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Authoritarianism Essays

Personality and Political Attitudes

Abstract This study investigates the complex relationship between character traits and political views, striving to uncover how personal personality attributes affect one’s political convictions and philosophies. Drawing on an exhaustive analysis of prior studies, this article seeks to uncover the intricate connection between character attributes and political viewpoint, spotlighting the function of variables like the ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3441


Introduction Since the study of politics began, the argument over how to conceive and organise regimes into separate categories has been ongoing. Some authors, such as Przeworski et al., Gandhi, and Svolik, have used dichotomous conceptualisations of democracy in recent years. In contrast, others, such as Levitsky, Way, and Schedler, have argued for the inclusion ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2289
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The Role of Islamic Women

Introduction Islam is one of the world’s known religious communities in the world. Muslims are monotheistic, and they worship only one God, who they refer to as Allah. In Islam, women hold different positions depending on the beliefs and laws given by the religion. The experiences of Islamic women differ depending on the societies and ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2989
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