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Consultancy Report Essays

Consultancy Report: The Dorchester Hotel (HR Department)

Executive Summary Like other sectors, hospitality facilities experience numerous challenges, from market to employees to operations. Dorchester is among the most prestigious 5-star hotels in the United Kingdom, located at the heart of London. The hotel targets wealthy individuals and high-profile figures visiting the countries, primarily as tourists. Since the pandemic, Dorchester has struggled to ... Read More
Pages: 33       Words: 8921

Effectiveness of E-Learning in Higher Education: A Consultancy Report for Temple Bar University (TBU)

1.0 Introduction Higher education is widely expected to undergo a radical transformation as a result of globalization trends and technological advancements. In terms of higher education, globalization can offer significant and potentially sweeping changes, but there is no one-size-fits-all impact on nation-states or institutions. Local, national, and regional factors affect all aspects of globalization. The ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2909
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