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Archaeology Essays

The Evolution and Spread of Human

Modern humans, Homo sapiens, are the only surviving species in the human genus, originating 300,000 years ago in Africa. Since then, we have evolved physically and cognitively. Homo habilis emerged in Africa 2.8 million years ago, starting our human ancestry. Although still ape-like, Homo habilis developed upright walking and a little bigger brain than its ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1844

History/Classical Archaeology

Introduction The field of historical archaeology, also called classical archaeology, is dedicated to examining and elucidating the comparatively recent historical era (Silliman, 2020.). Archaeology is mainly concerned with the physical remnants and objects left behind by human civilizations, spanning from the emergence of written documentation to contemporary times. Classical archaeology and historical records of ancient ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2893
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Chinese Archaeology and Tourism

In revitalizing its tourism sector, China emphasizes protecting and conserving its historical and archaeological sites. Again, while also indulging in sustainable development measures to ascertain the security of its historic site, the nation enhances its management system to encourage heritage tourism. Much research has been done on China’s archaeology and its role in tourism. The ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1796

Public Presentations and Private Concerns: Archaeology in the Pages of National Geographic

Introduction Joan Gero and Dolores Root examine how archaeology is represented in National Geographic and how it has been tied to the formation of the dominant political ideology in the United States. The authors argue that the magazine’s coverage of archaeology helps to further the ideological goals and perspectives of American expansionism and capitalism. The ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 866
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