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Columbus & Christianity in the Americas

Response to “Father Miguel Hidalgo and the Mexican Revolution” by Jeffery Robenalt

I selected the article “Father Miguel Hidalgo and the Mexican Revolution” by Jeffery Robenalt due to my interest in studying forgotten elements of historical revolutions, especially those instigated by religious leaders. The article covers the complexities of Mexican Revolution, referring to Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla – a criollo priest promoting people in their fight for independence from Spanish governance. A new learning that I got from the article was, a complex network of social-political and economic forces behind the Mexican Revolution. Unlike the American Revolution, which was mainly characterized with conflicting problems of taxation without representation, the Mexican revolution involved an intricate mixture The criollos, military officers, merchants and civil staff wanted to be the same as peninsulares while Indians suffered great sufferings with continuous rebellions. This work in question illuminates the specific features that allowed to have this revolution, and so raise my understanding level of historical past. Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla born on May 8, Though this man began his life as an aristocrat from the criollo class it is possible to say that not all members of such social demography were loyal revolutionists and contradicting general stereotypes about groups.

As a result, San Miguel’s force of insurgents fell under the command of Ignacio Allende and had Father Hidalgo as its captain; in that capacity it proclaimed itself one. It highlights the role of social links as an instrument for achieving a common goal. The article represents Father Hidalgo as a diverse and complex personality based on the principles of Enlightenment, reacting towards social items. This criticism of the features and teachings which are intrinsic to classic political ideas together with his connection with actions that nobody would associate a priest figure were among the elements adding on him. The article shows how Hidalgo’s experiences, ideas and contact with the underprivileged people influenced him to take revolutionary steps. The legend of Hidalgo’s ‘Grito de Dolores’, which is the announcement for battle to win independence, was at once resonant. This reflects the power of having good leadership and communicating as it brings people together under an idea. The author creates the magnetic force of revolution here, so I reflect on historical roles played by charismatic figures.

Further, the article discusses Hidalgo’s attempts to choose a viable strategy and overcome obstacles in this revolution. The question about the strategy and revolutionary warfare, whether it was right for him to withdraw from Mexico City yet his forces being more in number than the Texans’, is also very interesting. The feud with Ignacio Allende that follows does humanize the story, showing infighting in revolutionary leadership. In sum, the life and death of Father Hidalgo or his execution together with that of Ignacio Allende stands as a powerful representation on what has been spilled in seeking independence. The way the author describes their trials and how heads are being displayed as a beacon to everyone shows just how dreadful it can get when one becomes engaged in revolutionary battles.

Finally, in Jeffery Robenalt’s article I got a deeper insight into the Mexican Revolution with Father Miguel Hidalgo as its main protagonist. The complex socio-political setting, Hidalgo’s multi-layered personality, and the problems of revolutionary movement were the intriguing aspects in narrative.

Works Cited

Robenalt, Jeffery. “Father Miguel Hidalgo and the Mexican Revolution.” Christian History Magazine, Columbus & Christianity in the Americas, Issue 35. 1992, pp. 47-52.


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