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Consciousness Essays

The Chinese Room Argument

Introduction With the current advancement in technology, people have made computers that are programmed to execute the same tasks they are programmed to do (Searle, 2006). This means that computers can only execute tasks when programmed by people but cannot execute programs independently. This perspective can be understood better using the Chinese room argument that ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1574

Levels of Consciousness

Consciousness is simply the awareness of your mental and physical experiences. The common states of awareness are consciousness and unconsciousness. While unconsciousness can merely be described as a state of lack of awareness, consciousness has many states (Cherry, 2021) For the past 24 hours, I was engaged in a number of different activities and found ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1004
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Perception and Consciousness

Perception is a term that refers to how huma perceive their reality and their view of the world around them. consciousness refers to the human ability to be aware of and responsive to their surroundings. Th two concepts are different as consciousness focusing on all the possibilities a with perception entailing locking one’s mind to ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1327
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