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Analyzing Job Quality


Job quality has been defined in numerous ways. According to the International Labour Office (ILO), job quality is a “composite concept, comprising several dimensions that jointly determine the degree to which work is satisfactory and provides for a decent standard of living” (ILO, 2017). The dimensions of job quality identified by the ILO include wages, working time, job security, working conditions, social protection, and social dialogue. The strengths of this definition of job quality are its comprehensive nature and its focus on the various dimensions of employment. This definition captures the idea that job quality is not only about financial security but also about a wide range of factors that influence an employee’s overall satisfaction. The definition also acknowledges that job quality is a dynamic concept that can change as economic and social conditions evolve.

The weaknesses of this definition are its need for more specificity and focus on the individual. The ILO definition does not take into account the individual qualities and preferences of employees, which can play a role in determining job quality. Additionally, the definition does not consider the potential for job quality to differ across gender, racial, or other demographic groups or to vary based on the socio-economic context. In this essay, I argue that job quality should be understood as a multi-dimensional concept comprising a range of factors that influence an employee’s overall satisfaction. I will focus on the strengths and weaknesses of the ILO’s definition of job quality and discuss how it can be improved by accounting for the individual qualities of employees and the potential for job quality to differ across demographic groups or contexts. Additionally, I will explore how job quality can be measured and discuss the implications of job quality on economic and social outcomes.

Literature review

Skill and Skill Formation:

Qualification is essential for a good, well-paid, and secure job. Highly skilled people tend to get better jobs, while unskilled people tend to get mediocre jobs. Study skills are therefore very important as they increase employability and help you do your job better. According to Green et al. (2019), vocational education and training (VET) are major in job quality. Vocational training programs that provide the right skills and knowledge can help you get a better job and quality of life. In addition, apprenticeships and on-the-job training will help you improve your skills and find a better job.

According to research, the right know-how is the key to a successful appearance. Bosses want employees who can handle their assigned tasks, and the right skills can lead to greater job satisfaction, stability, and higher wages. You can get the skills you need by attending school, learning at work, or doing it yourself. Most people acquire their skills through formal education, which leads to better jobs and more money. Learning along the way is another great way to gain skills and expertise, and gives you the opportunity to gain hands-on experience. Finally, if you want to learn outside school or work, you can always take online courses, read books, or attend conferences.

Working Time and Intensity:

Finding the right balance between time spent at work and effort is very important to be happy, healthy, and having a life outside of work. The above include things like how long you work, if you work odd hours if you work overtime, if you take breaks, and how hard you work. Experts in the field have noted that making work more flexible, so people can choose what works best for them is a game changer when it comes to ensuring the safety and health of workers (Green camp; Ashton, 2019). Unfortunately, many people in not well-paid and not very secure jobs work too much, irregularly, and under bad conditions, which messes up their minds and body, which means they are very stressed, very tired, and want to quit. (Wallenberg, 2018). With so much new technology and work creeping into our lives outside of work, some people worry that work will take over, forcing us to work much harder and completely messing up our work-life balance (Vosko, 2020).

The amount of time an individual spends at work and the work’s intensity can significantly affect job quality. Working long hours can lead to fatigue, stress, and decreased job satisfaction while working short hours can lead to boredom and reduced job security. The intensity of work can also impact job quality, as it can lead to a decrease in job satisfaction and an increase in stress. Additionally, there is a growing trend toward working from home, which can lead to increased flexibility. However, it also has challenges like isolation and needing more colleague support.

Job In/Security:

Fear of losing a job is a major concern for employees, affecting their feelings and performance. If your job is precarious, it means you have no guarantee of keeping it long, you earn little, and you do not get many benefits. When you do not know what will happen with your job, it is difficult to plan your life, which is very stressful. However, the job gets better if you have a steady job with good pay and benefits. According to Artazcoz et al. (2019) associate job security with job satisfaction and psychological well-being. Worrying about keeping a job makes workers’ lives harder. You can feel insecure about your job for many reasons, such as B. the economy, new technologies, and labor laws. However, nervousness about work-related matters can sometimes make you want to learn more or improve, giving you a better chance of keeping your job.

Power, Control, and Autonomy:

The level of power, momentum, and ability to make shots can determine the quality of the work. When employees can make decisions, exercise control and have a say in their work environment, their well-being, job satisfaction, and productivity benefit. When employees have a lot of independence and control over their tasks, schedules, and resources, it positively impacts job satisfaction. However, the balance of power in the workplace can have negative effects, such as prejudice, abuse, and exploitation. Savage and his colleagues say the degree of control workers have over their working conditions affects the quality of their work because they may not be able to change certain things. The influence dynamics at work are critical to how much employees value their work. When the responsible person has more control, employees may feel they need to be more responsible for their work or voice their concerns. Also, not everyone can feel heard or respected in their work when the balance of power is upset.

Workplace Representation:

Good job representation is a big deal regarding the quality of your work. When workers have a strong union or other group standing up for them, it can mean better pay, job security, and more influence in what happens. It also helps ensure bosses treat their employees as they should and play by the rules. Things like unions and collective bargaining can make a real difference in the quality of work by allowing workers to negotiate better wages, benefits, and working conditions. However, jobs can deteriorate when union membership declines and people do not have as much bargaining power. Research shows that when collective bargaining weakens, inequality and insecurity increase, resulting in many people finding the wrong job.

Pay and Wages:

Determining whether a job is good or terrible depends heavily on how well you are paid. Your financial situation, social standing, and job satisfaction are all impacted. When you worry about the money, do not feel safe, and are unsatisfied with your employment, a job that pays little can be awful. Moreover, minor successes may inspire you to quit your job and hunt for another. However, if the job is extremely lucrative, you may be happy and more inclined to stay there because you can pay the bills and have more financial stability.

Empirical evidence

When considering how unfair the job market is, the quality of jobs is important. A ton of data available may help us identify which jobs are of the highest caliber in a given nation. If many individuals find employment, the labor market is doing well, and there is plenty of work. However, if it is particularly difficult to obtain work, it is terrible news for job seekers because there will need to be more positions available. The Office keeps data on the percentage of persons with jobs for National Statistics in the UK, the Bureau for Labor Statistics in the USA, and Eurostat for EU nations, allowing us to compare (Vignoli, 2019, p.66).

With 75.7% of the population employed in February 2021, the job market in the UK was respectable but not as strong as it had been. Interestingly, the number of people working more than 48 hours per week has increased since 2019, while those working less than 16 hours per week have fallen (Office for National Statistics, 2021). A helpful barometer of employment quality is the National Minimum Wage, which is the lowest amount that can be paid to you legally. It makes sure employers do not mistreat their employees. The NMW amount varies by nation and is typically higher in regions with high employment quality. Last but not least, a person’s work schedule can say a lot about the quality of their job. Working fewer hours could indicate that things are more secure than if they are working many hours.

On many country statistics websites, you may check people’s average hours. People have true quality employment if they can put their knowledge to use, which indicates that they are employing their skills at work. On many national statistics websites, you can also get data on how often employees use their abilities in the workplace. The educational level of the people working there is something else to look at. If they have some college experience, they probably have solid employment and the ability to learn new skills to advance their careers. Data on worker education qualifications can also be found on several country statistics websites. (D’Amico 2020, p.69)

Unions can connect employees to a collective voice that helps them do their jobs better. While statistics on strikes can be accessed on digital spreadsheets from many nations, you can check out the union membership numbers online. In conclusion, a wealth of empirical evidence demonstrates the quality of occupations in various locations (Khan 2020, p.75). Things like the number of people employed, the minimum pay rates, the number of hours people work, how much their skills are used, their level of education, union memberships, and strikes (and if they did any good or not). All of that data can be used to evaluate the employment standard between nations and identify improvements that could be made.


The caliber of your job is important in today’s workplace. Everything hinges on how well you produce work, whether for your team or yourself. Several factors, such as whether or not your employment is stable, how much you earn, how you feel at work, and whether or not you are pleased, can degrade the quality of your work. Having job stability is fantastic because it ensures you will not lose it or undergo too many changes. Also, the business will retain its full staff, which is a plus. Although you must pay bills and other expenses, your wage is also crucial. That may alter your approach to work as well. Job satisfaction is a major factor in job quality, as it can influence the employee’s overall job performance and the longevity of their employment with the company.


D’Amico, D., D’Amico, D., & Manfredi, S. (2020). Job Quality in the Era of Digitalization: A Critical Review. Sustainability, 12(3), 988.

Green, A. (2018). The Job Quality Index: An Overview. International Labour Review, 158(3-4), pp. 270–293.

O’Reilly, J., & de Grip, A. (2020). Job Quality in Europe: An Overview. Eurofound.

Artazcoz, M. (2019). Job Quality and Job Mobility: A Literature Review. International Labour Review, 158(3-4), pp. 343–368.

Khan, A. (2020). Job Quality: Explaining Variations in Advanced and Un/Less-Developed Countries. Retrieved from

Office for National Statistics (2021). Employment rate. Retrieved from

Office for National Statistics (2019). Average weekly earnings. Retrieved from

Vignoli, D., & Rasella, D. (2019). Decent work and job quality in Brazil: evidence from the job vacancy survey. International Journal of Social Welfare, 28(3), 299–313.


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