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Counseling Psychology Essays

Exploring Sarah Thompson’s Journey Through Person-Centered Therapy

Ms. Sarah Thompson is a 42-year-old white Female who reported her gender identity as Lesbian. She said she is a senior graphic designer at a marketing agency specializing in visual communication and branding. She indicated during her initial session that she has been experiencing symptoms of anxiety at the workplace following a poor performance evaluation, ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4128

Multicultural Counseling Competence Issue

Introduction In today’s multicultural world, providing effective multicultural therapy is crucial in counseling psychology. Ethical concerns in intercultural therapy are becoming important nowadays. This is because counselors may need to learn how to adapt their approach to clients based on their cultural background. Counselors need to be equipped with the necessary skills and instruments to ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1890
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Counseling Those Who Suffer

The concept of suffering entails a variety of unpleasant experiences that people may go through across their lifespan, which may result in physical or mental pain. Physical suffering involves pain, while some form of anger, fear, or sadness causes mental suffering. Suffering consists of the endurance of some negative experience or loss, which may sometimes ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 806

Essay on Counseling Psychology

This paper focuses on counseling psychology. The analysis of counseling psychology stems from the need to become a marriage and family counselor. Counseling psychology traces its origin to the 1940s. The American Psychologists Association (APA) recognized counseling psychology under division 7 in 1946. Since its inception and formal recognition, several pioneers in the field, including ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2008

Issues and Ethical Resolutions in Psychology

Introduction Ethics are an important concern in all professions since they express the key foundational values. The American Psychological Association (APA) has an ethics code that dictates psychologists’ ethical principles in psychology. It sets common principles upon which psychologists base their scientific and professional work, thereby ensuring the welfare and protection of groups and individuals ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2550
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