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My Writing Experience in an Academic Context

Every step I take as I make my way through the complexities of academics is a new writing experience, complete with its own set of challenges. It amazes me how much the numerous writing tasks I completed over my academic career have shaped the way I write and think about the world. With the guidance and directions from my teachers, my English has improved helping me write better. I have more experience from the class to hone my writing abilities after each essay. I constantly make mistakes with language, word choice, and sentence construction. One of the things I should already be doing to manage my writing is asking my friends for comments as I write more. Looking through the complicated journey of academic writing, I have encountered an embroidery of experiences that have shaped my perception of this intellectual realm.

Although I was taught how to write journals in high school, we were never taught how to write academic essays, which is why my prior writing is so poor. Feedback from fellow students indicates that my writing could benefit from incorporating more questions, strong arguments, and proper grammar. I love writing about it nonstop, but I find spelling and grammar to be the most challenging aspects of writing which I don’t like. In addition, in Academic writing, long sentences can also be challenging to me. Writing lengthy sentences with a lot of information can be challenging to read, and readers who frequently want to pause can be challenging to engage (Budjalemba et al.). My experience tells me not to use too long sentences in my essay. “Therefore, in the United States, many students started to learn English when they were kids with easy lessons and improved, widened their knowledge and experience of learning English during they go to schools and English teaching centre as English classes,” I wrote in my first draft of my essay, for example. My teacher then suggested that I break this sentence up into smaller, fully meaningful sentences. I then made the following correction: “Therefore, many students in the United States, began learning English when they were young. They started with simple classes and developed, expanding their English language learning experience and expertise.” This experience showed me how important it is to keep on learning how to write.

There are things I enjoyed and learned amidst the peaks and valleys of my academic writing journey. I learned that reading is crucial after that to improving my writing. This crucial step is required to provide readers with some additional value in my writing. My writing abilities can be improved by using a range of writing resources, which will be very helpful for my essays. I gain knowledge about the reading’s sentence construction, word selection, and content flow. The more I read, the more I will learn how to write effectively and without spelling and grammar errors. I make students read passages from the textbook during class to complete homework assignments before beginning new ones. I can write with more ideas and opinions as a result. For my second assignment, for instance, I write about chocolate advertising and how it impacts consumers. Bill’s book “The Hard Sell: Advertising in America” gives me facts and specifics that I can use in my essay.

Some assignments have glowed as personal interests, while others have smoldered with disinterest. I like writing persuasive essays because I can persuade, that is change people’s views using words and topics. This holds my interest. Building a strong case and preventing problems before they start is just another exciting way to think about writing (Budjalemba et al.). I have enjoyed past job duties that were a little bit of everything. I would rather have interesting assignments, where I need to think and generate new ideas instead of answering many questions.

In conclusion, navigating through school writing, I have discovered hidden personal growth and happiness. Budjalemba et al. stressed that writing is a cognitive activity since students have to take into account different issues. Every task, be it an enjoyable one or hard work; I view as adding to my skills. The world of learning feels to me as if I am using words to draw a picture on the pages, investigating how rules and suggestions function. And as I continue on this big adventure, I relish the problems and savor the wins. However, what I know is that every word written intensifies the kind of journey my schooling becomes.

Work Cited;

Budjalemba, Algrenita Silvina, and Listyani Listyani. “Factors contributing to students difficulties in academic writing class: Students perceptions.” UC Journal: ELT, Linguistics and Literature Journal 1.2 (2020): 135-149.


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