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Application of Theory Paper and Reflection

The application of nursing theory is essential to the development and progress of our profession. Furthermore, nursing theory enables one to understand and impact patients’ health. In this paper, I will analyze the aspect of nursing practice I find most interesting. Moreover, I will integrate the middle-range nursing theory of the Health Promotion Model (HPM) by Nola Pender in the teaching practice provided to my community during my clinical placement. This analysis shall entail a description of the nursing situation under consideration, its application tie, its origin, and previous nursing literature available, and the final part discussing the expectation of nursing practice following the assimilation of nursing theory in the nursing intervention to the patient.

Summary of the Nursing Situation

The case study under consideration is that which was experienced during my clinical placement. Specific patient, staff, or hospital details are not expected to be shared as this would breach confidentiality. The case study is a situation I have dealt with while participating in my clinical placement at the hospital (Ortiz, 2023). I will discuss a situation with a physiological problem of a patient that I have identified, the patient’s caretaker who suggested me of a vulnerable patient, my role in handling or managing the identified problem, and any ethical issue that I have been confronted with in the clinical placement.

Description of the Health Promotion Model

Nola Pender is a nursing theorist who developed the Health Promotion Model in 1996 (HPM). The Health Promotion Model focuses on preventing illness and increasing health and well-being. The health promotion model is perfect for vulnerable populations because it accounts for the many variables that affect the health of a group of people, such as the culture or financial issue that is a contributing factor to their care (Turner & Reed, 2023). The model is based on individuals and their characteristics of what barriers and benefits they find to health promotion behaviors. The fundamental concepts of this model are personal factors, perceptions of benefits, perceptions of barriers, modifying factors, and health promotional behavior.

Origins and Previous Applications of the Health Promotion Model

Nola Pender, (1941). She is a vital nursing theorist who draws her principles from psychology, education, and nursing. Her most famous work cites the Health Promotion Model. This theory has been widely used in the health system; this model is flexible enough to get involved in various healthcare settings and has proven effective in promoting health behavior (Chen & Hsieh, 2021). Knowing Pender’s background and the fundamental pillars of the HPM would give a good understanding of this theory and how it is to be applied in nursing practice.

Application of the Health Promotion Model to the Identified Problem

Applying the HPM to the identified nursing problem includes thoroughly assessing personal factors, perceptions, and modifying factors. About the assigned situation, the HPM enables the nurse to individualize interventions to fit within the patient’s cultural values, financial constraints, and support of the community (Turner & Reed, 2023). By using the HPM, nurses can become more patient-centered and culturally competent, and the quality of health can be increased in the patient in the assigned situation.


There is much to be learned from reflecting on the application of the HPM to the nursing situation, my feelings, and the resulting learning experience. The reflective process allows a deeper understanding of how theory informs practice, recognizes challenges, and gains insights (Turner & Reed, 2023). Recognizing any personal changes since the beginning of this experience and any alternate approaches for the future will contribute to my ongoing professional growth and development.

In conclusion, nursing theory is critical in incorporating the practice into nursing. The theory provides significant guidance and the framework for dissecting the daily problems arising in nursing practices. Applying the theory assembles holistic, patient-centered, and culturally competent care, ultimately leading to personal and clinical growth. As nursing advances, it will be crucial to incorporate middle-range theories to further uplift the significance of the nursing profession in terms of patient care and healthcare outcomes.


Chen, H.-H., & Hsieh, P.-L. (2021). Applying the Pender’s Health Promotion Model to Identify the Factors Related to Older Adults’ Participation in Community-Based Health Promotion Activities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health18(19), 9985.

Ortiz, M. R. (2023). Health Policy: Nursing Theory as Inspiration for Policy Development36(3), 299–302.

Turner, A. R., & Reed, S. M. (2023). Theory Analysis: The Health Promotion Model and Motivation in Physical Activity. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice, RTNP–2022-0085.R1.


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