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Benefits, Safety, Health, and Global Security Issues

Across many countries, more than 50% of employees are working in the informal sector, where they lack access to social protection and regulatory oversight of work health & safety requirements (Material al., 2020). Workers’ health is necessary for family income, productivity, and economic progress. As a result, rehabilitating and sustaining functional ability is a critical role of health care. National security has been defined as a state’s capacity to provide safety and defense for its citizens. On the other hand, global security emerged out of the requirement imposed on nations by nature and a variety of different activities, most notably globalization, according to Kalyayev et al. (2019). There are several security challenges that the world’s global society will have to address, ranging from drug trafficking to border conflicts, but the most apparent and most discussed is terrorism. Additionally, primary issues of workers or employees should be examined internationally, including job benefits, safety, healthcare, and security.

Several problems relating to the concerns mentioned above include the following. The primary concern for benefits is financial well-being, development and advancement, general employee perks, family benefits, and other previously disregarded advantages. Concerns about employer-sponsored health insurance and retirement benefits. Even though many workers are content with their health benefits, the poll discovered that some are prepared to make concessions. Concerning safety, the issues that should be addressed include biohazards on the job, slipping and tripping, and safe contractions and construction ( Materia et al., 2020). One of the fundamental issues confronting global security is the idea of the security complex, a scenario in which nations’ security concerns are so inextricably linked that one state’s security requirements cannot be evaluated in isolation from the security needs of other states.

Delivering benefits on schedule and in the manner in which they should be without hesitation and specified in the employment agreement. Health insurance premiums must be paid before their expiration or due dates. The solution to the safety risk would be to notify personnel in advance of any potential biohazards or probable contractions in work. Materia et al. (2020) argue that the solution to such competition is collaboration, which can only be found via state-led global security efforts.

The methods outlined above would be successful since they directly address the problems mentioned. Workers develop faith in their employers; similarly, when employees are made aware of potentially hazardous components or chemicals around and inside, they feel cared for. Employees would feel more secure working for a firm that prioritizes their health by paying health insurance premiums on time and has no trouble discharging an ill employee. Finally, when countries unite, their collaboration will assist in materializing global security since there will be no border disputes or inter-state wars.

Global leadership is described as the ability to lead individuals spread throughout many parts. They must mobilize varied and dispersed stakeholders and coworkers to accomplish tasks. Global executives must also navigate five additional impediments: distance, cultures, time zones, technology communication, and negotiating complicated organizational structures such as matrix or network organizations (Kalyayev et al., 2019). They are in charge of employees who work in highly scattered virtual teams. The team will include personnel from various cultures, each with its own set of expectations and methods of operation. Global teams work across time zones and are primarily reliant on communication technologies, introducing additional coordination and communication issues. Global teams are often organized in an international organizational structure resembling a matrix (Kalyayev et al., 2019). Global leaders must foster an awareness of when globalization brings value and when it is preferable to stay local. They need the stylistic flexibility necessary to lead individuals with wildly divergent expectations of leadership and the required resilience and honesty to stand for something.

The worldwide audience’s requirements include health, benefits, safety, and security. Governments must see citizen safety and security holistically in this new world and collaborate across borders. With cooperation is ingrained in four interconnected domains: benefits, safety, health, and global security. We invite executives to review their current practices and recommend improvements to increase their capacity to provide a more secure future for their employees. Regardless of cultural variations, personnel would be taught using various methods, including virtual training, seminars, and in-person conferences. To determine the effectiveness of employee training, I would adopt a cross-check technique, in which I would allow workers to voice their problems, shortcomings, strengths, and future expectations.


Kalyayev, A., Efimov, G., Motornyy, V., Dzianyy, R., &Akimova, L. (2019). Global Security Governance: Conceptual Approaches and Practical Imperatives. Education Excellence and Innovation Management through Vision 2020, 4484-4495.

Materia, F. T., Faasse, K., & Smyth, J. M. (2020).Understanding and preventing health concerns about emerging mobile health technologies. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 8(5), e14375.


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