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Becoming an Informed Voter: An In-Depth Analysis of Georgia’s 1st Congressional District and Senatorial Representation


This research paper examines Georgia’s 1st Congressional District and the state’s political history and voting patterns over 25 years. This paper examines Representative Buddy Carter and Senator Raphael Warnock’s rise to power and voting records to determine if they have kept their promises and if their legislation aligns with Biblical principles and their constituents’ beliefs. The paper will examine the representatives’ interest group ratings, major legislative projects, and conservative or liberal records using themes from the “Becoming an Informed Voter” presentations. This detailed research allows us to assess Georgia’s congressional delegation’s representation of voters’ values. Georgia’s 1st Congressional District has counties with different political histories and demographics. Over the past 25 years, Georgia’s vibrant political scene has seen significant voting pattern shifts, reflecting national political changes. This research paper examines Georgia’s 1st Congressional District, the state, and Representative Buddy Carter and Senator Raphael Warnock’s backgrounds, legislative efforts, and interest group ratings to determine whether their actions align with Biblical principles and voters’ beliefs. By looking at these factors, we may determine if Georgia’s congressional delegation truly reflects its constituents or if discrepancies may affect future voting.

25-Year Political History of Georgia State

The late 1990s-2000s: Transition from Democratic to Republican Dominance

Since the Reconstruction era following the Civil War, Georgia was dominated by the Democratic Party. However, the state started shifting towards the Republican Party around the turn of the century (Nodia & Scholtbach, 2006); this culminated in the 2002 gubernatorial election, where Republican Sonny Perdue defeated incumbent Democratic Governor Roy Barnes, marking the first time since Reconstruction that a Republican served as Georgia’s Governor.

2002-2010: Governorship of Sonny Perdue

Sonny Perdue served two terms as Governor from 2003 to 2011. His tenure marked a shift in Georgia’s political landscape as more state offices (N.G.A., 2015), including the state legislature, began to turn Republican.

2011-2018: Governorship of Nathan Deal

Nathan Deal, another Republican, succeeded Perdue as Governor, serving two terms from 2011 to 2019(Nodia & Scholtbach, 2006). His administration was marked by efforts to reform the state’s criminal justice system and improve the economy after the 2008 recession.

2018: Stacey Abrams vs Brian Kemp Gubernatorial Election

In 2018, the Governor’s race between Republican Brian Kemp and Democrat Stacey Abrams was hotly contested. Kemp, Secretary of State at the time, narrowly won an election marred by allegations of voter suppression (Nodia & Scholtbach, 2006). Abrams did not concede the race, claiming Kemp used his position to interfere in the election.

2021: Senate Runoff Elections

In 2021, Georgia held two Senate runoff elections which were pivotal in determining control of the U.S. Senate. The Democrats, Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock won their respective races against incumbent Republicans David Perdue (cousin of Sonny Perdue) and Kelly Loeffler (Nodia & Scholtbach, 2006); this marked the first time Georgia elected a Democratic senator since Zell Miller in 2000.

25-Year Political History of Georgia’s 1st Congressional District

This changing political climate extends to Georgia’s 1st Congressional District, which includes each city and rural area, encapsulating the nation’s political microcosm. Over the past 25 years, the district has experienced massive demographic and socioeconomic shifts (Rea & Leonard, 2022). The increase of city regions in the district, especially in Savannah, has brought diverse political viewpoints, contributing to the district’s moderate political leanings.

Moreover, over time, the district’s representation in Congress has contemplated this changing political climate. Representatives elected from the Republican and Democratic parties have served the 1st Congressional District, demonstrating its variable political alignment. In the context of this changing district, Representative Buddy Carter’s tenure illustrates the complexities of representing a place in transition.

Congressional and Presidential Voting Patterns

While Georgia’s 1st Congressional District has historically leaned Republican in its Congressional representation, it has additionally displayed bipartisan dispositions in presidential elections. Mirroring the nation’s normal developments, the district has shown growing support for Democratic presidential candidates in recent years (Rea & Leonard, 2022), reflecting its changing demographics and political leanings.

Georgia has demonstrated a mixed voting history throughout 31 presidential elections between 1900 and 2020. In the most recent 2020 presidential election, the state favoured Joe Biden (D). However, Georgia’s accuracy in picking the winning presidential candidate stood at 54.8% between 1900 and 2020, increasing to 66.7% from 2000 to 2020 (National Archives, 2019). Historically, Georgia has leaned more towards the Republican party, with 32.3% of the time voting for Republican candidates since 1900 and a significant 83.3% since 2000. The Democratic party, on the other hand, received support in 64.5% of the elections from 1900 to 2020, but its share decreased to 16.7% from 2000 to 2020.

Background of Senator Raphael Warnock and Representative Buddy Carter

Buddy Carter

Representative Buddy Carter got a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy from the University of Georgia. After graduating, he opened a thriving community pharmacy in Georgia. Carter’s healthcare experience informs his legislative activity. From 1996 to 2004, Buddy Carter was Pooler, Georgia’s mayor. He learned government and community leadership during his time (Buddy Carter House, n.d.). From 2009 to 2014, he was a Georgia State Senator. Carter supported conservative values, including small government and lower taxation as a State Senator. He won the 2014 U.S. Georgia’s 1st Congressional District representative.

Raphael Warnock

Senator Raphael Warnock has a B.A. in psychology from Morehouse College. Union Theological Seminary awarded him a Master of Divinity. Union Theological Seminary awarded Warnock a Ph.D. in Systematic Theology. His theology and divinity studies have shaped his social justice advocacy. Raphael Warnock is the Senior Pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. His pastoral practice has incorporated civil rights action and community development (Itkowitz & Rodriguez, 2022). Raphael Warnock entered politics through advocacy and community organizing. He addressed voting rights, criminal justice reform, and healthcare access as Ebenezer Baptist Church’s Senior Pastor. Many groups supported his community work. Warnock sought the U.S. Georgia Senate seat, challenging Kelly Loeffler. He campaigned on increasing healthcare, criminal justice reform, and voting rights. After a close runoff, Raphael Warnock became Georgia’s first African American senator (, 2021). These histories show how Representative Buddy Carter and Senator Raphael Warnock’s backgrounds shape their legislative goals and governing styles (Rea & Leonard, 2022). Understanding their backgrounds helps determine how well they represent Georgia’s 1st Congressional District and state residents.

Buddy Carter and Raphael Warnock’s Legislation

Buddy Carter’s Legislation

The FairTax Act of 2021 (H.R. 25, 117th Congress), sponsored by Georgia’s 1st congressional district Republican Earl “Buddy” Carter, repealed the income tax and other taxes and implemented a national sales tax administered by the States to promote freedom, fairness, and economic opportunity. Despite being in Representative Carter’s campaign platform, the bill did not proceed past the introduction stage in the 117th Congress and expired in a prior session due to a lack of votes (Buddy Carter House, n.d.). The legislation’s simplicity, fairness, encouragement of work, avoidance of usury, and potential support for low-income people may align with biblical principles (Nelson, 2022). Still, other theological perspectives may raise concerns about its impact on vulnerable populations or economic consequences.

Senator Raphael Warnock’s Legislation

The “John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act,” co-sponsored by Senator Raphael Warnock in 2021, protects voting rights and prevents discrimination. The John Lewis Act ensures that all citizens can vote without prejudice or obstacles (, 2021). This law promotes biblical justice and equality. Senator Warnock supports this bill because Micah 6:8 says, “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? Act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God.”

Representative Buddy Carter and Senator Raphael Warnock Interest Group Ratings

Interest groups rated Senator Raphael Warnock 100% in 2021 and 2021-2022, respectively. However, F.R.C. Action scored him 0% for 2021. Progressive groups rate Senator Warnock well, while conservative groups rate him negatively. The American Conservative Union (A.C.U.) rated Representative Buddy Carter 85% in 2020 (VotesSmart, 2019), while the American Democratic Action (A.D.A.) and American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) rated him 0% in 2021-2022. A.D.A. and ACLU gave Representative Buddy Carter dismal ratings, while conservative A.C.U. Gave him high ratings.

Classifying Representative Buddy Carter and Senator Raphael Warnock

Analysis of Interest Group Ratings

Senator Raphael Warnock is liberal, and Representative Buddy Carter is conservative based on their ratings and legislative achievements. Progressive groups, A.D.A. and ACLU, gave Senator Raphael Warnock 100% ratings. These ratings show that Senator Warnock supports liberal policies. A.D.A. and ACLU gave Representative Buddy Carter 0% scores, indicating his less progressive positions (VotesSmart, 2019). The conservative American Conservative Union (A.C.U.) gave him 85%. Representative Carter’s grade implies conservative views. Senator Warnock is liberal, and Representative Carter conservative based on interest group ratings and their policies. Their positions and evaluations from liberal and conservative organizations determine these groupings.

Legislative Comparison

Representative Buddy Carter’s conservative classification is supported by conservative interest organizations’ high ratings and conservative legislation (VotesSmart, 2019). He effectively represents Georgia’s conservative 1st Congressional District with this ideology. Senator Raphael Warnock’s progressive priorities and civil rights advocacy justify his liberal label. He can effectively represent Georgia’s liberal constituents and ensure their progressive values are acknowledged. Both members’ categories shape their legislative agendas and represent their constituencies’ various ideologies.


In conclusion, Georgia’s 1st Congressional District and Senator Raphael Warnock’s representation show a diverse political landscape that reflects the state’s shifting demographics and voting habits. Conservative interest groups rate Representative Buddy Carter well, and he supports conservative legislation. Representative Carter may represent conservatives well. Senator Raphael Warnock’s high ratings from liberal interest groups and progressive legislation justify his liberal label. Liberal constituents may relate to Senator Warnock’s representation. Georgia’s congressional delegation, with one conservative and one liberal representative, demonstrates that citizens have diverse views and perspectives. As shown by tight elections and voting patterns, demographic changes and national trends have made Georgia’s politics more competitive. Representative Carter and Senator Warnock may efficiently represent their ideological bases, but the larger question is whether the congressional delegation truly represents all Georgians. Georgia’s political scene is becoming more diversified. Thus, representation should include all views and beliefs. Elected officials must have meaningful conversations with citizens from various backgrounds to ensure that the congressional delegation reflects Georgian ideals. To bridge differences and represent the state’s interests, bipartisanship and common ground on crucial issues are essential. Informed voters keep elected officials accountable and ensure their actions reflect our beliefs and goals. By being updated on legislative projects, interest group ratings, and voting histories, we can make informed voting decisions and actively shape our state and nation. In the goal of a more representative democracy, citizens’ active engagement, constructive discourse, and commitment to understanding other perspectives are essential. Georgia’s congressional delegation can only reflect its citizens’ different opinions and ambitions by working together and committing to the common good.


Buddy Carter House. (n.d.). Biography: U.S. Representative Buddy Carter. (2021). Raphael G. Warnock.

Itkowitz, C., & Rodriguez, S. (2022). Who is Sen. Raphael Warnock? Washington Post.

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Nelson, C. (2022, May 9). Q&A: U.S. Rep. Earl L. “Buddy” Carter, candidate for U.S. House, District 1 – The Current Q&A: Buddy Carter says he is right about electoral college objection. The Current.

Nodia, G., & Scholtbach, Á. P. (2006). The Political Landscape of Georgia: Political Parties: Achievements, Challenges and Prospects. In Google Books. Eburon Uitgeverij B.V.

Rea, B., & Leonard, J. (2022). Buddy Carter wins Georgia’s 1st congressional district.

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VotesSmart. (2019). The Voter’s Self-Defense System. Vote Smart.


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