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Corporative Communication Essays

Manager-Employee Relationship

Manager-employee relationship in an organization describes the efforts an organization puts in engaging its employees through various strategies to maintain open communication and enhance togetherness within the organization. It is the informal interaction between the management and the employees of an organization, and it affects the morale, open communication, productivity, and satisfaction of employees in ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1146

Bodily Practices and the Use of Technology in Organizations

Introduction Bodily practices enable new ways of working with technology in organizations by helping to increase collaboration and communication, improve efficiency and decision-making, and create an environment that encourages innovation and experimentation. Examples of bodily practices include voice and gesture recognition, using technology like voice recognition software and motion sensors. Organizations can enable employees to ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2852
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The Problem of Organizational Toxicity

Organizational toxicity is a combination of dysfunctional behaviours among leaders that causes them to conduct unhealthy organizational practices. Organizational toxicity is driven by disempowering practices, individuals with a mentality of personal entitlement, and resistance to change. Additionally, the increasing challenge of financing care is a significant cause of organizational toxicity in a healthcare system. Influential ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1248

Hypothetical Case Study on Team Leadership

Laura is a team leader of a marketing group. The group has met for many years, and the members know each other well. They also have the shared history and purpose of the group. However, the team is not performing at its peak because members do not commit fully to the team, which is a ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 832

Human Relations Frame in Public Administration Theory

Introduction The human relations framework of an organization is the blueprint of how the management of an organization works with the subordinate staff to deliver services to the public effectively. The success of an organization is grounded on good interpersonal relationships within the human resource aspect of the organization. Since organizations exist to achieve the ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1499
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