job scale is affected by the self-report findings of stressors termed to be nuisance leading to substantive stressful work by the measure of job strain and job stress to be informative. NA is termed a nuisance methodological, leading to stressful condition creation and heightening the stressors reactivity contributing to a stressful working environment.

Validity issues

The pros of the journal examine Negative Affectivity to construct a purported relationship with the stress perceptions and evaluations of the individual. Empirical investigations on the NA measurements have been guided by the conceptual underpinning enhancing state-trait distinction in the dimensions of mood-dispositional overlapping the strain, NA, and stress measures content. Published data sets have enhanced pervasive NA influence, indicating that emotional experience is dominated by broad and relatively independent positive affect (Burke et al., 1993). One’s energy level, excitement, and enthusiasm are reflected by the positive affect, measured by transient fluctuations in mood state in the trait-PA dimension.

The demerit of the journal is based on the trait-NA that exhibits traits trait-like stability, demonstrating a solid dispositional component in the effect of self-rated. The rating domains strongly link the significant personality effect that clarifies personality structure and nature. The trait-NA has a Spector role in stress-strain relation altering instructions, thus reflecting more extended time frames and anxiety measures which has an adverse effect. The negative affectivity measure lacks a vital data dispositional influence addressing the measure of anxiety as the trait-NA possible indicator and not state-NA.

Variability in self-Report Measures of Stress and Strain Attributed to NA

The cons of the journal are displayed in the NA nuisance properties observed in Spector’s self-reported stains and stressors. Inflation is examined in job satisfaction, strain, and stress due to the operationalized NA anxiety state indicating the trait-NA on health complaints due to the closely psychological and subjective health-related components. The NA nuisance properties involve the stress and strain self-reports relations which influence the mood-dispositional dimension, limiting the sensitivity to objective working conditions. The frustration and job dissatisfaction outcome measures compute conflict role, ambiguity, situational constraints, and interpersonal conflicts, thus being unreliable in total health complaints. 1988 data reanalysis suggests the substantial NA possible existence of a variance reduction on the entailing independent correlations of stain and stress observations. Based on self-reports, the variance reduction rates of frustration is 74%, job satisfaction is 92%, and total health complaints 73% of the stress and strain objective-oriented measures (Burke et al., 1993).

Overlap concerning issues

The pros of the journal examine the stress and strain overlapping content measures that confound the NA potential effects. It is essential to recognize the potential methodological problem concerning the strain, stress, and NA overlap content measures, which are essential in conceptual consideration. Content validity measures are considered in the NA mood-dispositional theorized pervasiveness that affects somatic complaints (Burke et al., 1993). Face item content inflates intercorrelations between stress, NA, and strain due to incumbent overlap in examining the assertion validity of depression measures.

The demerit of the journal recomputes the partial correlations on the consistency reliability following the adverse structure effect. The substantive proposition of self-report affective content supports harmful effective content reducing relative measure content of NA, strain, and stress.


Negative Affectivity greatly influences self-reports of strains and stressors observed between their correlations, resulting in inadequate NA nature appreciation. Diverse psychological areas affect the NA stress research influencing correlational observation that self-reports are necessarily uninformative. NA moderator uses the multimethod approach in disputing the construct validity issues on the data stress quality that positively influences self-reports of work situations positive aspect. Conceptual underpinning explores the productivity of NA in job stress research.


Burke, M. J., Brief, A. P., & George, J. M. (1993). The role of negative Affectivity in understanding relations between self-reports of stressors and strains: a comment on the applied psychology literature. Journal of Applied psychology78(3), 402.


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