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Conflict Management in Organizations


Conflict, by nature, is an integral part of any dynamics in the organization, and so it remains true to the Healthcare organization. Rather than avoiding such difficulties, this report suggests harnessing conflicts as facilitators of developmental processes and increased organizational efficiency. To resolve conflict, the initiative faces challenges concerning harmonizing and integrating a comprehensive framework that systematically addresses conflicts and disputes at every organizational level. This creates a culture of seeing challenges as opportunities for betterment and improvement (Thomas, 2015). This proposal report will suggest the companywide conflict management initiative within the Healthcare Organization. Understanding that conflict situations are unavoidable and may significantly affect organizational dynamics, this project considers a systemic approach to address disputes to encourage a positive organizational culture based on information and research studies from five critical articles. The report justifies the importance of an effective conflict management initiative while revealing many best practices for implementing it.

Why We Need to Do This

As elaborated in the articles, this approach focuses on the importance of proper conflict management to ensure success in organizations. Managing conflicts will bring out positive results. This aspect is quite relevant in Healthcare because decision-making relies heavily on different people giving their opinions to offer the best working environment where diverse ideas can be brought forward for better clarity and patient care. Proactive conflict resolution is indispensable. Therefore, An approach is called upon that does not just pose with evasion of difficulties, but changes said conflicts into openings for change as in neither organizations nor development.

The Benefit of Creating This Understanding

In the health industry, it is essential to note that these approaches lead us to positive results. The various viewpoints characteristic of the field make conflict management critical in boosting decision-making, encouraging collaboration, and resulting in quality patient care (Young, 2013). The relevance of addressing conflicts constructively at the health organization is its ability to initiate a conducive environment accommodating all employees. With good management, conflict becomes an improvable factor that can result in positive changes, innovations, and enhanced organizational performance (Williams, 2005). However, in healthcare settings where different views are vital to making decisions and relating with patients, conflict resolution helps teams that work together have clear objectives. Such proactiveness improves communication and teamwork, leading to better patient outcomes. Furthermore, an effective conflict resolution process increases employee satisfaction and reduces workplace stress while providing a basis for improvement. This makes the health organization to be resilient and adaptive.

The Advantages of Creating a Policy and Implementation Plan

Developing a detailed conflict management policy and plan for implementation helps the Healthcare Organization benefit in many areas. When such a policy is in place, it provides an organized system that ensures conflicts are detected, brought to attention and followed up appropriately, hence ensuring consistency and fairness throughout the organization ( Hasson, 2006). Policy clarity is characterized by its centrality in leadership and governance. Training in cultural sensibility becomes a part and parcel, where every possible misunderstanding is avoided, thus making the environment respectful and helpful (Williams, 2005). In addition, well-defined policy and implementation plans ensure that the negative impact of conflicts is adequately prevented beyond reactive measures. In addition to avoiding confusion, such an inclusive method develops a culture of respecting different views at the workplace, improving teamwork and fostering innovation. A clear policy and implementation plan serve as preventive instruments. This helps the organization foresee crises and deal with them way before they erupt, reducing the impact of low employee morale, which is likely to hinder productivity levels (Behfar & Goldberg, 2015). The transparency enforced by these policies helps to develop employee trust, leading to a healthy organizational culture. It encourages openness and a keen role in building a positive and robust organizational culture.


Reconciling the companywide conflict management initiative with Healthcare’s continued success is imperative. By adopting conflicts as well, realizing their merits and implementing a policy guideline inclusive of the implementation approach, we can build an organizational culture that indulges collaboration and innovation. With the outlined changes, this report acts as a way for positive change initiation in the organization. It will continue to perform well with its doctrine of delivering excellent health service.


Behfar, K., & Goldberg, R. (2015). Conflict Management in Teams.

Hasson, R. (2006). How to resolve board disputes more effectively. MIT Sloan Management Review48(1), 77.

Thomas D C. & Kerr Inkson (2018). Communicating, Negotiating and Resolving Conflicts across Cultures Guilford Publications.

Williams, M. J. (2005). Stay calm with them. Teoksessa Dealing with difficult people, pp. 57–65.

Young, D. W. (2013). Note on Conflict Management. Business Horizons43(5), 19–28.


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