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Change Proposal – Jordan Community


The healthcare system is one of the most critical areas affecting humans and communities. However, healthcare is a very complex system. With this complexity, it is necessary that the necessary changes are frequently implemented to promote sustainability and effectiveness of healthcare services provision and the healthcare system at large. According to Meng et al. (2019), implementing the necessary reforms in healthcare is essential for handling problems in healthcare. Jordan City, for example, has experienced significant growth and development, which calls for changes in the healthcare system to accommodate the growing population and changing/diverse healthcare needs of the community. On top of this, the community requires the necessary empowerment to help complement the healthcare needs. This can be achieved by implementing the necessary changes and improvements that can help improve and restore the healthcare system.

According to the windshield survey, the Jordan community has approximately 6500 people. It is experiencing various health issues ranging from community composition, physical factors, and environmental factors. These include poor housing conditions, low economy, insufficient healthcare facilities, mismanagement of chronic diseases among the affected individuals, and limited mental health services (Vila Health). These challenges call for a change in how the healthcare system operates in the region to help cater to the unmet needs of the community and the emerging health-related issues and adequately prepare for the future of the community. This paper is a change proposal that analyzes the necessary changes that can be applied to help cater to the necessary needs of the Jordan community.

Benefits and Implications

The proposed change involves the establishment of a comprehensive healthcare facility that will cover various community health needs by providing various health-related services, including mental health services, maternity care, guidance, and counseling services, emergency services, a chronic diseases center, a dental area, and will provide designated campaigns that will sensitize the community in the importance of health promotion and the benefits of environmental protection.

Implementing the proposed change is necessary for the well-being of the people and the Jordan community. For instance, it will help promote the accessibility of healthcare services across the population. Having more healthcare facilities in the region means people can access healthcare services better, compared to the currently limited healthcare facilities. The changes will reduce or eliminate the disparity that limits appropriate healthcare access and provision in the community. It will also promote the affordability of healthcare services among the people.

The emergency care department will attend to persons experiencing health emergencies. This will help minimize mortality rates resulting from emergency healthcare needs. Additionally, emergency care services will promote better pandemic preparedness in a community (Boyce & Katz, 2019). According to a Jordan community county social worker, there are a lot of people who need help to deal with chronic diseases. In this case, the center of the chronic disease will help people in the community with chronic illnesses manage them. Usually, youths are the most affected by mental health issues; in this case, they comprise a significant proportion of the Jordan community. Having a mental health services department in the proposed facility will ensure the mental well-being of this population is taken care of. Also, according to a teacher at Jordan Middle School, there is a serious need for the kids to get mental health education and awareness (Vila Health). The mental health services department will partner with various institutions and schools to offer mental health services to the community. Additionally, the guidance and counseling services in the facility will also be used to promote the well-being of the people by helping them deal with life issues they may be facing. With maternal services in the facility, maternal and infant mortality will be minimized as there will be a comprehensive maternal care unit that will ensure the well-being of the mother and the child, both during pregnancy, during delivery, and after delivery. The designated health campaigns will help deal with various issues, such as undesirable health behaviors, environmental hazards, and the need for a healthy lifestyle and environment. The proposed change will thus promote the overall health and well-being of the Jordan community and ensure any existing healthcare gaps are met.

Potential Barriers to Change

In a community setting, various aspects are essential such that any change application and implementation requires consideration of these aspects as potential barriers. The physical environment, community’s economic capacity, demographic composition, people’s culture, and religion are some of the potential barriers to change. Other potential barriers to change include political power and control, lack of political goodwill, and the fear of change. Thus, the potential barriers must be addressed first for the proposed change to be effectively implemented. According to Campos and Reich (2019), any efforts to promote health system performance should address the challenges that may hinder policy implementation.

In terms of cultural composition, the Jordan community is composed of a mixed-race community. This means that the proposed change should address the needs of the different cultures for it to be successfully implemented. According to Henderson et al. (2018), recognizing cultural differences and specific cultural needs is essential for promoting effective healthcare across populations. The proposed change should thus address the needs of the different cultures for it to be successfully implemented. Physical factors are physical environments where the proposed healthcare facilities will be set up. This is a potential barrier because, for the effective operation of the proposed facility, it should be located in a strategic and convenient physical environment. Regarding population demographics, the majority of the Jordanian community is youth, which may act as a barrier to the proposed change. On top of this, the fear of change is also a potential barrier to the proposed change. The Jordan community has been in existence for years and has formed strong bonds and a type of living that is “normal” to the people. This may cause them to resist any external changes that may challenge or disrupt their “normal” living.

Strategies for Changing Barriers into Opportunities and Resolving Conflict

To overcome these barriers, various strategies can be put in place. For example, to deal with the community’s mixed race, members of the different races should be given a chance to air their views, through the community’s leadership, regarding the proposed change, which can be used to develop an overall deal that serves everyone. To deal with the issue of population demographics, where the majority of the population is youth, the proposed change should, in a significant proportion, address the needs of this population. On top of this, to deal with the issue of the physical environment as a potential barrier, the existing development regulations should be applied, and land should be acquired in the most convenient and strategic location where the necessary facilities will be. This should be made public to avoid any conflicts. The community should also be involved in the proposed community facilities to ensure the proposed healthcare facilities are established where the community deems best. The problem of fear of change can be addressed by involving the people and all stakeholders in any development to ensure they understand it and its benefits and involving them when making a significant decision.

How to Resolve Conflict among Competing Interests

To resolve conflict among competing interests, a dispute resolution committee will be formed to deal with the existing and emerging conflicts, especially in competing interests. This will significantly help resolve these issues and help come up with the best solutions that suit the best interest of the Jordan community.

Stakeholder Communications

For any change to effectively take place, it should first be acceptable to the community’s majority. The proposed change should also benefit the target people and communities and must be well understood. The main strategy to implement change in a community is collaborating with the people and the necessary stakeholders.

The key stakeholders in the proposed change are the Jordan community, healthcare personnel, healthcare facilities, non-governmental organizations, the government, and the engineering and construction sector. These stakeholders play a crucial role and have significant impacts on the proposed change, and its success or failure greatly depends on them. For example, the Jordan community is the key stakeholder such that their acceptance and involvement are crucial for the change to take place. On the other side, healthcare practitioners are significantly involved in offering the necessary advice, opinions, and ideas and will be involved in overseeing the implementation of the necessary standards on the proposed facilities to meet the needs of the community effectively. Healthcare facilities will have collaboration tasks with the proposed facilities to ensure the healthcare needs that require interprofessional collaboration are effectively attended to in time to ensure safe and quality care in the community. The government and non-governmental organizations will be involved in providing guidance protocols and offering the necessary funding. The necessary authorities must also approve the proposed change before its implementation. The engineering and construction sector will provide technical and building expertise on matters related to location and building requirements and standards, which is a crucial aspect of its success.


Boyce, M. R., & Katz, R. (2019). Community health workers and pandemic preparedness: Current and prospective roles. Frontiers in public health, 62.

Campos, P. A., & Reich, M. R. (2019). Political analysis for health policy implementation. Health Systems & Reform5(3), 224-235.

Henderson, S., Horne, M., Hills, R., & Kendall, E. (2018). Cultural competence in healthcare in the community: A concept analysis. Health & Social Care in the Community26(4), 590-603.

Meng, Q., Mills, A., Wang, L., & Han, Q. (2019). What can we learn from China’s health system reform? bmj365

Vila Health: Environmental Analysis and Windshield Survey simulation.


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