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Citation Form for Craik & Tulvin, 1975 and Coglab Method Section

Goal of the article

The main objective of the study was to determine whether there is any effect of the factor on the publication of the context. The primary assumption was the way target and context words are concealed affects their influence on recognition. It tries to analyze the several factors that affect the power of memory. These factors included attentiveness, motivation when memorizing the data and, the level of distraction, the relationships with these variables.

 Cognitive psychology terms essential for the topic of the article

Working memory is among the structures that, for a short time, hold and interpret the guidelines given to do comprehensive duty. It’s the same as the workspace of the brain that stores data for a short period while trying to solve the problem set or resolve something. Leon developed cognitive dissonance theory. It makes reference to irritation and tension that comes up when a person has two incongruous attitudes or beliefs. Schema is an organized mental structure that eases the manipulation of the data in order to make sense; it guides us in helping to recognize the surroundings.

Describe ALL the dependent variables for the designated experiment:

Trigrams were given out each at a time and were to be remembered after intervening times of 3,6,9,15, or 18 for every attempt. After this, the student is asked to name the number given the objective of these techniques was to avoid the rehearsal. The students have to recall six times in general. Browns-peterson distractor technique presented a trigram that had a guideline to reverse count from the numbers given up to the time when there is a sign of a student trying to say it. This approach aims at studying the short-term ability to remember these numbers.

Independent variables for the designated experiment:

For types of memory tasks, for example, identification, a statistician would want to know their relationships to the memory functioning

Encoding strategies that were used in the encoding of the information, such as visual image semantic putting into codes.

The tests that can be used include the use of a t-test that compares two groups, investigation of variance for contrasting more than two variables and correlation analysis to understand the relationships between variables.

These variables included the association between these elements given out and anything significant to the student. The way they associate and familiarize themselves with it. The location in which the presented element helps the student to recall. Imagination helps in using creativity that aims to present the element in a way that eases the level of remembering.


He used a sample of 24 psychology students for two main reasons. Firstly, these students might have come across the warehouse model of memory and could have done any research on the features of deviating manners for the researcher. Secondly, their level of memory could be much different from that of other humans, mainly if they recently learned ways of making their memories better. He invented a trigram technique of giving numbers to these students in order to test their ability to recall their numbers in a short time.

How might one use deep encoding methods to improve one’s knowledge of a particular subject?

Relating your level of knowledge to the arising information will help you in improving the level of manipulating and sticking it into your mind for a long time. Creating images in your mind of what you are studying helps in getting the theoretical opinion more solid and meaningful. According to Craik and Tulving (1975), it was observed that individuals exhibited a significantly higher capacity to remember words when they engaged in tasks related to comprehending the words’ meanings rather than focusing on their physical attributes. This outcome underscores several elements that promote more profound cognitive processing. Among these, distinctiveness emerges as a critical factor, where a stimulus is notably distinct from other memory traces, thereby minimizing interference. Additionally, the concept of elaboration plays a significant role, where stimuli are processed in a manner that delves into their meanings and the intricate connections among associated concepts.

What sort of teaching strategy might an educator use to employ different levels of encoding to improve retention of information? How could they apply these sorts of strategies to more challenging subject matter that requires significantly more effort to retain?

Advise students to take part in class during studies actively; this involvement includes group discussions, exchange of views, and team building. These activities help in encrypting this information.

Work Cited

Craik, Fergus IM, and Endel Tulving. “Depth of processing and the retention of words in episodic memory.” Journal of Experimental Psychology: general 104.3 (1975): 268.

Greene, Jeffrey A. “What can educational psychology learn from, and contribute to, theory development scholarship?.” Educational Psychology Review 34.4 (2022): 3011-3035.

Hayes, Gail. “Introduction to psychology.” (2023).

Remedios, Jessica D. “Psychology must grapple with Whiteness.” Nature Reviews Psychology 1.3 (2022): 125-126.


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